Fédération Malienne de Football
- Fédération Malienne de Football
National football association

Founded = 1960
FIFA affiliation = 1962
Region = CAF
Region affiliation = 1963
President = Salif Keita
Coach = Pierre Lechantre
Fédération Malienne de Football (FMF) is the Malian Soccer Federation founded in 1960. It was affiliated to both CAF (African Soccer Confederation) and FIFA (International Soccer Federation) in 1962. Its first general secretary was Garan Fabou Kouyate.Famous leaders are Amadou Diakite and Tidiane Niambele.The federation bureau was dissolved in July 2005 due to Malian national soccer team's poor performance during the World Cup and the African Nations Cup qualifying of 2006.
The composition of the new bureau is as follow:
*President: Salif Keita
*Vice President: Karounga Keita
*General Secretary: Yacouba Traoré
*Treasurer: Brehima Traoré
*Address:Avenue du Mali
Hamdallaye ACI 2000
P.O. Box 1020
BAMAKO 12582
Tel:+223/223 8844
Fax:+223/222 4254
*Media Officer: Mamadou Kaloga
*Jerseys: Green
*Shorts: Yellow
*Socks: Red
*Futsal Coordinator: Gouro Cissé
* [http://www.fifa.com/en/organisation/confederations/associationdetails/0,1483,MLI,00.html?countrycode=MLI Mali] at the FIFA website.
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