Lazarus Saturday

Lazarus Saturday

Lazarus Saturday, in the Eastern Orthodox Church and those Eastern Catholic Churches which follow the Byzantine Rite, is the day before Palm Sunday, and is liturgically linked to it. The feast celebrates the resurrection of Lazarus of Bethany, the narrative of which is found in ), which corresponds perfectly with the message of Lazarus Saturday, deepening the sense of sorrow and hope. On Friday night, at Compline, the "Canon on the Resurrection of Lazarus" by Saint Andrew of Crete is read. This is a full canon, having all nine Canticles (most canons omit the Second Canticle).

The scripture readings and hymns for Lazarus Saturday focus on the resurrection of Lazarus as a foreshadowing of the Resurrection of Christ, and a promise of the General Resurrection. The Gospel narrative is interpreted in the hymns as illustrating the two natures of Christ: his "humanity" in asking, "Where have ye laid him?" (), is sung in place of the Trisagion. This indicates that this was at one time a day on which baptisms were traditionally performed.

Although the forty days of Great Lent end on the day before Lazarus Saturday, the day is still observed as a fast day, with no meat or dairy products permitted. However, the fast is somewhat mitigated, and wine and oil are permitted. In Russia, it is traditional to eat caviar on Lazarus Saturday.


Lazarus Saturday is the day when, traditionally, hermits would leave their retreats in the wilderness to return to the monastery for the Holy Week services. In many places in the Russian Church, the vestments and church hangings on this day and on Palm Sunday are green, denoting the renewal of life. In the Greek Church, it is customary on Lazarus Saturday to plait elaborate crosses out of palm leaves which will be used on Palm Sunday. In the Greek Orthodox Church, spice breads called Lazarakia are made and eaten on this day.


The ancientness of this commemoration is demonstrated by the homilies of St. John Chrysostom (349 - 407), Blessed Augustine (354 - 430), and others. In the 7th and 8th centuries, special hymns and canons for the feast were written by St. Andrew of Crete, St. Cosmas of Maium and St. John Damascene, which are still sung to this day.

Armenian Church

The Resurrection of Lazarus is also commemorated on this same Saturday according to the Church Calendar of the Armenian Apostolic Church.


External links

* [ Lazarus Saturday] - Icon and Synaxarion
* [ Samedi de Lazare] - French translation of above article, with added material (Orthodoxwiki, homily, Icons)
Template:Holy Week

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