1998 African Cup of Nations

1998 African Cup of Nations

Non-Competing Nations

A number of nations did not compete at all during the 1998 Cup of Nations, for a variety of reasons. Some did not enter the initial qualification stages of the tournament, while others were banned from competition for withdrawing during the qualification for the 1996 African Cup of Nations.

Did Not Enter


Banned From Entering

*fb|NGANigeria was banned from entering because of their withdrawal from the 1996 Cup after having already qualified for the final stage. The other nations withdrew during qualification for the 1996 tournament, preventing them from entering the 1998 Cup.


*fb|SUD withdrew due to unrest in the eastern part of the country.
*fb|CTA were disqualified after its government did not allow the team to travel to Sierra Leone for a match on January 25.
*fb|SLE withdrew before the final two qualifying matches.


Group Stages

Teams in Bold progress to the Quarter Finals, teams in "italics" are eliminated from the tournament.

Group A

footballbox | date = February 8, 1998
team1 = fb-rt|RSA
score = 0-0
team2 = fb|ANG
goals1 =
goals2 =
stadium = Stade Omnisport, Bobo-Dioulasso
Attendance: 20,000
Ref: Sidi Bekaye Magassa (Mali)
----footballbox | date = February 8, 1998
team1 = fb-rt|CIV
score = 4-3
team2 = fb|NAM
goals1 = Tiéhi 2', 39'
Bakayoko 34'
Diabaté 83'
goals2 = Shivute 46', 73'
Mannetti 70'
stadium = Stade Omnisport, Bobo-Dioulasso
Attendance: 20,000
Ref: Karim Dahou (Algeria)
----footballbox | date = February 11, 1998
team1 = fb-rt|CIV
score = 1-1
team2 = fb|RSA
goals1 = Ouattra 88'
goals2 = Mkhalele 8' (pen)
stadium = Stade Omnisport, Bobo-Dioulasso
Attendance: 10,000
Ref: Charles Masembe (Uganda)
----footballbox | date = February 12, 1998
team1 = fb-rt|ANG
score = 3-3
team2 = fb|NAM
goals1 = Lanzaro 46'
Paulo Silva 67' (pen)
Miguel Pereira 86'
goals2 = Uri Khob 20', 51'
Nauseb 33'
stadium = Stade Omnisport, Bobo-Dioulasso
Attendance: 2,000
Ref: Falla Ndoye (Senegal)
----footballbox | date = February 16, 1998
team1 = fb-rt|CIV
score = 5-2
team2 = fb|ANG
goals1 = Guel 8', 23'
Tiéhi 43', 81' (pen)
Bakayoko 56'
goals2 = Paulo Silva 27'
Quinzinho 52'
stadium = Stade Municipal, Ouagadougou
Attendance: 4,000
Ref: Mamadouba Camara (Guinea)
----footballbox | date = February 16, 1998
team1 = fb-rt|RSA
score = 4-1
team2 = fb|NAM
goals1 = McCarthy 8', 11', 19', 21'
goals2 = Uutoni 68'
stadium = Stade Omnisport, Bobo-Dioulasso
Attendance: 9,500
Ref: Karim Dahou (Algeria)

Group D

footballbox | date = February 9, 1998
team1 = fb-rt|MAR
score = 1-1
team2 = fb|ZAM
goals1 = Bahja 37'
goals2 = Chilumba 87'
stadium = Stade Omnisport, Bobo-Dioulasso
Attendance: 10,000
Ref: Abdul Rahman Al-Zeid (Saudi Arabia)
----footballbox | date = February 10, 1998
team1 = fb-rt|EGY
score = 2-0
team2 = fb|MOZ
goals1 = H. Hassan 14', 44'
goals2 =
stadium = Stade Omnisport, Bobo-Dioulasso
Attendance: 20,000
Ref: Mamadouba Camara (Guinea)
----footballbox | date = February 13, 1998
team1 = fb-rt|EGY
score = 4-0
team2 = fb|ZAM
goals1 = H. Hassan 34', 57', 71'
Radwan 80'
goals2 =
stadium = Stade Omnisport, Bobo-Dioulasso
Attendance: 5,000
Ref: Kim Milton Nielsen (Denmark)
----footballbox | date = February 13, 1998
team1 = fb-rt|MAR
score = 3-0
team2 = fb|MOZ
goals1 = Chiba 39'
El Khattabi 40'
Fertout 82'
goals2 =
stadium = Stade Omnisport, Bobo-Dioulasso
Attendance: 3,000
Ref: Lucien Bouchardeau (Niger)
----footballbox | date = February 17, 1998
team1 = fb-rt|ZAM
score = 3-1
team2 = fb|MOZ
goals1 = Kilambe 16'
Bwalya 43'
Tembo 73'
goals2 = Avelino 57'
stadium = Stade Omnisport, Bobo-Dioulasso
Attendance: 3,000
Ref: Falla Ndoye (Senegal)
----footballbox | date = February 17, 1998
team1 = fb-rt|MAR
score = 1-0
team2 = fb|EGY
goals1 = Hadji 90'
goals2 =
stadium = Stade Municipal, Ouagadougou
Attendance: 500
Ref: Kim Milton Nielsen (Denmark)

