List of Philadelphia Eagles players

List of Philadelphia Eagles players

This is a complete list of American football players who have played for the Philadelphia Eagles of the National Football League (NFL). It includes players that have played at least one match in the NFL regular season. The Philadelphia Eagles franchise was originally founded in 1933. The Eagles have played for six NFL Championships and have won three, but still have no Super Bowl wins out of two appearances.



Walter Abercrombie,
Victor Abiamiri,
Dick Absher,
Keith Adams,
Ben Agajanian,
David Akers,
David Alexander,
Kermit Alexander,
Chuck Allen,
Eric Allen,
Ian Allen,
Jackie Allen,
Kevin Allen,
Ty Allert,
Henry Allison,
Glen Amerson,
George Amundson,
Gary Anderson,
Shawn Andrews,
Jim Angelo,
Houston Antwine,
Dave Archer,
Justin Armour,
Calvin Armstrong,
Harvey Armstrong,
Neill Armstrong,
Jay Arnold,
Rick Arrington,
Darrel Aschbacher,
Jamie Asher,
Steve Atkins,
Howard Auer,
Jim Auer,
Darnell Autry,
Jason Avant,
Marvin Ayers


Matt Bahr,
David Bailey,
Eric Bailey,
Howard Bailey,
Tom Bailey,
Victor Bailey,
Albert Baisi,
Jason Baker,
John Baker,
Keith Baker,
Ron Baker,
Sam Baker,
Tony Baker,
Brian Baldinger,
Gary Ballman,
Stephen Banas,
Bruno Banducci,
Jack Banta,
Shawn Barber,
Bryan Barker,
Corey Barlow,
Billy Ray Barnes,
Larry Barnes,
Walt Barnes,
Fred Barnett,
Dan Barnhardt,
Roy Barni,
Len Barnum,
Sam Bartholomew,
Doug Bartlett,
Ephesians Bartley,
Mike Bartrum,
Nick Basca,
Hank Baskett,
Dick Bassi,
Herman Bassman,
Matt Battaglia,
Maxie Baughan,
Alfred Bauman,
Frank Bausch,
Mark Bavaro,
Bibbles Bawel,
Winford Baze,
Pat Beach,
Shawn Beals,
Jim Beaver,
Ian Beckles,
Chuck Bednarik,
Randy Beisler,
Eddie Bell,
Todd Bell,
Mike Bellamy,
Victor Bellamy,
Jesse Bendross,
Henry Benson,
Mitch Berger,
Bill Bergey,
Willie Berzinski,
James Betterson,
Dick Bielski,
Eric Bieniemy,
John Binotto,
Blaine Bishop,
Robert Bjorklund,
Mike Black,
Richard Blackmore,
Ed Blaine,
Jeff Blake,
Jeff Bleamer,
Mel Bleeker,
Luther Blue,
Ron Blye,
Harry Boatswain,
William Boedeker,
Gary Bolden,
Chris Boniol,
John Booty,
Mike Boryla,
James Bostic,
Jason Bostic,
Lee Bouggess,
Tony Bova,
Kevin Bowman,
Deral Boykin,
Bill Bradley,
Carlos Bradley,
Harold Bradley,
Stewart Bradley,
John Bredice,
Leo Brennan,
Jack Brewer,
John Brewer,
William Brian,
Bubby Brister,
Rankin Britt,
Barrett Brooks,
Clifford Brooks,
Tony Brooks,
Tom Brookshier,
Luther Broughton,
Aaron Brown,
Bob Brown,
Cedrick Brown,
David Brown,
Deauntae Brown,
Fred Brown,
Greg Brown,
Jerome Brown,
Na Brown,
Reggie Brown (RB),
Reggie Brown (WR),
Sheldon Brown,
Thomas Brown,
Tim Brown,
Willie Brown,
Don Brumm,
Daryon Brutley,
Bill Bryant,
Doug Brzezinski,
Correll Buckhalter,
Frank Budd,
Joe Bukant,
Norm Bulaich,
Ronnie Bull,
Brodrick Bunkley,
John Bunting,
Derrick Burgess,
Adrian Burk,
Mark Burke,
Tom Burnette,
Lem Burnham,
Hank Burnine,
Don Burroughs,
Thomas Bushby,
Art Buss,
Bob Butler,
John Butler,
Keith Byars,
Bill Byrne


