
Three chipolata-type sausages

A chipolata is a type of fresh sausage, believed to have been created in France and similar to an Italian sausage but usually prepared as a very thin, breakfast sausage-style link, often grilled rather than pan-fried or poached. Chipolatas are normally made from coarse-ground pork seasoned with salt and pepper together with such herbsaccording to the particular recipeas sage, thyme, pimento, and/or nutmeg.[1] The word is French and is believed to derive from the Italian cipollata, which essentially means "made with onions" and according to some sources may have referred to an onion stew with sausages.[2]

Chipolatas are also eaten a great deal in the United Kingdom. They frequently appear as part of a Christmas dinner wrapped in streaky bacon as pigs in blankets.[3]. The List Ltd. About page</ref> Chipolatas are similar to a type of breakfast sausage found in Australia.[citation needed] They are not to be confused with cocktail sausages, often served at buffets, which are much smaller, thinner and around half the length of typical chipolatas.

A garniture à la chipolata consists of onions, chipolata sausages, chestnuts, salt pork, and sometimes carrots in a demiglace or Madeira sauce.[4]


  1. ^ Child, Julia, and Simone Beck, Mastering the Art of French Cooking, vol. 2. New York, Knopf, 1972. Recipe "Chair à saucisse", p. 289.
  2. ^ ; also, Il cucchiaio d'argento has a "cipollata" recipe that is essentially a type of omelet.
  3. ^ Christmas dinner in England. Retrieved 9 September 2008
  4. ^ Escoffier, G. Auguste, Le guide culinaire. Flammarion, 1921. Recipe "Garniture à la chipolata", p. 91.

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