Knockout Stages

Round8-with third
February 20 (16:00) - Bobo-Dioulasso|fb|CMR|0|fb|COD|1997|1
February 22 (16:00) - Ouagadougou|fb|MAR|1|fb|RSA|2
February 21 (17:00) - Ouagadougou|fb|TUN|1 (7)|fb|BFA (pen)|1 (8)
February 21 (20:00) - Ouagadougou|fb|CIV|0 (4)|fb|EGY (pen)|0 (5)
February 25 (16:00) - Ouagadougou|fb|COD|1997|1|fb|RSA (aet)|2
February 25 (20:00) - Bobo-Dioulasso|fb|BFA|0|fb|EGY|2
February 28 (16:00) - Ouagadougou|fb|RSA|0|fb|EGY|2
February 27 (16:00) - Ouagadougou|fb|COD|1997 (pen)|4 (4)|fb|BFA|4 (1)


footballbox | date = February 20, 1998
team1 = fb-rt|CMR
score = 0-1
team2 = fb|COD|1997
goals1 =
goals2 = Tondelua 30'
stadium = Stade Omnisport, Bobo-Dioulasso
Attendance: 5,000
Ref: Abdul Rahman Al-Zeid (Saudi Arabia)
----footballbox | date = February 21, 1998
team1 = fb-rt|TUN
score = 1-1 (AET)
7-8 (PEN)
team2 = fb|BFA
goals1 = Gabsi 89'
goals2 = K. Ouédraogo 45' (pen)
stadium = Stade du 4-Août, Ouagadougou
Attendance: 35,000
Ref: Lim Kee Chong (Mauritius)
penalties1 = Rouissi: scored
Badra: scored
Bouazizi: scored
Chihi: crossbar
Jelassi: scored
Beya: Diarra saved
Gabsi: scored
Godhbane: scored
Hicheri: scored
Trabelsi: missed
penaltyscore = 7-8
penalties2 = S. Traoré: scored
F. Sanou: scored
Nana: scored
Tallé: Boumnijel saved
A. Ouédraogo: scored
Zongo: Boumnijel saved
B. Traoré: scored
Diabaté: scored
Liade Gnonka: scored
Coulibaly: scored
----footballbox | date = February 21, 1998
team1 = fb-rt|CIV
score = 0-0 (AET)
4-5 (PEN)
team2 = fb|EGY
goals1 =
goals2 =
stadium = Stade Municipal, Ouagadougou
Attendance: 20,000
Ref: Ian McLeod (South Africa)
penalties1 = Domoraud: scored
Guel: scored
Diomandé: El-Sayed saved
Bakayoko: scored
Ouattara: scored
penaltyscore = 4-5
penalties2 = Ramzy: scored
Radwan: scored
Kamouna: scored
Mostafa: scored
Imam: scored
----footballbox | date = February 22, 1998
team1 = fb-rt|MAR
score = 1-2
team2 = fb|RSA
goals1 = Chiba 36'
goals2 = McCarthy 22'
Nyathi 79'
stadium = Stade Municipal, Ouagadougou
Attendance: 2,000
Ref: Lucien Bouchardeau (Niger)


footballbox | date = February 25, 1998
team1 = fb-rt|COD|1997
score = 1-2 (AET)
team2 = fb|RSA
goals1 = Bembuana-Keve 48'
goals2 = McCarthy 60', 112'
stadium = Stade du 4-Août, Ouagadougou
Attendance: 4,000
Ref: Charles Masembe (Uganda)
----footballbox | date = February 25, 1998
team1 = fb-rt|BFA
score = 0-2
team2 = fb|EGY
goals1 =
goals2 = H. Hassan 40', 71'
stadium = Stade Omnisport, Bobo-Dioulasso
Attendance: 40,000
Ref: Kim Milton Nielsen (Denmark)