Larry Cabrelli,
Lee Roy Caffey,
Jim Cagle,
Dave Cahill,
Mike Caldwell,
Don Calhoun,
Lonny Calicchio,
Ernie Calloway,
Glenn Campbell,
Jesse Campbell,
Marion Campbell,
Stan Campbell,
Tommy Campbell,
Billy Campfield,
Thomas Campion,
Rocco Canale,
Harold Carmichael,
Joe Carollo,
Joe Carpe,
Rob Carpenter,
Earl Carr,
Jimmy Carr,
Russ Carroccio,
Carlos Carson,
Cris Carter,
Joe Carter,
Pete Case,
Howard Cassady,
Jim Castiglia,
Thomas Caterbone,
Tom Catlin,
Matt Cavanaugh,
Quinton Caver,
Brent Celek,
Tony Cemore,
Gene Ceppetelli,
Mike Chalenski,
Dick Chapura,
Louis Cheek,
Je'Rod Cherry,
Chuck Cherundolo,
Al Chesley,
Wes Chesson,
Don Chuy,
Gus Cifelli,
Al Clark,
Mike Clark,
Algy Clark,
Willie Clark,
Adrien Clarke,
Ken Clarke,
Topper Clemons,
Garry Cobb,
Bill Cody,
Steve Colavito,
John Cole,
Nick Cole,
Trent Cole,
Al Coleman,
Marco Coleman,
Bruce Collie,
Wayne Colman,
Bill Combs,
Jack Concannon,
Larry Conjar,
Ray Conlin,
Darion Conner,
Sean Considine,
Enio Conti,
Al Conway,
Joe Conwell,
Leon Cook,
Rashard Cook,
Ed Cooke,
Evan Cooper,
Louis Cooper,
Richard Cooper,
Russell Copeland,
Frank Cornish,
Jose Cortez,
Zed Coston,
Paige Cothren,
Bill Cowher,
Jerry Cowhig,
Claude Crabb,
Russ Craft,
Jerry Crafts,
Charles Crawford,
Bob Creech,
Smiley Creswell,
Terry Crews,
Bill Cronin,
Irv Cross,
Larry Crowe,
Darrel Crutchfield,
Paul Cuba,
Jim Culbreath,
Willie Cullars,
George Cumby,
Dick Cunningham,
Randall Cunningham,
Bree Cuppoletti,
Mike Curcio,
Kevin Curtis,
Scott Curtis


Frank D'Agostino,
Torrance Daniels,
Byron Darby,
Trey Darilek,
James Darling,
Matt Darwin,
Al Davis,
Antone Davis,
Bob Davis,
Norm Davis,
Pernell Davis,
Stan Davis,
Sylvester Davis,
Vern Davis,
Brian Dawkins,
Dale Dawson,
Ted Dean,
Steve DeLine,
Jeff Dellenbach,
Jerry DeLucca,
Jack Dempsey,
Tom Dempsey,
Mark Dennard,
Richard Dent,
Dan DeSantis,
Koy Detmer,
Ty Detmer,
Dennis DeVaughn,
Alan Dial,
Benjy Dial,
David Diaz-Infante,
Kori Dickerson,
Dave DiFlippo,
Tom Dimmick,
Charles Dimry,
Nate Dingle,
Mike Dirks,
Mike Ditka,
Al Dixon,
Floyd Dixon,
Ronnie Dixon,
Zachary Dixon,
Herb Dobbins,
Aldo Donelli,
Jon Dorenbos,
Al Dorow,
Dean Dorsey,
Noble Doss,
Dameane Douglas,
Hugh Douglas,
Merrill Douglas,
Otis Douglas,
Woody Dow,
Harry Dowda,
Ted Doyle,
Joe Drake,
Troy Drake,
Robert Drummond,
Bobby Duckworth,
Paul Dudley,
John Dumbauld,
Rick Duncan,
Ken Dunek,
Jason Dunn,
Bill Dunstan,
John Durko


