List of type designers

List of type designers

A type designer is a person who designs typefaces. Some type designers are employed by type foundries, or operate them. Others work independently. A partial list of type designers follows by country, with a signature typeface or two for significant designers. Schools of type design sometimes developed in specific western nations, but type design generally has not been defined by nationality.


* Rubén Fontana
* Alejandro Lo Celso
* Alejandro Paul
* Luis Siquot


* James Arboghast
* Graham Meade
* Paul Lloyd
* Wayne Thompson
* Stephen Banham


*Eduardo Recife
*Gustavo Lassala
*Dimitre Lima
*Claudio Rocha


* Danh Hong (Khmer Fonts)


* Rebecca Alaccari (Canada Type)
* Chester
* Ray Fenwick (type designer)
* Gerald Giampa
* Patrick Giasson
* Patrick Griffin (type designer) (Canada Type)
* John Hudson
* Ray Larabie
* Rod McDonald
* Ross Mills
* Jamie Nazaroff (Zang-O-Fonts)
* Jim Rimmer
* Nick Shinn (Brown, FF Fontesque, Walburn)


* Carlos Fabian Camargo (Andinistas)
* Cesar Puertas (Tipograma)
* Manuel Corradine (Corradine Fonts)


* Carlos Segura Cuba

Czech Republic

* Tomáš Brousil
* Veronika Burian (FF Maiola)
* Stanislav Maršo
* Oldřich Menhart
* Marek Pistora
* Vojtěch Preissig
* Jan Solpera
* František Štorm (Anselm, ITC Biblon)
* Pavel Teimer
* Josef Týfa


* Ato Yigezu Bisrat


* Antoine Augereau
* Alexandre de Berny
* Pierre Bézier
* Albert Boton
* Louis Braille
* Camut
* Adolphe Mouron Cassandre (Peignot, 1937)
* Charles Nicolas Cochin
* Simon de Colines
* Jean-Renaud Cuaz
* Firmin Didot
* François Didot
* François-Ambroise Didot
* Henri Didot
* Pierre Didot
* Xavier Dupré
* Roger Excoffon
* François Fournier
* Jean Claude Fournier
* Pierre Simon Fournier le jeune
* Claude Garamond (Garamond)
* Raymond Gid
* Robert Granjon
* Hector Guimard
* François Guyot
* Pierre Haultin
* Franck Jalleau
* Jean Jannon
* Nicolas Jenson
* Molé-le-Jeune
* Charles Peignot
* Gustave Peignot
* Louis Perrin
* Christophe Plantin
* Jean-François Porchez
* Charles Plumet
* Thierry Puyfoulhoux
* Jacques Sabon
* Wynkyn de Worde
* Christophe Féray


* Johann Michael Fleischman (Fleischman)
* Johann Gutenberg
* Erhard Kaiser (DTL Fleischmann, DTL Prokyon)
* Rudolf Koch (Kabel, Neuland, Wilhelm Klingspor Gotisch)
* Friedrich Poppl (Poppl-Pontifex, 1974; Laudatio, 1982)
* Paul Renner (Futura, 1927)
* Erik Spiekermann (FF Meta, ITC Officina, FF Info, FF Unit and others)
* Jan Tschichold (Sabon)
* Kurt Weidemann (ITC Weidemann, Biblica, Corporate ASE)
* Berthold Wolpe (Albertus)
* Gudrun Zapf von Hesse (Diotima, Alcuin)
* Hermann Zapf (Palatino, Optima, Zapf Chancery, Zapf Dingbats, Zapfino)


* Misztótfalusi Kis Miklós (Janson)


* S.K. Mohanty (Indic scripts Type Design & Bhutanese, Tibetan, Sinhalese scripts Type Design)Karambir Singh Rohilla Typographer (All Indian Language)


* Michael Everson (Duibhlinn, Everson Mono, Last Resort)


* Giambattista Bodoni (Bodoni)
* Giovanni de Faccio (Rialto)
* Piero De Macchi (Iveco, Nomina, Graphicus, Pancarré, Exemplar)
* Umberto Fenocchio (Linea, Sigla, Armonia)
* Giangiorgio Fuga (GFT Venexiano, GFT Murrina, GFT Lespresso Sans)
* Francesco Griffo (Bembo, Poliphilus)
* Aldus Manutius
* Aldo Novarese (Novarese, Eurostile, Fenice, Recta, Microgramma, ...)


