Dmytro Pavlychko

Dmytro Pavlychko
Dmytro Pavlychko
Дмитро Васильович Павличко
Born September 28, 1929(1929-09-28)
Stanisławów Voivodeship, Poland
Occupation poet, translator, scriptwriter, culturologist, political and public figure, dissident, diplomat
Language Ukrainian
Nationality Ukrainian
Alma mater Lviv University
Genres poems
Notable award(s) Hero of Ukraine, Honorary Doctor of Lviv University, Warsaw University

Dmytro Pavlychko (Ukrainian: Павличко Дмитро Васильович) - well-known Ukrainian poet, translator, scriptwriter, culturologist, political and public figure, dissident.



Dmytro Pavlychko was born on September 28, 1929 in a lumber worker family living in the village of Stopchatove near the Carpathian Mountains. Today this place is near town of Yabluniv in Kosiv Raion, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast. In 19451946 years he spent about 12 month in Soviet prison for alleged accusations of participation in UPA activities. There he celebrated his 16th birthday.

In 1953 Pavlychko graduated from Lviv University (Department of Philology), worked in "Zhovten" (now, "Dzvin") Magazine. Coming later to Kiev he worked in the office of the Writer's Union of Ukraine and in 19711978 as an editor at "Vsesvit" ("Universe") Magazine.

In his poetry works of Soviet period, first of which ("Love and hatred") was published in 1953, Pavlychko presented himself as publicist and civil activist, though constrained by that time censorship and compromising with existing rules. For the that literary work he was awarded the Shevchenko National Prize in 1977.

Besides writing own verses, he translated into Ukrainian language the poems of Shakespeare, José Martí, Nicola Vapcarov etc.

Many of Pavlychko poems were used for songs, most popular and famous of which is "Dva Kolyory" ("Two colours").

In late 80-s Dmytro Pavlychko was one of the founders of People's Movement of Ukraine, participated in the renewal of "Prosvita" Society as well as taking an active part in elaboration of the Act on Independence of Ukraine which was approved on August 24, 1991. In 90-s Pavlychko was the Ambassador of Ukraine to Poland and Slovakia.

He is a Honorary Doctor of Science of Lviv and Warsaw Universities, professor of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, the Hero of Ukraine.

Published works

  • Lyubov i nenavist ("Love and hatred"), 1953.
  • Moya zemlya ("My land"), 1953.
  • Chorna nytka ("Black thread"), 1958.
  • Pravda klyche ("Truth is calling"), 1958.
  • Granoslov, 1968.
  • Sonety podilskoy oseny ("Podillian autumn sonnets"), 1973.
  • Taemnytsya tvogo oblychchia ("Mistery of your face"), 1974, 1979.
  • Magistralyamy slova ("Through word's highways"), literary criticism, 1978.
  • Nad glybynamy ("Upon the depths"), literary criticism, 1984.
  • Spiral, 1984.
  • Poemy i pritchi ("Poems and parables"), 1986.
  • Bilya muzhniogo slova ("Next to the courageous word"), literary criticism, 1988.
  • Pokayanni psalmy ("Repentance psalms"), 1994.
  • World sonnets (translation), 1983.


  • Dmytro Vasylovych Pavlychko. (2004). Ukrainska Natsionalna Ideia : Statti, Vystupy, Interv'iu, Dokumenty, Vyd-vo Solomii Pavlychko Osnovy. ISBN 9789665001249.
  • Dmytro Vasylovych Pavlychko. (2002). Naperstok : Poezii, Vyd-vo Solomii Pavlychko Osnovy. ISBN 9789665002277.
  • Dmytro Vasylovych Pavlychko. (2002). Ukrainska Natsionalna Ideia, Vydavnychyi dim KM Akademiia. ISBN 9789665181729.
  • Dmytro Vasylovych Pavlychko. (1988). Bilia Muzhnoho Svitla : Literaturno-Krytychni Statti, Spohady, Vystupy, Rad. pysmennyk. ISBN 9785333000262.

External links

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