List of villains in Static Shock

List of villains in Static Shock

This is an article of villains who appears in the series Static Shock.


*Voice Actor: Erika Velez ("Bad Stretch"); Yeni Alvarez ("Wet and Wild")


A Latina girl transformed into living water by the Big Bang. Aquamaria shorted out Static, but was captured by Rubber-Band Man. She was broken out of jail by Ebon, but Static stopped her using electrolysis. Aquamaria later teamed up with Hot-Streak, but was frozen by Static and Gear. Later, a team of scientists offered her the chance to be the first to try their antidote for the Big Bang mutagen, and despite an attempt by Hot-Streak to sabotage the treatment, Aquamaria was eventually returned to normal. She was based on a character from Blood Syndicate.

First Appearance

* "Bad Stretch"

Boom and Mirage

*Voice Actor: Ricky D'Shon Collins (Boom); Gavin Turek (Mirage)


After both of their parents died and they were taken in by their grandmother, brother and sister, Boom and Mirage, were exposed to a spill of the Big Bang gas. Boom was able to generate large amounts of sound waves from a loudspeaker on his chest, causing massive amounts of damage. Mirage's powers are of illusion casting. While it's implied that Boom's aggressive personality was affected by the Big Bang (Mirage tells Static that her brother never acted like that before), Mirage keeps her own personality and becomes increasingly disturbed by Boom's actions. She finally helps Static trap her brother and creates an illusion of Static flying away (to mislead Sharon, who was starting to suspect that Virgil and Static were the same person).

First Appearance

* "Brother-Sister Act"


* Voice Actor: Matt Ballard


A human mutated into an armadillo-like form similar to Armadillo, Carmendillo possessed a bulletproof hide and could be launched like a projectile. He lived in garbage cans and stole food. At one point, Carmendillo was accompanied by a dog-like Bang Baby (similar to the Blood Syndicate character Dogg) whom he calls "Chomper". Carmendillo had worked with the Meta-Breed and the Meta-Men, but mostly operated by himself, serving pretty much as a comic relief. In every episode he appeared, he only acts at the beginning and is quickly defeated, sometimes without interfering with the central plot.

First Appearance



* Voice Actor: Bumper Robinson


Once a member of the same gang as Dule, both were exposed together at the Big Bang gas, but Chainlink suffered the brunt of the attack. While Dule could hide his powers, Chainlink could not and was forced to show his metal tentacles all the time. In addition to the tentacles, Chainlink was able to absorb metal objects.

Jealous of the success and fame of his football career, Chainlink threatened Dule into giving him 90% of all his earnings. After Dule attempted to kill Chainlink, but failed, the two had a finale showdown at the football stadium, where Chainlink was eventually defeated and taken away by the police. He is similar to the character Doctor Octopus.

First Appearance

* "Linked"

Dwayne and Aaron

* Voice Actor: Blayn Barbosa (Dwayne); R.J. Knoll (Aaron)


Dwayne and Aaron are step brothers, but only Dwayne is a bang baby. Dwayne is shy and doesnt have very many friends, while Aaron has zero-interest in his younger stepbrother and hangs with several unruly crowds.

When Aaron finds out about Dwaynes Bang Baby powers (the ability to warp matter), Aaron tells his brother to use them to get him free money and other goods from the banks and malls of Dakota.

Static eventually discovers whats going on and tells Dwayne to stop listening to his brother. After not believing what Static is saying, Static plays a tape of himself (as Virgil) and Aron talking. The tape was all that Dwayne needed to hear, as Aron frequently expressed his dislike of Dwayne in the recording.

First Appearance

* "Child's Play"


* Voice Actor: Gary Sturgis


The head of a group of Bang Babies including Shiv and Talon, Ebon is a transmorph; a living shadow and inter-dimentional portal able to hide and become one shadows, as well as transport others to locations of his choice.

Ebons always recruiting members to add to his crew and has come head to head with several other Bang Babies over the course of his life. With a rivalry with Static and Gear, Ebon also doesnt get along too well with Madelyn or Hot-Streak.

When Dr. Todds Bang Baby cure was transforming them back into humans, Ebon staged a plan to get the last vial of Bang Baby gas and stage another "Big Bang"," one that would potentially create more Bang Babies than the first one.

Ebon and Hotstreak fought over the final vial of gas and eventually became one giant bang babythrowing shadows and fire all over Dakotas docks. With Static and Gear being the only two remaining Bang Babies, they were able to take down Ebon and Hot-Streakbut whether theyre still lurking somewhere in Dakotas waters is unknown.

Ebon's real name is Ivan Evans and he is Rubberband Man's brother.

