Black-tailed Native-hen

Black-tailed Native-hen

name = Black-tailed Native-hen

status = LC | status_system = IUCN3.1
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Gruiformes
familia = Rallidae
genus = "Gallinula"
species = "G. ventralis"
binomial = "Gallinula ventralis"
binomial_authority = Gould, 1837

range_map_caption = Range in blue
subdivision_ranks =
subdivision =

The Black-tailed Native-hen, "(Gallinula ventralis)", is a rail native to Australia and New Zealand.


The Black-tailed Native-hen is a large dark bird, reaching about 38cm in length and weighing around 400g. This species possesses an erect tail and is endowed almost entirely in brownish-grey and green feathers. Its long legs and lower jaw are a striking pink-orange colour. This species is not excessively vocal, its main call is an alarm 'kak' sound.


This species is nomadic, following seasonal water sources. It is found year round living near fresh and brackish water.


The Black-tailed Native-hen is common throughout Australia, where it lives by permanent as well as intermittent water sources. It has a large range, with an estimated global Extent of Occurrence of 1,000,000-10,000,000 km². It is classified as Least Concern by IUCN. It is a rare vagrant to New Zealand.


Breeding generally takes place between August and December or when conditions are favourable. A cup-shaped nest is built in vegetation near water or swampland. 5-7 pale green eggs are laid and incubated for approximately 20 days.


This species' diet consists of insects, plant material and seeds. In farming areas, the Black-tailed Native-hen is capable of causing crop damage.


* Birds in Backyards - Black-tailed Native-hen []
* BirdLife International (2006) Species factsheet: Gallinula ventralis. Downloaded from [] on 5/5/2007
* Pizzey, Graham. (1980) "A Field Guide to the Birds of Australia". Sydney: William Collins Pty Ltd. ISBN 0732224365

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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