* José Luis Acosta
* Jorge de Buen Unna
* Gabriel Martínez Meave
* Isaías Loaiza Ramírez
* Enrique Ollervides
* Leonardo Vázquez Conde


* Wim Crouwel
* Christoffel van Dijck (Monotype Van Dijck, Hollander and DTL Elzevir are based on his designs)
* Bram de Does (Trinité, Lexicon)
* Lucas de Groot (Thesis, TheAntiqua, Corpid, Calibri)
* Sem Hartz (Monotype Juliana)
* Jan van Krimpen (Spectrum, Romanée, Romulus, Haarlemmer, Lutetia, Cancellaresca Bastarda)
* Martin Majoor (FF Scala, FF Scala Sans, FF Seria, FF Seria Sans, FF Nexus Serif, FF Nexus Sans, FF Nexus Mix)
* Gerrit Noordzij (Ruse)
* Sjoerd de Roos (Hollandsche Mediæval, Grotius, Egmont, Libria, De Roos, Zilvertype)
* Fred Smeijers (OurType Arnhem, Fresco, Sansa, DTL Nobel, TEFF Renard, FF Quadraat)
* Gerard Unger (Swift, Hollander DTL Paradox, DTL Argo, Capitoleum, Flora, Praxis, Vesta, Big Vesta,)
* Albert-Jan Pool (FF DIN, URW Imperial, URW Linear, Mauritius I, FF OCR-F, Jet Set Sans, DTL HEIN GAS, Regenbogen Bold)

New Zealand

*Joseph Churchward
*Kris Sowersby
*Jack Yan


*Adam Półtawski (Antykwa Półtawskiego)


*Mario FelicianoDino dos Santos


* Hieromonk Makarije


* Zuzana Licko

outh Africa

* Brode Vosloo
* Garth Walker
* Richard Hart


* Joaquín Ibarra y Marín (Ibarra, circa 1770)


* Akke Kumlien (Kumlien Medieval)
* Karl-Erik Forsberg (Berling, Lunda, Carolus, Ericus, Gustavus, Polhem, Carolina Script, Aros Antiqua, and more)
* Bo Berndal (Sispos and Sisneg. Old Swedish standard (SIS 030011, 1973) for public road signs, displays, etc.)
* Franko Luin
* Anders de Flon
* Göran Söderström (Exemplar, Flieger, Navelfluff, Shabash, Trentor)


* Adrian Frutiger (Frutiger, Univers)
* Max Miedinger (Helvetica, Swiss 721)


* Anuthin Wongsunkakon

United Kingdom

* Paul Barnes (Guardian Egyptian, with Christian Schwartz, 2005)
* Jonathan Barnbrook (Mason, Exocet,1996 released through Emigre fonts, Nylon, Prototype, Bastarda)
* John Baskerville
* Neville Brody (Arcadia, 1986)
* Matthew Carter (Snell Roundhand, 1965; Shelley Script, 1972; Galliard, 1978; Skia, Georgia, Mantinia, all 1993; Verdana, 1996; Tahoma, 1999)
* William Caslon (Caslon)
* Roy Cole (Lina, 2004)
* Timothy Donaldson (Humana, Postino)
* Eric Gill (Gill Sans, Perpetua, both 1928; Joanna, 1937)
* Robert Harling (typographer)
* Ashley Havinden (Ashley Script, 1955, Ashley Inline, 1993)
* Justin Howes (Founder's Caslon, 1998)
* Edward Johnston (Johnston, 1916)
* Stanley Morison (Times New Roman)
* Jason Smith (BBC1, ITV, Channel 4)
* Bruno Maag (Tesco, Tottenham Hotspur, Telewest, Urban Splash, BT, BMW, Vodafone) Dalton Maag Type Design

