List of Gunslinger Girl characters

List of Gunslinger Girl characters

The following is a list of characters from the Japanese manga and anime "Gunslinger Girl".


Child assassins


;nihongo|Henrietta|ヘンリエッタ:anime voices|Yūka Nanri|Laura Bailey in "Gunslinger Girl":anime voices|Kana Akutsu in "Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino":Left for dead after the brutal murder of all six members of her family, Henrietta is the newest addition to the Agency as the story begins. She was assaulted repeatedly next to the dead bodies all night, which had inflicted psychological trauma to her, making her suicidal. Her struggle is the most developed of all the girls as she adjusts to her new life. Henrietta's favorite activity is to spend time with her handler, Giuseppe, and they are fond of stargazing together. Whenever Giuseppe seems to turn his attention to other women (including the other cyborgs of the SWA), Henrietta becomes slightly jealous. This is due to Henrietta's strong romantic feelings for Giuseppe, as a result of her conditioning and the care he gives her. Her name is often shortened to "'Etta". While she was rumored to be left handed due to several scenes where she was primarily using her left hand (readjusting her bag from her right hand to her left before hitting a person with it; using a submachine gun with her left hand; eating using a spoon), she usually fires pistols using her right hand, leading to speculations that she is proficient at using both hands. Henrietta's preferred weapons are the SIG Sauer P239 Two-Tone, the Fabrique Nationale P90 SMG, and the FN FAL (present in the manga only). With the exception of the Walther WA 2000 sniper rifle, and Giuseppe's Ingram MAC-10, both of which anime-specific, the Henrietta/Giuseppe fratello use exclusively Fabrique Nationale and SiG weapons (Giuseppe uses the FN Five-seveN).


;nihongo|Rico|リコ|Riko:anime voices|Kanako Mitsuhashi|Luci Christian in "Gunslinger Girl":anime voices|Anri Shiono in "Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino":Born with severe birth defects confining her to a hospital since birth [Aida, Yu:"Gunslinger Girl", ADV Manga, Vol. 1 - p.41] , Rico's parents signed her over to the SWA on her eleventh birthday, where she was given a new lease on life due to her cybernetic operation. Rico loves her new body and life at the SWA, viewing each day as a blessing. She maintains a happy disposition, despite her treatment as a machine by her handler, Jean. With the exception of a statement Angelica made in the anime, Rico is the only one who clearly remembers her past: that she was in a hospital, that her parents fought, and where her father works [Aida, Yu: "Gunslinger Girl", ADV Manga, Vol. 1 - p.56] . Rico's preferred weapons are the CZ 75 pistol and the Dragunov SVD. In the anime, she wields a Beretta SCP-70/90, and is additionally shown training with a Galil MAR carbine in volume one and a Benelli M4 super 90 shotgun in volume six. Her preferred support weapon is the MG3 multipurpose machine gun, which has only been used twice thus far (first in volume three, then again in four). She felt happy when she was praised by Jean, but when told about Angelica's death by illness she didn't feel sad. Telling Jean the same happened when Elsa died, Jean hugged her and told her not to think like that. She blushes and thinks that Angelica's death had a lesser effect then being hugged by Jean.


;nihongo|Triela|トリエラ|Toriera:anime voices|Eri Sendai|Caitlin Glass in "Gunslinger Girl":anime voices|Atsuko Enomoto in "Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino":A former victim of a Mafia child smuggling group based in Amsterdam, Triela was one among many who regularly suffered abuse in the form of drugs, torture, rape and mutilation which was taped as a snuff film. [Aida, Yu: "Gunslinger Girl", ADV Manga, Vol 1 - p.102] [Aida, Yu: "Gunslinger Girl", ADV Manga, Vol 4 - ch.22] . She was rescued by a pair of Europol detectives, one of whom was her future handler, Hilshire. After being mortally wounded in a gunfight, Hilshire's partner bravely used the last of her strength to perform CPR on Triela, enabling Hilshire to save the child's life. Extremely pragmatic with just a hint of rebellion, Triela has a sarcastic wit and prefers to wear masculine clothing [Aida, Yu: "Gunslinger Girl", ADV Manga, Vol 1 - p.105] . She serves as a sort of mentor to the other girls of the SWA and, of them all, she retains the most realistic outlook on their situation. She is given a minimal of conditioning, like Henrietta, and is collecting a great variety of teddy bears. Triela's preferred weapons are the SIG-Sauer P230 SL pistol (after later losing her P230 to Pinocchio in volume three, she is given the newer version 232-SL as a replacement), the M1897 Trench Shotgun with the bayonet attachment which was only seen in volume 1-2, the H&K G3A3 battle rifle (only seen in the anime), and the H&K P7M8 pistol. In the manga, she also uses the H&K UMP submachine gun and a H&K MP7 PDW. Triela takes an intense pride in her mastery of Martial arts, and therefore develops a fierce resentment towards Pinocchio when defeated by him in this manner during their first duel. In Volumes 8-9, one year since killing Pino, with the death of Angelica she thinks that she should be the most depressed of the group, but feels no emotions. She later learns of her past connections to Mario Bossi and Hilshire from the two. The only piece of information Hilshire could acquire of her past beyond their first meeting was that she originally came from the North African country of Tunisia.