Anthony Edwards,
Herman Edwards,
Tom Ehlers,
John Eibner,
Mohammed Elewonibi,
Drew Ellis,
Ray Ellis,
Swede Ellstrom,
Charles Emanuel,
Carlos Emmons,
Franklin Emmons,
Justin Ena,
Rick Engles,
Fred Enke,
Alonzo Ephraim,
Richard Erdlitz,
Larry Estes,
Byron Evans,
Donald Evans,
Mike Evans,
Eric Everett,
Major Everett,
Steve Everitt


Carl Fagioli,
Ray Farmer,
Ken Farragut,
Ron Fazio,
Jeff Feagles,
Gerald Feehery,
A.J. Feeley,
Fred Felber,
Happy Feller,
Dick Fencl,
Fritz Ferko,
Jack Ferrante,
Frank Ferrara,
Neil Ferris,
Bill Fiedler,
Jay Fiedler,
Brian Finneran,
Mickey Fitzgerald,
Scott Fitzkee,
Jim Flanigan,
Mike Flores,
Eric Floyd,
DeShawn Fogle,
Steve Folsom,
Chris Fontenot,
Carl Ford,
Charlie Ford,
Elbert Foules,
Dustin Fox,
Terry Fox,
Dick Frahm,
Hank Fraley,
Todd France,
Joseph Frank,
Cleveland Franklin,
Tony Franklin,
Dennis Franks,
Derrick Frazier,
Antonio Freeman,
Bobby Freeman,
Glenn Frey,
Bob Friedlund,
Bob Friedman,
George Fritts,
Ralph Fritz,
Jim Fritzsche,
William Frizzell,
Irving Fryar,
Frank Fuller,
James Fuller,
William Fuller,
Dominic Furio


Roman Gabriel,
Omar Gaither,
Bob Gambold,
Bob Gaona,
Jeff Garcia,
Barry Gardner,
Charlie Garner,
Gregg Garrity,
Russell Gary,
Charles Gauer,
Blenda Gay,
Ed George,
Raymond George,
Woody Gerber,
Chris Gerhard,
Tom Gerhart,
Carl Gersbach,
Lou Ghecas,
Louie Giammona,
Hal Giancanelli,
Mario Giannelli,
Pat Gibbs,
Abe Gibron,
Frank Giddens,
Wimpy Giddens,
Lewis Gilbert,
Mike Gilbert,
Jimmie Giles,
Roger Gill,
Jim Gilmore,
Jerry Ginney,
Glenn Glass,
Fred Gloden,
Rich Glover,
Chris Gocong,
Brad Goebel,
Tim Golden,
Ralph Goldston,
Mike Golic,
Rudy Gollomb,
Robert Gonya,
John Goode,
Rob Goode,
Ron Goodwin,
Lamar Gordon,
Chuck Gorecki,
Gene Gossage,
Kurt Gouveia,
Dave Graham,
Jeff Graham,
Lyle Graham,
Tom Graham,
Bud Grant,
Otis Grant,
Paul Grasmanis,
Ray Graves,
Cecil Gray,
Jim Gray,
Mel Gray,
Donnie Green,
Jamaal Green,
John Green,
Roy Green,
Kelly Gregg,
Ken Gregory,
Don Griffin,
Jeff Griffin,
Anthony Griggs,
Elois Grooms,
Earl Gros,
Burt Grossman,
Leonard Gudd,
Henry Gude,
Ralph Guglielmi,
Tony Guillory,
Mark Gunn,
Riley Gunnels