First Appearance

* "The Breed"

Ebon/Hot-Streak - "Ebon-Streak"

* Voice Actor: No lines


When Dr. Todds Bang Baby cure was transforming them back into humans, Ebon staged a plan to get the last vial of Bang Baby gas and stage anotherBig Bang”, one that would potentially create more Bang Babies than the first one.

Ebon and Hot-Streak fought over the final vial of gas and eventually became one giant bang baby (being covered in shadow and fire, they resembled the a two-headed version of the Balrog from "The Lord of the Rings")—throwing shadows and fire all over Dakotas docks. With Static and Gear being the only two remaining Bang Babies, they were able to take down 'Ebon-Streak' — but whether theyre still lurking somewhere in Dakotas waters is unknown.

First Appearance

* "Power Outage"


*Voice Actor: Chick Vennera


Another victim of the Big Bang gas, Ferrets nose became much larger and gave him an incredible sense of smell.

Ferrets encounters with Static were few. Ferrets first ended with The Joker gassing him. He was cured by Batmans antidote and eventually began to cause trouble again, but not before, along with all the other Bang Babies, reverted back to his human form, when the antidote was spread throughout the city.

First Appearance

* "The Big Leagues"

Frankie and Royce

* Voice Actor: Rel Hunt (Frankie); Bumper Robinson (Royce)


Frankie and Royce stole a briefcase from a man on the subway on their way to school. After they opened the locked briefcase, they discovered that capsules of the Bang Baby gas were inside. Though Frankie wouldnt take any of the gas, Royce took too much and was transformed into a hideous Bang Baby, one that was eventually stopped by Static.

First Appearance

* "Pops' Girlfriend"

=Francis Stone/F-Stop/Hot-Streak=

* Voice Actor: Danny Cooksey


Hot-Streak (Francis Stone/F-Stop) was one of the gang members at the docks when the Big Bang occurred. After being exposed to the gas, Francis Stone became Hot-Streak. His powers added to his already hot-headedness by giving him the ability to create and shoot blasts of fire.

Hotstreak is one of Statics very first rivals, giving him a challenge nearly every time they meet.

When Dr. Todds Bang Baby cure was transforming them back into humans, Ebon staged a plan to get the last vial of Bang Baby gas and stage anotherBig Bang”, one that would potentially create more Bang Babies than the first one.

Ebon and Hot-Streak fought over the final vial of gas and eventually became one giant bang babythrowing shadows and fire all over Dakotas docks. With Static and Gear being the only two remaining Bang Babies, they were able to take down Ebon and Hotstreakbut whether theyre still lurking somewhere in Dakotas waters is unknown.

First Appearance

* "Shock to the System"


* Voice Actor: Tone Loc


Real name unknown, Hyde is physically mutated with thick folded skin, making him tougher and stronger (like the Rhino from Marvel Comics' Spider-Man). He managed to grab a piece of Static's coat, had Ferrett track down Static for some payback for ruining his plot, and nearly discovered his identity. The alias 'Hyde' comes from the fact that his skin has become thick and wrinkley like a rhinos or an Elephants.

First Appearance

* "Static Shaq"


* Voice Actor: Kevin Michael Richardson


Another victim of the Bang Baby gas incident at the docks, Kangors abilities included his powerful feet, which were oversized and wreaked a lot of damage.

Kangor was the first Bang Baby to be cured by Dr. Todds aerosol Bang Baby cure. Kangorr speaks with a Jamaican accent, and Jamaican music plays whenever he shows up or starts a fight.

First Appearance

* "The Big Leagues"


* Voice Actor: David Arquette


Leech is able to do just what his name impliesleech the powers from any Bang Baby and keep them as his own. Unfortunately, after awhile the powers wear out, and Leech requires the host to besuckeddry again.

While he had some of the most powerful bang babies under his capture, his plans were foiled by Static and LilRomeo. Remembering what Static had said about his powers, LilRomeoshortedout Leech after he absorbed Statics powers, frying him and leaving him unconscious.

First Appearance

* "Romeo in the Mix"


* Voice Actor: Matt Ballard


The son of Edwin Alva, he uses stolen Big Bang mutagen gas to give himself a variety of temporary metahuman powers and called himself "Omnifarious" (at first,Static mistakes this for "I'm nefarious"). Alva, Jr. combined all the samples of his altered/refined mutagenic gas, intending to use all those powers to destroy the main Alva Industries building, but instead turned into stone. He was the first villain to learn Static's real identity. His father later restored him to normal with the help of Static, Gear, and Hot-Streak.