;nihongo|Claes|クラエス|Kuraesu:anime voices|Ami Koshimizu|Alese Watson in "Gunslinger Girl":anime voices|Risa Mizuno in "Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino":Once known as Fleda Claes Johansson, this girl was the daughter of a professor who enriched in her a love for books at an early age. ["Gunslinger Girl", Madhouse Ltd., season 1 - episode 5] It is unknown how she became acquainted with the Social Welfare Agency. In the beginning, Claes is confined to the Agency, unable to participate in missions with the other girls because her handler, Raballo, has died. She is used as a test subject by the cyborg engineers, who utilize controlled situations and equipment to monitor the usefulness of her implants [Aida, Yu: "Gunslinger Girl", ADV Manga, Vol 2 - p.31] . Claes wears glasses from her life before her cybernetic operation as a visual reminder of the promise she once made to Raballo and is knowledgeable and mature for her age [Aida, Yu: "Gunslinger Girl", ADV Manga, Vol 1 - p.29] . In volume four, she trespasses into the indoor shooting range and is promptly told off by Giuseppe, although it is too late and her memory is sparked by the scent of gunpowder and watching the other people shoot at targets. Additionally, in volume seven, where despite only knowing hand-to-hand combat with no knowledge of how to wield a firearm, Claes was allowed to attend a mission carried out by Alessandro and Petrushka. However, due to her pact with Raballo, she was afraid of actively harming another person and did not fire the pistol she was given. She is deeply troubled by her dreams as well, because she sees Raballo in them, but does not know who he is. Claes's preferred weapons were the H&K VP70M and the MP5K PDW. On the mission in volume seven, she carried a Taurus Millennium Pro PT138 pistol.


;nihongo|Angelica|アンジェリカ|Anjerika:anime voices|Hitomi Terakado|Monica Rial in "Gunslinger Girl":anime voices|Kana Hanazawa in "Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino":Some time ago, a girl's father's business was about to declare bankruptcy. In desperation, her father decided to cash in on the large life insurance policy he had taken out on his daughter, Angelina. Her father set up an "accident" where Angelina was hit by a car while she was out getting groceries with her dog Perro. [Aida, Yu: "Gunslinger Girl", ADV Manga, Vol 2 - p.140] . After the incident, Angelina was chosen by the SWA to be the first girl to undergo the cybernetic augmentation and conditioning process. Now known as Angelica, she later became a model for the refinement of the child assassin program. Unfortunately, Angelica was also the first to experience the problems of the conditioning process, especially long-term memory loss. Angelica does not understand the disinterest of her handler, Marco, and the conditioning process left her with an overwhelming desire for his approval. Angelica, unlike the others, was not chosen by her handler, and did not at first receive brainwashing. Many believe her to have died at the end of the anime, but she reappears in the end of the second episode of Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino. At that point in the manga, nothing happens that indicates she may have died. Her name is usually shortened to either "Ange" or "Angie" (the latter being the official English adaption of the anime's translation). Angelica's preferred weapon is the Steyr AUG A1 (as seen in the picture), after previously using the Beretta 84. In the manga, she also uses the TMP compact submachine gun, the M-1A pistol and the AUG H-BAR LMG. The Angelica/Marco fratello use exclusively Steyr-Mannlicher weapons (Marco uses the Steyr M-GB pistol). Angelica later died from a combination of injuries she retained from protecting Marco from a bombing and her deterioration from the conditioning.