Third place playoff

footballbox | date = February 27, 1998
team1 = fb-rt|COD|1997
score = 4-4 (AET)
4-1 (PEN)
team2 = fb|BFA
goals1 = Mungongo 76', 89'
Kasongo 86'
Tondelua 88'
goals2 = A. Ouédraogo 6'
Barro 52'
Napon 56'
Tallé 86'
stadium = Stade Municipal, Ouagadougou
Attendance: 25,000
Ref: Gamal Al-Ghandour (Egypt)
penalties1 = Simba: scored
Mamale: scored
Kisombe: scored
Selenge: scored
penaltyscore = 4-1
penalties2 = S. Traoré: Mayala saved
F. Sanou: scored
Diabaté: Mayala saved


footballbox | date = February 28, 1998
team1 = fb-rt|RSA
score = 0-2
team2 = fb|EGY
goals1 =
goals2 = A. Hassan 5'
Mostafa 13'
stadium = Stade du 4-Août, Ouagadougou
Attendance: 40,000
Ref: Said Belqola (Morocco)

Individual scorers

7 goals
*flagicon|Egypt Hossam Hassan
*flagicon|South Africa Benedict McCarthy

4 goals
*flagicon|COD|1997 Jerry Tondelua
*flagicon|Cote d'Ivoire Joël Tiéhi

3 goals
*flagicon|Cameroon Alphonse Tchami
*flagicon|Guinea Souleymane Oularé

2 goals
*flagicon|Angola Paulo Silva
*flagicon|Burkina Faso Kassoum Ouédraogo
*flagicon|COD|1997 Lokenge Mungongo
*flagicon|Cote d'Ivoire Ibrahima Bakayoko
*flagicon|Cote d'Ivoire Tchiressoua Guel
*flagicon|Morocco Said Chiba
*flagicon|Namibia Eliphas Shivute
*flagicon|Namibia Gervatius Uri Khob
*flagicon|Tunisia Mehdi Ben Slimane
*flagicon|Tunisia Hassan Gabsi
*flagicon|Tunisia Ziad Tlemcani

1 goal
*flagicon|Algeria Billel Dziri
*flagicon|Algeria Moussa Saïb
*flagicon|Angola Lanzaro
*flagicon|Angola Miguel Pereira
*flagicon|Angola Quinzinho
*flagicon|Burkina Faso Oumar Barro
*flagicon|Burkina Faso Roméo Kambou
*flagicon|Burkina Faso Sidi Napon
*flagicon|Burkina Faso Alassane Ouédraogo
*flagicon|Burkina Faso Ibrahima Tallé
*flagicon|Burkina Faso Seydou Traoré
*flagicon|Cameroon Joseph-Désiré Job
*flagicon|Cameroon Pierre Womé
*flagicon|COD|1997 Eddy Bembuana-Keve
*flagicon|COD|1997 Banza Kasongo
*flagicon|COD|1997 Okitankoyi Kimoto
*flagicon|COD|1997 Mundaba Kisombe
*flagicon|Cote d'Ivoire Lassina Diabaté
*flagicon|Cote d'Ivoire Ahmed Ouattra
*flagicon|Egypt Ahmed Hassan
*flagicon|Egypt Tarek Mostafa
*flagicon|Egypt Yasser Radwan
*flagicon|Ghana Mohammed Gargo
*flagicon|Ghana Samuel Johnson
*flagicon|Ghana Alex Nyarko
*flagicon|Morocco Ahmed Bahja
*flagicon|Morocco Ali El Khattabi
*flagicon|Morocco Youssef Fertout
*flagicon|Morocco Mustapha Hadji
*flagicon|Mozambique Avelino
*flagicon|Namibia Ricardo Mannetti
*flagicon|Namibia Robert Nauseb
*flagicon|Namibia Simon Uutoni
*flagicon|South Africa Helman Mkhalele
*flagicon|South Africa David Nyathi
*flagicon|Togo Komlan Assignon
*flagicon|Togo Franck Doté
*flagicon|Togo Massamasso Tchangai
*flagicon|Togo Mohamed Coubadja Touré
*flagicon|Zambia Kalusha Bwalya
*flagicon|Zambia Tenant Chilumba
*flagicon|Zambia Rotson Kilambe
*flagicon|Zambia Masauso Tembo

CAF Team of the Tournament

*flagicon|Egypt Nader El-Sayed

*flagicon|South Africa Mark Fish
*flagicon|Mozambique Jojo
*flagicon|Morocco Noureddine Naybet
*flagicon|Egypt Mohamed Omara

*flagicon|Ghana Charles Akonnor
*flagicon|Tunisia Hassan Gabsi
*flagicon|Cote d'Ivoire Tchiressoua Guel
*flagicon|COD|1997 Ekanza Simba

*flagicon|Egypt Hossam Hassan
*flagicon|South Africa Benedict McCarthy

External links

* [http://www.rsssf.com/tables/98a-det.html Details at RSSSF]

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