List of books about the Sierra Nevada (U.S.)

List of books about the Sierra Nevada (U.S.)

The following is a partial list of books about the Sierra Nevada of California, USA. Please see Sierra Nevada for more information.

General travel

*"Yosemite & The Southern Sierra Nevada: A Complete Guide, Including Sequoia & Kings Canyon, Death Valley & Mammoth Lakes (Great Destinations)", by David T. Page, ISBN 978-1581570779, 2008.

Hiking and climbing

*"John Muir Trail: The Essential Guide to Hiking America's Most Famous Trail", 4th edition, by Elizabeth Wenk with Kathy Morey, ISBN 978-0-89997-436-1, 2007.
*"Sierra South: Backcountry Trips in California's Sierra Nevada" by Kathy Morey and Mike White, with Stacy Corless, Analise Elliot, Chris Tirrell, and Thomas Winnett, Wilderness Press, ISBN 978-0-89997-414-9, 2006.
*"Sierra North: Backcountry Trips in California's Sierra Nevada" by Kathy Morey and Mike White, with Stacy Corless and Thomas Winnett, Wilderness Press, 9th edition, ISBN 978-0-89997-396-8, 2005.
*"Feather River Country Adventure Trails...", by Tom Demund, ISBN 0-9679740-2-X, 2004.
*"Starrs Guide to the John Muir Trail and the High Sierra Region" 12th rev. ed., by Walter A. Starr, Jr. ISBN 0-87156-172-7. 2002
*"The Good, the Great, and the Awesome: The Top 40 High Sierra Rock Climbs", by Peter Croft, ISBN 0-9676116-4-4, 2002.
*"Hiking in the Sierra Nevada", by John Mock and Kimberley O'Neil, ISBN 1-74059-272-7, 2002. (A Lonely Planet guidebook).
*"Yuba trails 2: A selection of historic hiking trails in the Yuba River and neighboring watersheds", by Hank Meals, ASIN B0006RSO5U, 2001.
*"The High Sierra: Peaks, Passes, and Trails" by R.J. Secor, ISBN 0-89886-625-1, 1999.
*"The Tahoe Sierra: A Natural History Guide to 112 Hikes in the Northern Sierra" by Jeffrey Schaffer, Wilderness Press, ISBN 0-89997-220-9, 1998
*"Sierra High Route: Traversing Timberline Country", by Steve Roper, ISBN 0-89886-506-9, 1997.
*"Sierra Classics : 100 Best Climbs in the High Sierra", by John Moynier and Claude Fiddler, ISBN 0-934641-60-9, 1993.
*"The Tahoe-Yosemite Trail: A Comprehensive Guide...", by Thomas Winnett, Wilderness Press, ISBN 0-89997-084-2, 1987
*"Yosemite Climbs". by George Meyers and Don Reid, ISBN 0-934641-05-6, 1987.


*"Backcountry Skiing California's High Sierra", by John Moynier, ISBN 1-56044-913-6, 1999.
*"Ski Tours in the Sierra Nevada: East of the Sierra", by Marcus Libkind, ISBN 0-931255-03-1, 1986.
*"Ski Tours in the Sierra Nevada: Lake Tahoe", by Marcus Libkind, ISBN 0-931255-00-7, 1985.
*"Ski Tours in the Sierra Nevada: Yosemite, Huntington and Shaver Lakes, Kings Canyon and Sequoia", by Marcus Libkind, ISBN 0-931255-02-3, 1985.


*" [ California Creeks] ", by Bill Tuthill, 2005.
*"The Best Whitewater in California", by Lars Holbek and Chuck Stanley, ISBN 0-9665289-0-5, 1998.
*"California Whitewater: A Guide to the Rivers", by Jim Cassady and Fryar Calhoun, ISBN 0-9613650-2-1, 1995.