First Appearance

* "Junior"

Madelyn Spaulding

* Voice Actor: Kimberly Brooks


Madelyn Spaulding is a spoiled, self-centered girl with green eyes and black hair. When the students of Dakota High wouldnt vote her as class president, she used her newly discovered Bang Baby powers to brainwash them. Static was able to evade her mind control and ended up frying Madelyns brain into forgetting everything. Despite learning of Statics identity previously, she forgot it when she was hospitalized.

Madelyn was later released from the hospital, but wasn't allowed back in school so she was forced to work at a comic book store. She was only able to remember a few moments from her encounter with Static. But with the loss of her original powers Madelyn gained new powers that enabled her to move things with her mind, which were triggered from her anger caused by thinking Virgil and Richie were laughing at her.

She freed Ebon, Hot-Streak and Talon from jail and tookchargeof the team. Her lead was short, however, as Ebon and she eventually had a fight, ending with both being sent to jail.

First Appearance

* "Attack of the Living Brain Puppets"

Puff and Onyx

* Voice Actor: Kimberly Brooks (Puff); Kevin Michael Richardson (Onyx)


Puffs Bang Baby powers includes a potent breath-mist (that apparently has a pungent odor) and the ability to make her legs turn into apuffcloud, which allows her to float and drift in the air.

Puffs been known to hang out with Hot-Streak, Carmendillo and even more so with Onyx.

Onyx is her longtime friend and together they were exposed to the Big Bang gas. Onxy was transformed into a giant, purple strong man, who is able to crush and smash things in his way with very little effort. Onyx is usually more forgiving than Puff, but is willing to do what she tells him to in order to get the job done.

First Appearance

* "Bent Out of Shape"


* Voice Actor: Richard Libertini


An old man that was affected by the Big Bang gas, Ragtag is able to transfer Bang Baby powers; this allows him to temporarily bestow abilities unto ordinary humans as well as relinquish those belonging to actual metahumans, but apparently cannot make use of any for himself. His only realpoweris the ones he holds over the people he gives the powers too; once they wear off, they always return to him. In order for him to keep giving, they must steal for him.

Static eventually found out about Ragtags powers and took him down with the help of Richie.

First Appearance

* "Powerplay"


* Voice Actor: Neil Patrick Harris


Johnny Morrow was a child superstar, but as he got older, people forgot about him. When he was afflicted by the Big Bang gas, Johnny gained the ability replicate himself, making stealing items and running from the cops incredibly easy.

In a tangle with Static, Johnny accidentally replicates Static instead of himself. With this Static clone, Johnny takes Static for acrime spreeacross Dakota, smearing Statics once good name. Static eventually discovers whats going on and puts a stop to Replay with the help of Richie.

First Appearance

* "Replay"


* Voice Actor: Coolio


Replikon is a metamorph with the ability to change his appearance at will and alter his molecular structure. Jealous of his friends success, Replikon terrorized Rubber-Band Man about his record deal with A.J. McLean. Repilkon captured A.J. and posed as him to get a deal signed with Replikon instead of Rubber-Band Man.

His plan was eventually revealed and Static and Rubber-Band Man took Replikon down.

The character's overall design is clearly based on Coolio, who also voices the character.

First Appearance

* "Duped"

=Run, Jump and Push=

* Voice Actor: Jason Marsden (Push), Kenny Blank (Jump), Philip Tanzini (Run)


The three cohorts of Ragtag, all of whom he granted special powers to do his dirty work for him. Run has super-speed, allowing him to move at a higher rate, both in locomotion and mobility. Jump can practically jump through space instantly - an ability preferably referred to as teleportation. And Push can generate purple energy (usually from the hands) to fend or blast away objects (hence the name); Push can also use this power defensively by generating a protective sphere around himself, capable of holding outside forces at bay, at least for as long as he still has power in him. He could also use his powers to exercise a form of levitation where he channels his power to the ground to act as propulsion, propelling him high into the air.

Pushis really Richie Foley, friend of Static. When Ragtag gave him his powers, he wouldnt tell Static where they came from; but when Richie was forced to steal for Ragtag, he turned on Run and Jump and sounded the alarm. Static showed up and together they took Run and Jump down.

First Appearance

* "Powerplay"


* Voice Actor: Brian Tochi


He is the immature jokester in the Meta-Breed; in fact, when he encountered The Joker, he tells the villain "Big fan, big fan...". Can generate "light energy", which he could blast at opponents, and fashion into weapons which he could hold, throw, or fashion around his arms and hands. Shiv was returned to normal at the end of the series.

First Appearance

* "The Breed"


* Voice Actor: Bumper Robinson


A heavy-set teenager (with a voice pattern similar to Fat Albert) who always steals other people's food, Slipstream was affected by the Big Bang and given incredible wind powers. After his first fight with Static, however, he was rarely heard from again.