;nihongo|Elsa de Sica|エルザ・デ・シーカ|Eruza de Shīka:anime voices|Mamiko Noto|Brina Palencia in "Gunslinger Girl":Elsa de Sica was another girl whose origins are unclear. She did not wish to associate with anyone except her handler, Lauro, with whom she was deeply in love. Elsa's attitude towards others, even among the other girls, could be described as aloof and impersonal. She would live, and die, only for Lauro. When Elsa finally realized that Lauro did not return her feelings, she asked him to take her to the park where she first received her name. There, Elsa shot Lauro in the back of the head and then shot herself in the eye, committing suicide. Elsa's actions demonstrated the potentially tragic drawbacks of the "fratello" relationship and prompted Section 2 to prove the worth of the child assassins to the Italian government. Elsa's preferred weapons were the SIG 550, SIG 551, and SIG P229. At the time of her first appearance, Elsa was the newest addition to the Agency. [FUNimation summary of episode 9.] :In the manga, Elsa never appeared alive (exceptions being a very brief flashback), and was only introduced after her death. The anime, however, devoted an entire episode to her relationship with her handler as a prelude to her committing murder suicide with Lauro.


;nihongo|Petrushka|ペトルーシュカ|Petorūshuka:nihongo|Elizabeta Baranovskaya|エリザヴェート・バラノフスカヤ|Erizavuto Baranofusukaya was once a Russian-born ballerina, who had practiced since she was four years old. She was a student at the Moscow State Academy and her hometown was in Smolensk, but her mother was a Belarusian. Elizabeta's dream was to dance at the Bolshoi Theater (it was also once her mother's dream), but after learning of a tumor, she went to Italy to see about curing it, where her leg was unfortunately amputated. Because of this, she attempted suicide by jumping off the hospital roof and plummeting to the ground, but was unsuccessful; instead, she was retained at the hospital until the SWA stepped in. Alessandro Ricci, her handler, renamed her Petrushka (for the Russian puppet Petrushka, and like Rico and Claes, it is a boy's name), and she underwent the physical augmentation process. Unlike the previous first-stage cyborgs, most of Petrushka's features were replaced, so she is not a natural redhead nor are her eyes naturally green (the doctor working to replace her body decided to model her after his first love, as Alessandro refused to specify any particular changes except that she "not be a redhead"). Furthermore, she is 16 years old therefore having a body of a teenager, unlike the rest of the girls who are children. As Angelica was the first-stage prototype, Petrushka is the prototype for the second-stage generation and debuts in volume six, where she is also featured on the cover with her primary weapon. As a second-stage cyborg, Petrushka already had everything she needed to know about her life at the SWA pre-programmed into her brain; she knew where she was, that she would be trained for combat, and that she "must follow Alessandro's and the Agency's orders without hesitation", but an error occurred, and as such she has no memories, fake or otherwise. Any order that she is given she is forced to see out despite her own wishes, and she is forbidden to speak ill of her handler. Her name is often shortened to the more feminine "Petra". Petrushka's preferred weapons are the Spectre M4 SMG and Taurus PT92 pistol.


;nihongo|Beatrice|ベアトリーチェ|Beatorīche:anime voices|Mariya Ise in "Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino":Even though she only appears in chapter twenty of the manga, Beatrice appears in episode 8, 9, and 11 in the second season of the anime. Beatrice has a very strong sense of smell which she used to detect explosives on a suspect, and is handled by Bernardo. She is primarily apathetic from what little is shown of her. Her name has been shortened to "Bicé" by Bernardo on occasion. Beatrice's preferred weapon is the IMI Micro Uzi machine pistol.


In chapter 49 of the manga, three other teenage girls are shown conversing with Petrushka in an unspecified room. Their names are currently unknown, but it is widely assumed that they are additions to the second generation of cyborgs.