Natural history


*" [ Sierra Nature Notes] "The Yosemite Association, 2006.
*"Sierra Nevada Natural History" by Tracy Storer, Robert Usinger, David Lukas ISBN 0-520-24096-0, 2004
*"Sierra East: Edge of the Great Basin" by Genny Smith, Diana Tomback, Ann Howald, ISBN 0-520-23914-8, 2000
*"Sierra Nevada: The Naturalist's Companion", by Verna Johnston, ISBN 0-520-22488-4, 2000
*"Yosemite National Park: A Natural History Guide to Yosemite and its Trails" by Jeffrey Schaffer, ISBN 0-89997-244-6, 2000
*" [ Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project] ", California Resources Agency, 1996.
* "A Natural History of California", Allan A. Schoenherr, ISBN 0-520-06922-6, 1995
*"Deepest Valley: Guide to Owens Valley, its Roadsides and Mountain Trails" by Jeff Putnam, Greg James, Mary DeDecker, Jo Heindel, Genny Smith, ISBN 0-931378-14-1, 1995
*"California Forests and Woodlands: A Natural History", by Verna R Johnston, ISBN 0-520-08324-5, 1994.
*"Mammoth Lakes Sierra: A Handbook for Roadside and Trail" by Dean Rinehart, Elden Vestal, Bettie E. Willard, ISBN 0-931378-13-3, 1993
*"California's Eastern Sierra: A Visitor's Guide", Sue Irwin, ISBN 0-9628505-0-0, 1992
*"Sierra Club Naturalist's Guide: The Sierra Nevada", by Stephen Whitney, ISBN 0-87156-215-4, 1982.
*" [ The Yosemite] " by John Muir, ISBN 0-87156-782-2, 1912.
*" [ The Mountains of California] ", by John Muir, 1894


*"Introduction to California Plant Life, Revised Edition", by Robert Ornduff, Phyllis Faber, Todd Keeler-Wolf, ISBN 0-520-23704-8, 2003.
*"Fire in Sierra Nevada Forests: A Photographic Interpretation of Ecological Change Since 1849", by George E. Gruell, ISBN 0-87842-446-6, 2001.
*"Conifers of California", by Ronald M Lanner, ISBN 0-9628505-3-5, 1999.
*"California Forests and Woodlands: A Natural History", by Verna R. Johnston, Carla J. Simmons (Illustrator), ISBN 0-520-20248-1, 1996.
*"A Sierra Nevada Flora", by Norman L Weeden and Amy David, ISBN 0899972047, 1996.
*" [ Manual of California Vegetation] ", by Todd Keeler-Wolf and John Sawyer, ISBN 0-943460-26-3, 1995.
*" [ The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California] " by James C Hickman, ISBN 0-520-08255-9, 1993.
*"Oaks of California", by Bruce M. Pavlik, Sharon Johnson, Pamela Muick, Marjorie Popper, ISBN 0-9628505-1-9, 1990.
*"Lingering in Tahoe's Wild Gardens: A Guide to Hundreds of the Most Beautiful Wildflower Gardens of the Tahoe Region", by Julie Carville, ISBN 0-9622378-6-8, 1989.
*"Illustrated Manual of California Shrubs", by Howard E McMinn, ISBN 0-520-00847-2, 1980.
*"Native Trees of the Sierra Nevada", by P. VIctor Peterson, ISBN 0-520-02736-1, 1975.
*"Grasses in California", by Beecher Crampton, ISBN 0-520-02507-5, 1974.
*"Native Shrubs of the Sierra Nevada", by John H Thomas, ISBN 0-520-02738-8, 1974.
*"Discovering Sierra Trees", by Steven Arno, ISBN 0-939666-04-9, 1973.


*"Mammals of California (California Natural History Guides)", by E. W. Jameson. Jr and Hans J. Peeters, ISBN 0-520-23582-7, University of California Press, 2004
*"Sierra Birds: A Hiker's Guide", by John Muir Laws, ISBN 1-890771-78-3, Heyday Books, 2004.
*"Birds of Yosemite and the East Slope", by David Gaines, ASIN B0006P3Q46, Artemisia Press, 1992.
*"Discovering Sierra Reptiles and Amphibians (Discovering Sierra Series)", by Harold Basey, ISBN 0-939666-03-0, Yosemite Association, 1991.
*"Discovering Sierra Birds", by Ted Beedy, ISBN 0-939666-42-1, Yosemite Association, 1985.
* [ "Birds of Yosemite National Park"] , by Cyril A. Stebbins and Robert C. Stebbins, 1963.
* [ "Mammals of Yosemite"] , by Harry Parker, 1952.
* [ "Reptiles and Amphibians of Yosemite National Park"] , by M. V. Walker, 1946.
* [ "Animal Life in the Yosemite"] , by Joseph Grinnell and Tracy Storer. 1924. Classic work on the fauna of a cross section of the Sierra Nevada, available as an online book.


