Marcel Riesz

Marcel Riesz
Marcel Riesz
Born November 16, 1886(1886-11-16)
Győr, Austria-Hungary
Died September 4, 1969(1969-09-04) (aged 82)
Lund, Sweden
Nationality Hungarian
Fields Mathematics
Institutions Lund University
Doctoral advisor Lipót Fejér
Doctoral students Harald Cramér
Einar Carl Hille
Lars Hörmander

Marcel Riesz (Hungarian: Riesz Marcell; November 16, 1886September 4, 1969) was a Hungarian mathematician who was born in Győr, Hungary (Austria-Hungary). He moved to Sweden in 1908 and spent the rest of his life there, dying in Lund, where he was a professor from 1926 at Lund University. He was known for work on classical analysis, on fundamental solutions of partial differential equations, on divergent series, Clifford algebras, and number theory.

Riesz was elected a member of Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1936.

He was the younger brother of the mathematician Frigyes Riesz.


See also



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