Handlers of the Social Welfare Agency


;nihongo|Giuseppe|ジョゼ|Joze:anime voices|Hidenobu Kiuchi|John Burgmeier in "Gunslinger Girl":anime voices|Kōzō Mito in "Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino":An agent of Section 2. Henrietta's handler and Jean's younger brother. Unlike the other "fratello", Giuseppe truly lives up to the name, caring for Henrietta like a protective brother and showing a good deal of interest and concern for her welfare. As such, he attempts to minimize Henrietta's conditioning as much as possible. Years ago, Giuseppe had a younger sister who adored him and wished to join the Carabinieri when she was older, in order to protect him. She resembled Henrietta somewhat and died in a terrorist car-bombing attack along with her father and Jean's fiance. Due to his sister's death, Giuseppe gained a deep appreciation for life and a hatred towards terrorism. Henrietta may represent Giuseppe's attempt to bring his sister back into his life somehow, as evidenced by her name's origins, her physical likeness to the girl, and the fact that she is seen wearing one of Enrica's dresses in volume six.

:The name "Giuseppe" is used only in ADV's English adaptation of the manga; in the Japanese-language manga and anime, this character is named nihongo|Joze|ジョゼ, which has been rendered as Jose and even Giusecite web|url=|title=Review - DVD Verdict] for the North American DVD release from FUNimation. Both forms have the same meaning: they are translations of the name "Joseph."


;nihongo|Jean|ジャン|Jan:anime voices|Mitsuru Miyamoto|Eric Vale in "Gunslinger Girl":anime voices|Takehito Koyasu in "Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino":Field commander of Section 2. Also spelled in some translations as Gian or Jan. An agent of Section 2, Rico's handler and Giuseppe's older brother. Whereas Giuseppe shows genuine care and concern for Henrietta's welfare, Jean adopts a cold and impersonal attitude, viewing Rico as a tool and keeping her on heavy doses of conditioning. This fundamental difference in their attitudes towards their charges is often a point of contention between the brothers. When both his younger sister and his fiancee, Sophia, were killed, Jean learned to hate terrorism. As a result, Jean became driven, hard-hearted, ruthless and sometimes cruel, especially when dealing with terrorists. Jean could have specifically chosen Rico because she would not mind his cold-hearted personality, no matter what happens. He is the most trusted unofficial advisor of Lorenzo, the chief of Section 2 of the Political Warfare Section, perhaps due to his extreme rationality. As of volume six, Jean does appear to care somewhat about Rico, when he saves her from drowning in a misguided sniping attempt. He has also shown a sign of affection for Rico when he embraces her during volume 9, this was triggered by the death of Angelica. Realizing how important to these girls they are, and lied to her telling that she died of Illness


;nihongo|Hilshire|ヒルシャー|Hirushā:anime voices|Masashi Ebara|Dameon Clarke in "Gunslinger Girl":anime voices|Masaya Matsukaze in "Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino":Also spelled Hillshire, Hilscher or Hirscher in some translations; real name is Victor Hartmann. He is an agent of Section 2 and Triela’s handler, whom he treats with a generally hands-off approach. A former Europol detective from Germany tasked to inter-departmental liaison at Interpol HQ, Hilshire wanted to join the Child Abuse Regulations Section to help solve a child-torture group operating in Holland. However, his boss denied the requests on the grounds that Hilshire was “too soft” to join the team.:Hilshire was shown a video of the torture sessions and it affected him deeply. He was approached by Rachelle Belleut and over dinner the two decided to investigate a warehouse where the torture sessions were rumored to take place. The two received information concerning the child smuggling ring from Mario Bossi, a Camorra leader who experienced an attack of conscience. During that investigation, Rachelle was mortally wounded and Triela was discovered and rescued. After seeing that Triela, who was in a coma from shock, was just going to be treated as evidence and not receive treatment, Hilshire and Mario smuggled her to Italy. Hilshire used his connections to reach the SWA, which was conducting hypnotism experiments. Hilshire discovered after the treatment that the doctors had also turned her into a cyborg, and Jean Croce effectively coerced him into joining Section 2 in order to protect Triela.