Elmer Hackney,
Michael Haddix,
Nick Haden,
Britt Hager,
Carl Hairston,
Chuck Hajek,
Andy Hall,
Irv Hall,
Rhett Hall,
Ron Hallstrom,
Bill Halverson,
Dean Halverson,
Skip Hamilton,
Uhuru Hamiter,
Dave Hampton,
William Hampton,
Karl Hankton,
Roscoe Hansen,
Homer Hanson,
Joselio Hanson,
Swede Hanson,
Tom Hanson,
Greg Harding,
Roger Harding,
Andre Hardy,
Marvin Hargrove,
Andy Harmon,
Maurice Harper,
Perry Harrington,
Al Harris (CB),
Al Harris (DL),
Jimmy Harris,
Jon Harris,
Leroy Harris,
Richard Harris,
Rod Harris,
Tim Harris,
Bob Harrison,
Dennis Harrison,
Granville Harrison,
Tyreo Harrison,
Clinton Hart,
Dick Hart,
Fred Hartman,
Richard Harvey,
Tim Hasselbeck,
Tim Hauck,
Ben Hawkins,
Aaron Hayden,
Ken Hayden,
Ed Hayes,
Joe Hayes,
Alvin Haymond,
Jo Jo Heath,
Vaughn Hebron,
Ralph Heck,
George Hegamin,
Ron Heller,
Jerome Henderson,
Zac Henderson,
Steve Hendrickson,
Maurice Henry,
Wally Henry,
Gary Henson,
Todd Herremans,
Jeff Herrod,
Kirk Hershey,
Bill Hewitt,
Artis Hicks,
Tom Higgins,
Mark Higgs,
Fred Hill,
King Hill,
Jack Hinkle,
Billy Hix,
Terry Hoage,
Bill Hobbs,
Reggie Hodges,
Mike Hogan,
William Holcomb,
Lester Holmes,
Roderick Hood,
Alvin Hooks,
Mel Hoover,
Wes Hopkins,
Mike Horan,
Roy Hord,
Marty Horn,
Bill Horrell,
Clark Hoss,
Bobby Howard,
Darren Howard,
Lane Howell,
Lynn Hoyem,
Bobby Hoying,
Frank Hrabetin,
John Huarte,
Bob Hudson,
John Hudson,
Chuck Hughes,
William Hughes,
Don Hultz,
Dick Humbert,
Claude Humphrey,
Calvin Hunt,
Tony Hunt,
Herman Hunter,
Gerry Huth,
Tom Hutton,
Ken Huxhold,
John Huzvar


Mark Ingram,
Willie Irvin


Al Jackson,
Alonzo Jackson,
Bob Jackson,
Don Jackson,
Earnest Jackson,
Greg Jackson,
Harold Jackson,
Jamaal Jackson,
Johnny Jackson,
Keith Jackson,
Kenny Jackson,
Randy Jackson,
Trenton Jackson,
David Jacobs,
Proverb Jacobs,
Angelo James,
Ronald James,
William James,
Ernie Janet,
Mike Jarmoluk,
Toimi Jarvi,
Edward Jasper,
Ron Jaworski,
Max Jean-Gilles,
Greg Jefferson,
William Jefferson,
Tom Jelesky,
Dietrich Jells,
Izel Jenkins,
Tommy Jeter,
Dwayne Jiles,
Ove Johansson,
Albert Johnson,
Alonzo Johnson,
Alvin Johnson,
Bill Johnson,
Charles Johnson,
Charlie Johnson,
Chris Johnson,
Dirk Johnson,
Don Johnson,
Dwight Johnson,
Eric Johnson,
Gene Johnson,
Jay Johnson,
Jimmie Johnson,
Kevin Johnson,
Lee Johnson,
Maurice Johnson,
Norm Johnson,
Reggie Johnson,
Ron Johnson (DE),
Ron Johnson (WR),
Vaughan Johnson,
Don Jonas,
Chris T. Jones,
Dhani Jones,Harry Jones,
Jimmie Jones,
Joe Jones,
Julian Jones,
Ray Jones,
Spike Jones,
Andrew Jordan,
Carl Jorgenson,
James Joseph,
Seth Joyner,
Sonny Jurgensen,
Winston Justice