First Appearance

* "Winds of Change"

Specs and Trapper

* Voice Actor: Patton Oswalt (Specs); Michael Rosenbaum (Trapper)


Two snobby brainiacs, Specs and Trapper are partners in crime. Whether its working for Edwin Alva or by themselves, they always get involved with Static and they always get defeated by Static.

Specs and Trapper nearly destroyed Edwin Alvas frozen son for ransom. Alva pleaded with Static to find them before they did and Static agreed, but only to save his sons life. Specs and Trapper were taken down and havent been heard from since.

First Appearance

* "The New Kid"



Eddie was "the nerd who all the other nerds would pick on" as Static said. Eddie knew Virgil and Daisy from a science camp and developed an obsessive crush on Daisy. After getting an internship at a laboratory, he steals a device called the Time Gauntlet, which allows the wearer to move so quickly it appears that the world is standing still. He uses his new power to steal and offers to steal gifts for Daisy. Gear designs a one-time use device for Static that mimics the Time Gauntlet's affects. When Speedwarp touches Static's device, it has the effect of causing to move extremely slowly, leading to his defeat.

First Appearance

* "Now You See Him..."


* Voice Actor: David Faustino


A disgruntled employee of Bernie Rast, Starburst attempted to sabotage Bernies new reality TV show with Static and Gear. With his knowledge of technology, Starburst was able to create a device that absorbed Statics powers and in turn humiliated him on TV.

Static and Gear eventually discovered the source to Starbursts powers and were able to disable his suit and reveal to Bernie Rast who it really was that was defeating them on his new reality show. Starburst was taken to jail and hasnt been heard from since.

First Appearance

* "Showtime"


* Voice Actor: Tia Texada


A teenage girl who was transformed into a half-human/half-avian creature and is bitter about it. Talon was covered in orange feathers, had claws and talons, and could fly; plus, she could emit a destructive hyper-sonic shriek from her mouth, like a harpy. She was a member of the Meta-Breed, and a frequent opponent of Static. Talon was restored to normal by a cure made by scientists from Big Bang gas; she agreed to help Static and Gear stop Ebon from becoming a metahuman again. At the hospital, Talon told Static and Gear that Ebon was using the Big Bang gas to create the Bang Babies again. One night at the hospital, Teresa got kidnapped by Ebon, who took her to the docks, but she was saved from being altered again by Static and Gear.

First Appearance

* "The Breed"

Tamara Lawrence

* Voice Actor: Ariyan Johnson


A young woman who can turn into a large, super-strong beast, but her eyes and ears are sensitive to light and sound. Tamara is accidentally caught in the Big Bang while looking for her boyfriend, Marcus Reed, trying to get them back together after he broke up with her. After the Big Bang, she attacks certain people as a monster to put Marcus, who she blames for her mutation, under suspicion. Tamara's monstrous transformation is a possible reference to Icon/Shadow Cabinet character Kevin Franklin/Payback. She is one of the Bang Babies that returned to normal.

First Appearance

* "The Usual Suspect"


* Voice Actor: John Cho


When Thomas Kim got angry, he transformed into theTantrum”, a purplish beast that could destroy and wreak havoc on those he was angry at.simmilar to marvel's hulk Static was eventually able totireTantrum out; doing this, he reverted back this human form. Thomas's father seemed to raise his son for academic perfection. This is implied to cause social problems for Thomas, including stress and anger. After Static verifies that Thomas and Tantrum are the same person, he tells this to Mr. and Mrs. Kim, so that Thomas can get help for his problems.

First Appearance

* "Tantrum"


* Voice Actor: John DiMaggio


Real name unknown. After the Big-Bang, the guy who would become 'Tarmack' became a transmorph; a large man of living hot tarmack; as such Tarmack is as strong and as tough as tar, able to pummel his way through any obstacle, and is also able project heat energy to melt obstacles.

When he was recruited by Specs and Trapper to steal a device from Edwin Alva, Tarmack decided he wanted in on the ransom money. Unfortunately for him, Static and Gear interfered, leaving the ransom money to never arrive. Tarmack's powers are similar to DC's Clayface.

First Appearance

* "Where the Rubber Meets the Road"


* Voice Actor: Wendie Malick


Dr. Roberts is the head of Edwin Alvas project to find Statics secret identity and expose him, Dr. Roberts funding was pulled when Alva lost interest in the project. Angry with Alva for going back on his word to fund her other project, she found out Statics identity herself and captured his father as blackmail. Stealing the components she needed, Static was able to eventually stop Omnaras plan of controlling every computer in the world via a virus with the help of an anti-virus created by Gear.

First Appearance

* "Kidnapped"

External links

* [ Static Shock at The World's Finest]

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