;nihongo|Raballo|ラバロ|Rabaro:anime voices|Kenyū Horiuchi|Bill Flynn:Also spelled in some translations as Raparo, Rapallo, Ravalo, or even Lavarro. He was an agent of Section 2, Claes's handler and a former member of the Carabinieri. After forced retirement due to a leg injury, Captain Raballo was approached by Jean, who offered Raballo a chance to join Section 2 as a handler for a child assassin. In turn, Raballo would be able to return to the Military Police within three years. During his period with Section 2, Raballo spent a great deal of time with Claes outside the SWA, showing her a normal life, especially fishing. He also taught Claes the value of patience and encouraged her prior love of reading. Ultimately, however, he was unable to deal with what had been done to the girls of the SWA and of what was expected of him and Claes as a "fratello", so Raballo left. Due to the strong bond developed between a girl and her handler, this act made Claes useless as an assassin, since it was effectively impossible to assign a new handler once a "fratello" have bonded. Before his departure, Raballo gave Claes her old glasses from a previous life with the promise that she'll be good whenever she wears them. A few days after he left the SWA to talk to a friend (who was a reporter by profession), Claes was informed that Raballo died in a hit-and-run incident, possibly at the hands of the Italian government or even the Political Warfare Section.


;nihongo|Marco|マルコー|Marukō:anime voices|Norihiro Inoue|Jim Foronda in "Gunslinger Girl":anime voices|Kazuki Yao in "Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino":Real name Marco Togni. An agent of Section 2 and Angelica's handler. After being suspended from military service due to an injury to his left eye, Marco was recommended by his friend Dr. Bianchi to be the handler of Angelica, the first child assassin of Section 2. While taking care of Angelica, Marco told her impromptu stories of "The Prince of the Land of Pasta" ("Il Principe del Regno della Pasta"), a fictional prince who ate only pasta. He spent much time looking for ideas for the story. This fascinated his girlfriend at the time, Patricia, who later wrote and published the storybook "The Prince of the Land of Pasta", a copy of which Marco bought and read for Angelica. As time went on, Marco witnessed Section 2 develop into an effective combat unit and Angelica's tremendous potential as an assassin. Unfortunately, Angelica also was the first girl to experience the side-effects of the conditioning process, particularly long-term memory loss. Disgusted with the many setbacks that resulted afterwards, Marco felt that any further effort was in vain, and had no desire to continue, and takes an impersonal and critical approach to Angelica's training.Yet when Angelica saved his life in Volume 9 he started to open to her on her deathbed, taking great leaps to locate her dog, and since stayed at her bedside as she layed dying. Before she died she looks at marco not knowing who he was and asked why he was crying, and recounted the Pasta story, closing the cycle from Angelica's "birth" and "death" with the song Marco created. Afterward Marco promises to Giuseppe that he wants to get another Cyborg and treat her better then before.


;nihongo|Lauro|ラウーロ|Raūro:anime voices|Eisuke Tsuda in "Gunslinger Girl":A former agent of Section 2 and Elsa's handler. His attitude towards Elsa was similar, if not worse than, Jean's attitude towards Rico. Lauro viewed Elsa as nothing more than a tool and treated her as such. Except when conducting missions, Lauro paid little-to-no attention to Elsa. Unfortunately, this attitude proved to be his undoing when Elsa fell deeply in love with him, to the point of obsession. When Elsa realized that Lauro did not return her feelings, she shot him from behind and then killed herself immediately afterwards.


;nihongo|Alessandro|アレッサンドロ|Aressandoro:Petrushka's handler. Alessandro Ricci spent most of his childhood overseeing the Spain Square in Rome on the fourth floor of the building he lived in, and soon developed a keen eye for observing people, earning him a job at the Public Security Division of Italy. He was set to infiltrate Padania headquarters at one time, but due to the political upheaval, he joined Section 2 instead. Alessandro initially seemed very uninterested in Petrushka; later on, he is more intrigued at the idea that she is a "weapon". He requests that Petrushka refers to him as Sandro rather than his full name — in turn, Alessandro calls her Petra. The most recent issue of the manga seems to hint a budding romantic relationship between Alessandro and Petra. It's revealed that he used to work for Section 1 and was recruited by Rossana who was declared by public security to be the best spy in Italy. He was recruited due to his ability to Observe people and identify them. and was tutored by her to transform into anyone, and spent his early years sleeping with various VIP women much to Petra's chagrin. It's discovered why he dislikes red haired women because Rossana was red hair, and at one point they fell in love. Some time later she suddenly disappeared and she was declared a traitor. Years later it's discovered that she was pregnant during an spy operation with a man and was tired of the job.


