Euler-Tricomi equation

Euler-Tricomi equation

In mathematics, the Euler-Tricomi equation is a linear partial differential equation useful in the study of transonic flow. It is named for Leonhard Euler and Francesco Giacomo Tricomi.

: displaystyleu_{xx}=xu_{yy}.

It is hyperbolic in the half plane "x > 0" and elliptic in the half plane "x < 0".Its characteristics are

:displaystyle x;dx^2=dy^2,

which have the integral


where "C" is a constant of integration. The characteristics thus comprise two families of semicubical parabolas, with cusps on the line "x = 0", the curves lying on the right hand side of the "y"-axis.

Particular solutions

Particular solutions to the Euler-Tricomi equations include
* displaystyle u=Axy + Bx + Cy + D,
* displaystyle u=A(3y^2+x^3)+B(y^3+x^3y)+C(6xy^2+x^4),where displaystyle A, B, C, D are arbitrary constants.

The Euler-Tricomi equation is a limiting form of Chaplygin's equation.

External links

* [ Tricomi and Generalized Tricomi Equations] at EqWorld: The World of Mathematical Equations.


* A. D. Polyanin, "Handbook of Linear Partial Differential Equations for Engineers and Scientists", Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, 2002.

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