Vyto Kab,
Alai Kalaniuvalu,
N. D. Kalu,
Carl Kane,
John Kapele,
Bernie Kaplan,
Sonny Karnofsky,
Ed Kasky,
Steve Kaufusi,
George Kavel,
Jevon Kearse,
Ray Keeling,
Rabbit Keen,
Jim Kekeris,
Ken Keller,
Bob Kelley,
Dwight Kelley,
Jim Kelly,
Joe Kelly,
Jeff Kemp,
Gus Kenneally,
Steve Kenney,
Merritt Kersey,
Wade Key,
Leroy Keyes,
Howard Keys,
Ed Khayat,
Frank Kilroy,
Jon Kimmel,
Randy Kinder,
Don King,
Kelly Kirchbaum,
Levon Kirkland,
Roger Kirkman,
Roy Kirksey,
Ben Kish,
John Klingel,
Pete Kmetovic,
Joe Knapper,
Charlie Knox,
Art Koeninger,
Kevin Kolb,
Elmer Kolberg,
Bill Koman,
Mark Konecny,
Walt Kowalczyk,
Scott Kowalkowski,
Kent Kramer,
Rich Kraynak,
Keith Krepfle,
Joe Kresky,
Robert Krieger,
Emmet Kriel,
Bert Kuczynski,
Mike Kullman,
Irv Kupcinet,
John Kusko


Galen Laack,
Mike Labinjo,
Dick Lachman,
Porter Lainhart,
Sean Landeta,
Mort Landsberg,
Bob Landsee,
Israel Lang,
James Lankas,
Buck Lansford,
Bill Lapham,
Bill Larson,
Al Latimer,
Ted Laux,
Joe Lavender,
Robert Lavette,
Kent Lawrence,
Reggie Lawrence,
Pete Lazetich,
Milton Leathers,
Harper Le Bel,
Roy Lechthaler,
Toy Ledbetter,
Amp Lee,
Bernie Lee,
Byron Lee,
Scott Leggett,
Norman LeJeune,
Frank LeMaster,
Jim Leonard,
Lyle Leong,
Ron Leshinski,
Stephen Levanites,
Dorsey Levens,
Chad Lewis,
Greg Lewis,
Joe Lewis,
Michael Lewis,
Tex Leyendecker,
Sammy Lilly,
Dave Lince,
Vic Lindskog,
Augie Lio,
John Lipski,
Peter Liske,
Greg Liter,
Dave Little,
Dave Lloyd,
James Lofton,
Randy Logan,Shawn Logan,
Matt Long,
Don Looney,
Ron Lou,
Tom Louderback,
Clarence Love,
James Loving,
Dick Lucas,
Bill Lueck,
Don Luft,
Tom Luken,
Herb Lusk


Ken MacAfee,
Jay MacDowell,
Jim MacMurdo,
Art Macioszczyk,
Bill Mack,
Bill Mackrides,
John Magee,
Drew Mahalic,
Reno Mahe,
John Mallory,
Art Malone,
Mike Mamula,
Mike Mandarino,
Roosevelt Manning,
Ray Mansfield,
Von Mansfield,
Edgar Manske,
Baptiste Manzini,
Basilio Marchi,
Greg Mark,
Duke Maronic,
Anthony Marshall,
Keyonta Marshall,
Larry Marshall,
Lemar Marshall,
Whit Marshall,
Aaron Martin,
Cecil Martin,
Kelvin Martin,
Steve Martin,
Wayne Mass,
Bob Masters,
Walt Masters,
Ed Matesic,
Ollie Matson,
Menil Mavraides,
Dean May,
Jermane Mayberry,
Rufus Mayes,
Jerry Mazzanti,
Wesley McAfee,
James McAlister,
Darnerien McCants,
Mike McClellan,
Mike McCloskey,
Eric McCoo,
Matt McCoy,
Fred McCrary,
Hugh McCullough,
Jim McCusker,
Don McDonald,
Les McDonald,
Tommy McDonald,
Robert McDonough,
Jerome McDougle,
Paul McFadden,
Tom McHale,
Pat McHugh,
Guy McIntyre,
Marlin McKeever,
Raleigh McKenzie,
Dennis McKnight,
Jim McMahon,
Mike McMahon,
Erik McMillan,
Dan McMillen,
Mark McMillian,
Billy McMullen,
Tom McNeill,
Dexter McNabb,
Donovan McNabb,
Forest McPherson,
Jerrold McRae,
Tim McTyer,
Ed Meadows,
Ron Medved,
John Mellekas,
Guido Merkens,
Fred Meyer,
John Meyers,
Rich Miano,
Ed Michaels,
Mike Michel,
John Michels (tackle),
John Michels (guard),
Oren Middlebrook,
Nick Mike-Mayer,
Quintin Mikell,
Keith Millard,
Bubba Miller,
Don Miller,
Tom Miller,
Al Milling,
Freddie Milons,
George Mira,
Dean Miraldi,
Gene Mitcham,
Brian Mitchell,
Freddie Mitchell,
Leonard Mitchell,
Martin Mitchell,
Randall Mitchell,
Ryan Moats,
Frank Molden,
Art Monk,
Henry Monroe,
Wilbert Montgomery,
Tim Mooney,
Damon Moore,
Zeke Moreno,
Sean Morey,
Dennis Morgan,
Mike Morgan,
Dwaine Morris,
Guy Morriss,
Bobby Morse,
Emmett Mortell,
Mark Moseley,
Dom Moselle,
George Mrkonic,
Joe Muha,
Horst Muhlmann,
George Mulligan,
Dick Murley,
Nick Murphy,
Calvin Murray,
Eddie Murray,
Franny Murray,
Brad Myers,
Jack Myers