;nihongo|Bernardo|ベルナルド|Berunardo:anime voices|Yuto Nakano in "Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino":Beatrice's handler. Both he and Beatrice are featured together in "Gunslinger Girl" chapter 20 and "Il Teatrino" episodes 9 and 11. Bernardo seems to be very outgoing, in sharp contrast with his emotionless cyborg Beatrice.

Other members of the Special Ops division

;nihongo|Lorenzo|ロレンツォ|Rorentso:anime voices|Hiroshi Yanaka|Mark Stoddard:Chief of Special Ops, Section 2. He is responsible for overseeing the overall development of the child assassins, as well as the conduction of their missions. When looking over sensitive issues, Lorenzo often confers with Jean.

;Alfonso:anime voices|Masami Iwasaki|Troy Baker:A male agent for Section 2. He is issued a Floro MK-9 submachinegun.

;nihongo|Ferro|フェッロ:anime voices|Rie Nakagawa|Cynthia Cranz in "Gunslinger Girl":anime voices|Rie Nakagawa in "Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino":A female agent for Section 2 who has a no-nonsense personality.

;nihongo|Olga|オリガ|Origa:anime voice|Shizuko:A female agent for Section 2 who is originally from Russia. She has a dream of freeing the girls from their assassination duties and making them into the finest ballerinas in Europe.

;nihongo|Priscilla|プリシッラ|Purishirra:anime voices|Masami Suzuki in "Gunslinger Girl":anime voices|Mayuko Takahashi in "Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino":A female agent for Section 2 who loves and genuinely cares for the girls. She has a chirpy personality when not on duty, and is very fond of Angelica.

;nihongo|Dr. Bianchi|ビアンキ|Bianki:anime voices|Takumi Yamazaki|Chuck Huber:The head doctor in charge of the child assassins's surgical operations and conditioning processes. Dr. Bianchi also observes the medical diagnosis and physical development of the girls.

;Louis Duvalier:anime voices|Makoto Tomita:Technician officer, works on designing outside of the cyborg's body. Louis was the head person in charge of modifying Petrushka's physical appearance.

;nihongo|Belgonchi|ベルゴンツィ|Berugontsi:anime voices|Masakazu Suzuki:Technician officer, expert on artificial organs and the vascular system.

;Dr. Gilliani:The head doctor in charge of developing artificial arms and legs of the cyborg's body.

;nihongo|Pietro Fermi|ピエトロ・フェルミ|Pietoro Ferumi:anime voices|Shūichi Ikeda|Christopher R. Sabat:A male agent for Section 1. He was called in to investigate the deaths of Elsa deSica and Lauro, as well as find information on the child assassins employed by Section 2.

;nihongo|Elenora Gabrielli|エレノラ・ガブリエリ|Erenora Gaburieri:anime voices|Risa Mizuno|Ashley Gonzales:A female agent for Section 1. She often kept track of minor details for Section 1 and kept a Moleskine pocketbook with everything she needed written inside, which Henrietta referred to as a "magical notebook".

;nihongo|Draghi|ドラーギ|Dorāgi:anime voices|Tetsuo Kamura|Ed Blaylock:Chief of Special Ops, Section 1. Jealous of the initial success of the cyborg program implemented by Section 2, he once attempted to cast doubt on the feasibility of the program via the investigation into the death of Elsa de Sica.

;nihongo|Rossanna|ロッサーナ|Rossāna:A red-headed ex-member of Section 1. She was the best spy in Italy in her time, and mentored Sandro. She could impersonate 100 people, speak various languages, and was an exceptional athlete. At one point during her career, she started a relationship with Sandro, but suddenly left mysteriously and was proclaimed a traitor. As a result, Sandro claimed to hate red-heads from then on. Sandro later discovered that she left after becoming pregnant due to her job, and was living with her daughter.

