

Deva may refer to:


Religion and derived traditions

  • Deva (Buddhism), a superhuman being in traditional Buddhist cosmology
  • Deva (Hinduism), a favorable supernatural entity in Hinduism
  • Deva (New Age), spiritual forces or beings behind nature
  • Deva people of Sri Lankan mythology
  • Devic kingdom, mystical beings in generic doctrines


An Indian given name or surname

In pop culture

  • Aasimar or devas, fictional race of humanoids with celestial or angelic ancestors in the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game
  • Deva (film), a Tamil movie from 1994
  • Deva (music director), South Asian music director
  • Digimon Tamers, the beast guardians from; inspired by the Chinese zodiac
  • In the the anime-manga series Naruto, the character Pain makes use of a technique known as the Six Paths of Pain, which allows him to manipulate six corpses as if they are his own body. Each of these corpses are named after a part of the wheel of life present in many Indian religions. One of these are known as the Deva Path due to his godlike abilities.
  • In computer game Rappelz Deva (theists or demigods) are one of three races (others two are Asura or atheistic demons and Gaia or humans)

Abbreviations or acronyms

See also

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  • Deva — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El término Deva puede hacer referencia a: Contenido 1 Religión 2 Localidades 3 Ríos 4 Otros …   Wikipedia Español

  • Deva — bezeichnet: Deva (Gott), Begriff für indische Halbgötter und Gottheiten Deva (Rumänien), Stadt in Rumänien ein römisches Legionslager in Britannien, auch Castra Devana genannt, das heutige Chester in der Antike einen Fluss in Kaledonien, den… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • deva — déva ž DEFINICIJA zool. 1. dvopapkar preživač s grbom (Camelus dromedarius), u nekim zemljama prenosi teret i služi za jahanje [jednogrba deva; dvogrba deva]; kamila 2. (mn) porodica deva (Camelidae) FRAZEOLOGIJA pijan kao deva potpuno pijan,… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • deva —    Deva, from the Sanskrit root meaning “to shine,” is the word for god in Indian mythology. There are numerous gods in the VEDAS and PURANAS, so the word has a polytheistic connotation. When one calls out to a singular God one uses the term… …   Encyclopedia of Hinduism

  • deva — ● deva Mot sanskrit signifiant dieu et désignant, en Inde, tous les êtres divins. Deva v. de Roumanie, en Transylvanie, ch. l. du district de Hunedoara, sur le Mures; 77 980 hab. Citadelle (XIII e s.), château de Magna Curia (XVII e s.) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • déva — ž zool. 1. {{001f}}dvopapkar preživač s grbom (Camelus dromedarius), u nekim zemljama prenosi teret i služi za jahanje; kamila [jednogrba ∼; dvogrba ∼] 2. {{001f}}〈mn〉 porodica deva (Camelidae) ⃞ {{001f}}pijan kao ∼ potpuno pijan, alkoholiziran;… …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • deva — god, good spirit in Hindu religion, from Skt. deva a god, originally a shining one, from *div to shine, thus cognate with Gk. dios divine and Zeus, and L. deus god (O.Latin deivos); see ZEUS (Cf. Zeus). Fem. form devi …   Etymology dictionary

  • deva — dèva m <N mn e, G dévā> DEFINICIJA rel. 1. a. u vedskoj religiji naziv za božanstvo b. zli duhovi (demoni) u perzijskoj religiji 2. u hinduizmu i budizmu, dobri duh ili niže božanstvo 3. u zoroastrizmu jedan od zlih duhova 4. u Indiji naziv …   Hrvatski jezični portal

  • deva — [dā′və] n. [Sans deva, god: see DEITY] Hindu Myth. a god or good spirit …   English World dictionary

  • Deva — Deva, 1) Fluß in der spanischen Provinz San Sebastian; kommt von der Sierra de Arabar u. fällt in den Biscaya schen Meerbusen; 2) Stadt an der Mündung desselben, mit kleinem Hafen, Jaspisbruch u. Eisenhämmern; 2500 Ew.; 3) (Diemrich),… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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