Andy Nacrelli,
Mike Nease,
Al Nelson,
Dennis Nelson,
Jim Nettles,
Charles Newton,
Gerald Nichols,
John Niland,
Maurice Nipp,
John Nocera,
John Norby,
Mark Nordquist,
Jerry Norton,
Jim Norton,
Walt Nowak


Don Oakes,
Harry O'Boyle,
Davey O'Brien,
Ken O'Brien,
Henry Obst,
Derrick Oden,
Bill Olds,
Greg Oliver,
Hubie Oliver,
Brian O'Neal,
Jim Opperman,
John O'Quinn,
Bob Oristaglio,
Elliott Ormsbe,
Mike Osborn,
William Osborn,
Richard Osborne,
John Outlaw,
Bill Overmyer,
Don Owens,
Terrell Owens


Dave Pacella,
Max Padlow,
Joe Pagliei,
Lonnie Palelei,
Leslie Palmer,
Joe Panos,
Vince Papale,
Artimus Parker,
Rodney Parker,
Jim Parmer,
Josh Parry,
Gordon Paschka,
Dan Pastorini,
Rupert Pate,
Mike Patterson,
Cliff Patton,
Jerry Patton,
Ken Payne,
Clarence Peaks,
Doug Pederson,
Rodney Peete,
Bob Pellegrini,
Jairo Penaranda,
Woody Peoples,
Pete Perot,
Mike Perrino,
Bruce Perry,
William Perry,
Floyd Peters,
Volney Peters,
Gary Pettigrew,
Gerry Philbin,
Ray Phillips,
Ray Phillips,
Bob Picard,
Pete Pihos,
Joe Pilconis,
Cyril Pinder,
Todd Pinkston,
Henry Piro,
Joe Pisarcik,
Alabama Pitts,
Mike Pitts,
Joe Pivarnick,
Ray Poage,
Al Pollard,
Tom Polley,
Ron Porter,
Phil Poth,
Art Powell,
Ron Powlus,
Steve Preece,
Harold Prescott,
Robert Priestly,
Nick Prisco,
Bosh Pritchard,
Stanley Pritchett,
Garry Puetz,
Bob Pylman,
Jim Pyne