;nihongo|Rachelle Belleut|ラシェル・ベロー|Rasheru Berō:anime voices|Yuka Komatsu:A former member of the Paris Police Department, who was working as a coroner at Europol headquarters in The Hague at the time of her appearance in the story. She performed the autopsies on the victims of a child-torture ring, but was unable to glean any clues from their bodies. Her co-worker Paulin introduced her to Hillshire, who had unsuccessfully been trying to get added to the group investigating the child-torture ring. Over dinner, Rachelle and Hillshire decided to investigate an Amsterdam warehouse said to be used to film the child-torture based on information provided by Mario Bossi. She was critically wounded in a shoot-out in the warehouse and gave her life saving the girl who would become Triela.

Notable members of the Five Republics Faction (a.k.a. Padania)

The Five Republics Faction is a covert radical nationalist and right-wing group dedicated to the independence of northern Italy, as well as the opposition of globalization in Italy. This group is also referred to as Padania, after a valley in northern Italy formed by the Po River.

;nihongo|Cristiano|クリスティアーノ|Kurisutiāno:anime voices|Naoki Tatsuta in "Gunslinger Girl":anime voices|Yōji Ueda in "Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino":Christiano Savonarola was the executive in charge of Padania operations in the province of Milan. A patriot at heart, Christiano had a deep respect for Italian culture, history, and political ideals. Before he joined the Five Republics Faction, he was a low-level lieutenant for an unknown Italian crime syndicate. During that time, he befriended a former CIA agent known only as "John Doe" and encountered the boy who would later become Pinocchio (see below). Christiano was directly responsible for a number of critical Padania missions, such as the assassination of Filippo Adani and the shutdown of the Messina Bridge project. In the months before his disappearance, Christiano was blamed for the many major failures his operations experienced. As a result, a rival faction of Padania betrayed the location of his hideout to the Italian government in exchange for "certain conditions". Christiano was resigned to his fate until Pinocchio convinced him to attempt escape. During the attempt by Section 2 to arrest Christiano, he was briefly (and barely) rescued by Franca and Franco in an attempted getaway by car. Moments later, their car crashed and fell into a nearby river after Franca, who was driving the car, was shot several times by Angelica. After this, all three disappeared and have not been seen since.

;nihongo|Franca|フランカ|Furanka:anime voices|Chisa Yokoyama in "Gunslinger Girl":anime voices|Eriko Hirata in "Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino":Franca was the codename of an expert on bombs and explosive materials who worked as a freelancer with her partner Franco (see below). An idealist by nature, Franca had strong morals and disliked those who would kill indiscriminately. As a team, Franca and Franco were known within Padania for the quality of their bombs, which were said to be impossible to disarm. Some within the Five Republics Faction do not trust them because of their freelancer status. They operated an auto repair shop in Milan as a front for their clandestine business. Franca's true identity was Caterina, a student who dropped out of her university in order to file a national lawsuit against the arrest of her father, who was imprisoned on charges of unspecified crimes. Shortly afterwards, the father died of suspicious causes during his incarceration. Convinced of her father's innocence and angry at the Italian government's apparent immoral attempts to silence political dissent, Caterina sought out various activists within Italy in an attempt to learn how to get revenge on the Italian government. At the recommendation of Mangello Marinov, a family friend, Caterina made contact with Franco, whose uncle was a well-known explosives expert. Although Franco was reluctant at first, he was soon moved by the strength of Caterina's convictions. Caterina learned much from Franco and eventually took the name "Franca" as a cover identity since she would be working closely with Franco from then on. When Padania began the mission to stop the construction of the Messina bridge, Pinocchio was assigned as a bodyguard to Franca and Franco, both of whom would make the bomb to stop the construction if the abduction of Chairwoman Isabella D'Angelo failed. After the encounter with Triela and Hillshire in Montalcino, the three Padania agents went into hiding at a winery in Frascati for several months. When Section 2 moved in to arrest Christiano, Franca and Franco joined Pinocchio in his attempt to help Christiano escape the authorities as a favor. Barely rescuing Christiano from Rico, Franca and Franco then attempted to escape by car. However, after Angelica shot Franca several times, their car crashes into a nearby river. Neither Franca nor Franco have been seen since then and Franca's current condition remains unknown.