*"Geology of the Sierra Nevada", revised edition, by Mary Hill, ISBN 0-520-23696-3, 2005. (Natural history guide for a general audience.)
*"California Geology", by Deborah Harden, ISBN 0-13-100218-X, 2003. (A lower division textbook for non-geology majors, with sufficient introductory material for a general audience.)
*"Geology Underfoot in Southern California", by Robert P. Sharp, Allen F. Glazner, ISBN 0-87842-289-7, 2003. (Roadguide with explanations of the geology written for a general audience.)
*"Glaciers of California: Modern Glaciers, Ice Age Glaciers, the Origin of Yosemite Valley, and a Glacier Tour in the Sierra Nevada" by Bill Guyton, ISBN 0-520-22683-6, 2001. (A general introduction to glaciers and the California glaciers.)
*"Roadside Geology of Northern and Central California" by David Alt, Donald Hyndman, ISBN 0-87842-409-1, 2000. (Roadguide with explanations of the geology written for a general audience.)
*"California Rivers and Streams", by Jeffrey R. Mount, ISBN 0-520-20250-3, 1995. (Natural history/geology, not a river running guide.)
*"Assembling California", by John A. McPhee, ISBN 0-374-52393-2, 1994. (Part of the Pulitzer Prize winning series about geology across America, "Annals of the Former World", 1999.)
* " [ The Geologic Story of Yosemite National Park] " by Dr. N. King Huber 1987. (Authoritative book on Yosemite geology written by a USGS geologist.)
*"Earthquakes and Young Volcanoes along the Eastern Sierra Nevada: At Mammoth Lakes 1980, Lone Pine 1872, and Inyo and Mono Craters" ISBN 0-931378-02-8, 1982.


*"Crow's Range: An Environmental History Of The Sierra Nevada", by David Beesley, ISBN 0-87417-562-3, 2004.
*"The Mule Men: A History of Stock Packing in the Sierra Nevada" by Louise Jackson, ISBN 0-87842-499-7, 2004.
*"Shaping the Sierra: Nature, Culture, and Conflict in the Changing West", by Timothy P. Duane, ISBN 0-520-22676-3, 2000.
*"Camp 4: Recollections of a Yosemite Rockclimber", by Steve Roper, ISBN 0-89886-587-5, 1998.
*"Old Mammoth: A First Hand Account" by Adele Reed, ISBN 0-931378-04-4, 1994
*"Mammoth Gold: The Ghost Towns of Lake District" by Gary Caldwell ISBN 0-931378-12-5, 1990
*"Solomons of the Sierra: The Pioneer of the John Muir Trail, by Shirley Sargent and Peter Browning, ISBN 1-878345-21-4, 1990.
*"Lost Cement Mine" by James W.A. Wright ISBN 0-931378-09-5, 1984
*"Owens Valley Groundwater Conflict" by Genny Smith ISBN 0-931378-03-6, 1978
*"History of the Sierra Nevada" by Francis Farquhar ISBN 0-520-01551-7, 1965


*"Exploring the Highest Sierra", James G. Moore, Stanford University Press, ISBN 0-8047-3703-7, 2000
*"Close Ups of the High Sierra", by Norman Clyde, ISBN 0-9647530-3-0, 1998.
*"High Sierra: John Muir's Range of Light", by Phil Arnot, ISBN 1-884550-06-1, 1996.
*"The Sierra Nevada: A Mountain Journey", by Tim Palmer, ISBN 0-933280-53-X, 1988.
*"A journal of ramblings through the High Sierra of California by the University excursion party", by Joseph LeConte, Library of Congress F868.S5 L39 1960, 1960.
*" [ Up and Down California in 1860-1864] ", by William H. Brewer, ISBN 0-520-02762-0, 1930.
*" [ My First Summer in the Sierra] " by John Muir ISBN 0-14-025570-2, 1911
*" [ Discovery of the Yosemite] " by Lafayette H. Bunnell, ISBN 0-939666-58-8, 1892.
*" [ Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada] " by Clarence King. ISBN 0-8032-7783-0, 1872.


*"Place Names of the Sierra Nevada: From Abbot to Zumwalt", by Peter Browning, ISBN 0-89997-119-9, 1991.
*" [ Place Names of the High Sierra] ", by Francis P. Farquhar, 1926.

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