Mike Quick,
Bill Quinlan


George Rado,
Phil Ragazzo,
Herschel Ramsey,
Knox Ramsey,
LaJuan Ramsey,
Nate Ramsey,
Lou Rash,
Leo Raskowski,
Don Ratliff,
John Rauch,
Sam Rayburn,
Jimmy Raye,
Jamie Reader,
Frank Reagan,
Montae Reagor,
John Reaves,
Dave Recher,
James Reed,
J.R. Reed,
Michael Reed,
Taft Reed,
Henry Reese,
Ike Reese,
Ken Reeves,
Marion Reeves,
Mike Reichenbach,
Jerry Reichow,
Alan Reid,
Mike Reid,
Kevin Reilly,
Leonard Renfro,
Will Renfro,
Jay Repko,
Joe Restic,
Pete Retzlaff,
Ray Reutt,
Jim Ricca,
Bobby Richards,
Paul Richardson,
Jess Richardson,
Greg Richmond,
Dick Riffle,
Lee Riley,
Dave Rimington,
Jim Ringo,
Ray Rissmiller,
Jon Ritchie,
Joe Robb,
John Roberts,
Burle Robinson,
Jacque Robinson,
Jerry Robinson,
Wayne Robinson,
Saverio Rocca,
William Roffler,
John Rogalla,
Dan Rogas,
Bill Romanowski,
Ray Romero,
Dedrick Roper,
John Roper,
Ken Rose,
Alvin Ross,
Oliver Ross,
Tim Rossovich,
Allen Rossum,
Herbert Roton,
Tom Roussel,
Everitt Rowan,
Robert Rowe,
Mark Royals,
Joe Rudolph,
Max Runager,
Jon Runyan,
Booker Russell,
James Russell,
Lafayette "Reb" Russell,
Rusty Russell,
Roger Ruzek,
Pat Ryan,
Rocky Ryan,
Paul Ryczek,
Mark Rypien

Steve Sader,
Tom Saidock,
Lawrence Sampleton,
Bill Sampy,
Michael Samson,
John Sanders,
John Sanders,
Thomas Sanders,
Dan Sandifer,
Theron Sapp,
George Savitsky,
James Saxon,
Joe Scarpati,
Mike Schad,
Ryan Schau,
Don Schaefer,
Ted Schmitt,
Bob Schnelker,
Matt Schobel,
Jim Schrader,
Adam Schreiber,
Jake Schuehle,
Eberle Schultz,
Jody Schulz,
John Sciarra,
Steve Sciullo,
Clyde Scott,
Gari Scott,
Ian Scott,
Tom Scott,
Ben Scotti,
Leon Seals,
Vic Sears,
Mark Seay,
Mike Sebastian,
Rob Selby,
Bob Shann,
Ed Sharkey,
Harry Shaub,
Ricky Shaw,
Lito Sheppard,
Al Sherman,
Heath Sherman,
Marshall Shires,
John Shonk,
Jason Short,
Mickey Shuler,
Mike Siano,
Vai Sikahema,
John Simerson,
Clyde Simmons,
Corey Simon,
Mark Simoneau,
Kaseem Sinceno,
Michael Sinclair,
Reggie Singletary,
Jerry Sisemore,
Manny Sistrunk,
Jimmie Skaggs,
Leo Skladany,
Tom Skladany,
Mark Slater,
Henry Slay,
Jeremy Slechta,
Jessie Small,
Torrance Small,
Fred Smalls,
Rod Smart,
Rudy Smeja,
Dennis Smelser,
Ben Smith,
Bob Smith,
Charles Smith,
Chris Smith,
Darrin Smith,
Daryle Smith,
Ed Smith,
J.D. Smith,
Jack Smith,
Jackie Smith,
John Smith,
L.J. Smith,
Milton Smith,
Otis Smith,
Phil Smith,
Ralph Smith,
Ray Smith,
Rich Smith,
Ron Smith,
Steve Smith,
Troy Smith,
Dave Smukler,
Norm Snead,
Lum Snyder,
John Sodaski,
Freddie Solomon,
Ron Solt,
George Somers,
Stephen Spach,
John Spagnola,
Takeo Spikes,
Ray Spillers,
John Stackpool,
Siran Stacy,
Dick Stafford,
Duce Staley,
Donté Stallworth,
Ernie Steele,
Dick Steere,
Laurence Steinbock,
Gil Steinke,
Bill Stetz,
Don Stevens,
Matt Stevens,
Pete Stevens,
Richard Stevens,
Dean Steward,
Tony Stewart,
Walt Stickel,
Herschel Stockton,
Edward Storm,
Tom Strauthers,
Bill Stribling,
Donald Strickland,
Bill Striegel,
Bob Stringer,
Danny Stubbs,
Cecil Sturgeon,
Jerry Sturm,
Bob Suffridge,
Leo Sugar,
Tom Sullivan,
Len Supulski,
Joe Sutton,
Mitch Sutton,
Justin Swift,
Jeff Sydner,
Len Szafaryn,
Frank Szymanski


