- Torus knot
knot theory , a torus knot is a special kind of knot which lies on the surface of an unknottedtorus in R3. Similarly, a torus link is a link which lies on the surface of a torus in the same way. Each torus knot is specified by a pair ofcoprime integer s "p" and "q". The ("p","q")-torus knot winds "q" times around a circle inside the torus, which goes all the way around the torus, and "p" times around a line through the hole in the torus, which passes once through the hole, (usually drawn as an axis of symmetry). If "p" and "q" are not relatively prime, then we have a torus link with more than one component.The ("p","q")-torus knot can be given by the
parameterization :x = left(2+cosleft(frac{qphi}{p} ight) ight)cosphi:y = left(2+cosleft(frac{qphi}{p} ight) ight)sinphi:z = sinleft(frac{qphi}{p} ight)This lies on the surface of the torus given by r-2)^2 + z^2 = 1 (incylindrical coordinates ).Torus knots are trivial
iff either "p" or "q" is equal to 1. The simplest nontrivial example is the (2,3)-torus knot, also known as thetrefoil knot .Properties
Each torus knot is prime and chiral. Any ("p","q")-torus knot can be made from a closed braid with "p" strands. The appropriate
braid word is:sigma_1sigma_2cdotssigma_{p-1})^q.Thecrossing number of a torus knot is given by:"c" = min(("p"−1)"q", ("q"−1)"p").The genus of a torus knot is:g = frac{1}{2}(p-1)(q-1).TheAlexander polynomial of a torus knot is:frac{(t^{pq}-1)(t-1)}{(t^p-1)(t^q-1)}TheJones polynomial of a (right-handed) torus knot is given by:t^{(p-1)(q-1)/2}frac{1-t^{p+1}-t^{q+1}+t^{p+q{1-t^2}.The complement of a torus knot in the
3-sphere is a Seifert-fibered manifold, fibred over the disc with two singular fibres.Let "Y" be the "p"-fold dunce cap with a disk removed from the interior, "Z" be the "q"-fold dunce cap with a disk removed its interior, and "X" be the quotient space obtained by identifying "Y" and "Z" along their boundary circle. The knot complement of the ("p", "q")-torus knot
deformation retract s to the space "X". Therefore, theknot group of a torus knot has the presentation:langle x,y mid x^p = y^q angle.
Torus knots are the only knots whose knot groups have non-trivial center (which is infinite cyclic, generated by the element x^p = y^q in the presentation above).
ee also
Alternating knot
*Cinquefoil knot
*Prime knot
*Trefoil knot External links
*MathWorld|urlname=TorusKnot|title=Torus Knot
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