;nihongo|Franco|フランコ|Furanko:anime voices|Shintarou Sonooka in "Gunslinger Girl":anime voices|Hiroki Yasumoto in "Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino":Franco was an expert on bombs and explosive materials who worked as a freelancer with his partner Franca (see above). Normally a jaded, sullen, and unhappy individual, Franco came to rely on Franca as a reason to stay alive and fight for a cause. Little of Franco's background is revealed other than the fact that he had helped his uncle, a noted explosives expert, in the production of various types of bombs and chemical explosives. After his uncle's death, Franco no longer felt the need to live until he was visited a month later by a young woman named Caterina. Impressed by Caterina's resolve to change Italy for the better, Franco taught her his trade. It would be because of Caterina, later known as Franca, that Franco continued to supply explosives to activists as his uncle once did. He disappeared with Franca after the attempted rescue of Christiano and has not been seen since.

;nihongo|Pinocchio|ピノッキオ|Pinokkio:anime voices|Daisuke Kishio in "Gunslinger Girl: Il Teatrino":Pinocchio was a professional assassin with a near-fanatical devotion to his foster father, Christiano. Much like his namesake, Pinocchio wanted to repay the old man (in this case, Christiano) who "created" him. Years ago, Christiano and "John Doe", a former CIA agent, eliminated the Polacco family in their own house. Later, they found an unknown boy, speculated to be "merchandise" of the Polacco family, in a hidden cellar of the house. Although he originally intended to use the boy as a "bargaining chip", Christiano eventually decided to raise the boy as his own. Personally educated by Christiano and taught the skills of an assassin by "John Doe", the boy, now named Pinocchio, committed his first murder at the age of ten. Pinocchio conducted many high-profile assassinations on his foster father's behalf, including the murders of eight politicians, five judges, and four financiers of the Italian government. Encountered by Triela in the town of Montalcino, Pinocchio surprisingly managed to defeat her in hand-to-hand combat despite the cyborg's enhanced strength and speed, but escaped before he was given a chance to kill her. As a result of this incident, Triela considered Pinocchio a personal enemy. Several months later, Franca told Pinocchio of Section 2's plans to arrest Christiano. Despite his orders to stay with Franca and Franco, Pinocchio went to his foster father's home in an attempt to convince him to escape or, failing that, defend him to the death. At the last minute, Christiano finally decided to escape so Pinocchio decided to cover for him. After this, Pinocchio encountered Triela again and was killed in a fierce duel of guns and hand-to-hand combat with her, stabbed through the throat by the cybernetic girl's fingers.

;Enrico Beldini:A former anarchist who joined the PRF for money offered. A man who believed that the ends justified the means, Enrico once planned to blow up the Piazza di Spagna in a terrorist plot with a bomb designed by Franco and Franca. He was arrested by Section 2 after he was followed to his hideout and currently remains imprisoned.

;Pirazzi:A well-known Italian billionaire who secretly funds the activities of the PRF. He was betrayed by his former accountant, Filippo Adani, who gave Pirazzi's accounting records (including details of the PRF's finances and future plans) to the Agency.

;Bruno:Known within the PRF as "the Fixer," this man is usually sent to destroy unwanted corpses the PRF leaves behind. Bruno works closely with his apprentice, Vincenzo, in this job. A family man, Bruno only does his job for the money offered by the PRF. In volume three, he was left alive proceeding Rico and Angelica's mission; his current state is unknown.

;Vincenzo:Bruno's apprentice in the odious job of corpse disposal. As with Bruno, Vincenzo does his job only for the money. He was killed by Rico in volume three of the manga.

;Leonardo Conti:Leading the magazine "Ultima", is a self-proclaimed ace reporter. His trademark is the extent to tie, hair, beard, slothful long; near the vague feeling that the image of Italian men might be close.:He refuse to give up even after the terrorists are picked up around. In fact, the terrorist groups of the five Republic, had dragged things approached Patricia, Marco’s girlfriend.:She involving the Social Welfare Agency, and the reality is behind the truth. But contrary to the mission marked by the Agency, Patricia confronted with the shield of the hostages, then Leonardo Conti has arrested at the end. :Since then his fate is unknown.:If the Padania terrorists is evidently has no clear delineation of the Prime Minister lines, the system of the media it would be to penetrate of sympathizer's incubation.


;Sergio Aimaro (a.k.a. Mr. Kaschmann)


Notes and references

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