Dan Talcott,
George Taliaferro,
Ben Tamburello,
Thomas Tapeh,
George Tarasovic,
John Tarver,
Carl Taseff,
Junior Tautalatasi,
Terry Tautolo,
Bobby Taylor,
John Teltschik,
John Alvin Thacker,
Art Thoms,
Hollis Thomas,
Johnny Thomas,
Juqua Thomas,
William Thomas,
William Thomas,
Bobby Thomason,
Jeff Thomason,
John Thomason,
Broderick Thompson,
Don Thompson,
Russ Thompson,
Tommy Thompson,
Richard Thornton,
Rod Trafford,
James Thrash,
Jim Thrower,
Robert Thurbon,
Michael Timpson,
Scott Tinsley,
Mel Tom,
Lou Tomasetti,
Anthony Toney,
Bob Torrey,
Greg Townsend,
John Tracey,
Greg Tremble,
Milton Trost,
Jeremiah Trotter,
Jeff Tupper,
Guy Turnbow,
Kevin Turner,
Willie Turral,
Rick Tuten,
Joe Tyrrell


Michael Ulmer,
Morris Unutoa,
Tuufuli Upersa


Zack Valentine,
Norm Van Brocklin,
Ebert Van Buren,
Steve Van Buren,
Alex Van Dyke,
Bruce Van Dyke,
Arunas Vasys,
Roger Vick,
Troy Vincent,
Kimo von Oelhoffen


Steve Wagner,
Frank Wainright,
Billy Walik,
Adam Walker,
Corey Walker,
Darwin Walker,
Herschel Walker,
Al Wallace,
Bobby Walston,
Pete Walters,
Stan Walters,
Johnnie Walton,
Jim Ward,
Matt Ware,
Scott Ware,
Buist Warren,
Chris Warren,
Andre Waters,
Mike Waters,
Foster Watkins,
Larry Watkins,
Edwin Watson,
Tim Watson,
Ricky Watters,
Nate Wayne,
Robert Wear,
Jim Weatherall,
Jed Weaver,
Chuck Weber,
Don Weedon,
Ted Wegert,
Albert Weiner,
Isadore Weinstock,
John Welbourn,
Casey Weldon,
Billy Wells,
Harold Wells,
Joseph Wendlick,
Jeff Wenzel,
Ed West,
Hodges West,
Troy West,
Brian Westbrook,
Jim Whalen,
Mark Wheeler,
John Whire,
Allison White,
Reggie White,
Brandon Whiting,
David Whitmore,
Fred Whittingham,
Barry Wilburn,
John Wilcox,
Reggie Wilkes,
Jeff Wilkins,
Erwin Will,
Norm Willey,
Ben Williams,
Bernard Williams,
Bobbie Williams,
Boyd Williams,
Calvin Williams,
Charley Williams,
Clyde Williams,
Henry "Gizmo" Williams,
Jerry Williams,
Joel Williams,
Mike Williams,
Ted Williams,
Tex Williams,
Tyrone Williams,
James Willis,
Bill Wilson,
Brenard Wilson,
Harry Wilson,
Jerry Wilson,
Osborne Wilson,
Vern Winfield,
Dean Wink,
Dennis Wirgowski,
Al Wistert,
Derrick Witherspoon,
John Wittenborn,
Alex Wojciechowicz,
Clem Woltman,
Marc Woodard,
Tom Woodeshick,
Lee Woodruff,
Tony Woodruff,
Neil Worden,
Mike Woulfe,
Gordon Wright,
Sylvester Wright,
Al Wukits,
Antwuan Wyatt,
Frank Wydo,
John Wyhonic,
Dexter Wynn,
William Wynn


Adrian Young,
Charle Young,
Glen Young,
Michael Young,
Roynell Young,
Scott Young,
Sid Youngelman,
John Yovicsin


Steve Zabel,
Mike Zandofsky,
Luis Zendejas,
Frank Ziegler,
John Zilly,
Don Zimmerman,
Roy Zimmerman,
Vince Zizak,
Eric Zomalt,
Michael Zordich,
Jim Zyntell



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