United States

* Bill Bailey (HP Postnet barcode, 1986; Cyrillic Script typefaces in HP printers, 1997 "drawn for Agfa-Monotype" (now Monotype Corporation); "MICRDIMM" E13B, CMC-7, 1997; UPS Maxicode as a typeface, 1998)Fact|date=August 2008
* Kevin Bailey (ITC Bailey Sans family, and supporting display font ITC Bailey Quad Bold 1996; ITC Liverpool 1999)
* Ken Barber
* Morris Fuller Benton (Franklin Gothic, Century Schoolbook, News Gothic, Bank Gothic)
* David Berlow (Charcoal, Bureau Grotesque)
* Charles Bigelow and Kris Holmes, partners in design (Lucida family)
* Roger Black Digital Type Industry Pioneer
* Brian J. Bonislawsky
* Philip Bouwsma
* Mark van Bronkhorst
* Jackson Burke (Trade Gothic, 1948)
* Leslie Cabarga
* Tom Carnase (Busorama, 1970)
* Rodrigo Xavier Cavazos (Alembic, Eidetic Neo, Faceplate Sans)
* Vincent Connare(comic sans, trebuchet, magpie)
* Oswald Cooper (Cooper Black)
* Carl Crossgrove (Mundo Sans)
* Nick Curtis (ITC Beeswax)
* Joshua Darden
* Chuck Davis
* Sheila Levrant de Bretteville
* Chank Diesel
* Devon DeLapp
* Matt Desmond (Stomper)
* Peter Dombrezian (Dom Casual)
* Michael Doret (Bank Gothic AS, Metroscript, Orion MD, PowerStation)
* William Addison Dwiggins (Electra, Caledonia, Metro)
* Tobias Frere-Jones (Interstate, Gotham, Reactor, plus numerous custom designs for publications including the Wall Street Journal, GQ, Esquire, NY Times Magazine)
* Frederic Goudy (Copperplate, 1905; Goudy Old Style, 1915; Berkeley Oldstyle, 1938)
* Chauncey H. Griffith (Bell Gothic, 1937; Poster Bodoni, 1938)
* Cyrus Highsmith (Benton Sans, together with Tobias Frere-Jones)
* Jonathan Hoefler (Knockout, Hoefler Text, partner with Tobias Frere-Jones)
* Kris Holmes (Lucida)
* Paul D. Hunt
* Susan Kare (original Apple Macintosh fonts, 1984)
* Richard Kegler
* Donald Knuth (Computer Modern)
* Jess Latham (Shimmer, Pink Martini)
* Kent Lew (Whitman)
* Patricia Lillie
* Herb Lubalin (Lubalin Graph)
* Robert Hunter Middleton (Stellar)
* James Montalbano (Clearview)
* Dave Nalle (Abaddon, Hesperides, Ligeia, Ironworks, Folkard)
* Eric Olson
* Hrant H. Papazian
* Jim Parkinson
* Joseph W. Phinney (Abbott Old Style, Cloister Black (with M.F. Benton), Camelot (with F. Goudy))
* Tim Rolands
* David J. Ross (Manicotti)
* Stuart Sandler (Leisure Script)
* Michael Scarpitti
* Christian Schwartz (Neutraface, Amplitude, Guardian Egyptian)
* Mark Simonson
* Robert Slimbach (Minion, Adobe Garamond, Utopia, Garamond Premier)
* Dan X. Solo
* Brian Sooy
* Sumner Stone (Stone Sans, Stone Serif, Stone Informal, Stone Print, Cycles)
* Ilene Strizver
* Neil Summerour (Aaux, Baka, Epic, Organic )
* Judith Sutcliffe
* Christina Torre
* Carol Twombly (Lithos, Myriad (co-designer), Trajan, Charlemagne, Nueva, Adobe Caslon)
* Jim Wasco (Mythos)
* George Williams (Caslon Roman, Monospace)
* Delve Withrington (Blot Test)
* Doyald Young (Young Baroque, Eclat)
* Stephen Sagmeister (Sagmeister, Inc.)

See also

* List of freeware type designers

External links

* [ Typophile: Type Designers list]
* [ - Type designers, typographers and other font people]

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