List of Gunslinger Girl chapters

List of Gunslinger Girl chapters

This is list of volumes and chapters for "Gunslinger Girl" a manga series written and illustrated by Yu Aida. It first premiered in Japan in the November 2002 issue of the monthly "Dengeki Daioh" magazine; as of April 2008, 51 chapters have been released. The chapters are also being published in collected volumes by MediaWorks, with the first volume released November 27, 2002. Nine volumes have been published in Japan so far. [cite web |url= |title=Gunslinger Girl |publisher=Dengeki Comics |accessdate=2008-04-15 ] cite web |url= |title=List of Gunslinger Girl books |publisher=Dengeki Comics |accessdate=2008-04-15 ]

When ADV Manga was formed in 2003, the "Gunslinger Girl" manga series was one of the first titles the new branch of ADV Films licensed for an English language release in North America. [cite web |url= |title=Formation of Two New ADV Branches |publisher=Anime News Network |date=2003-07-04 |accessdate=2008-04-15 ] The first volume was released on November 18, 2003, [cite press release |url= |title=ADV Manga Sets Street Dates for Gunslinger Girl |publisher=ADV Manga (via Anime News Network |date=2003-10-23 |accessdate=2008-04-15 ] with the next two volumes not released until 2005. At the 2005 Anime Next convention, the ADV representative David L. Williams said the slow schedule was due to ADV Manga feeling the market was too saturated with new manga titles at the time and that they had rushed into the manga market. [cite web |url= |title= Anime Next - A.D. Vision, Inc. |first=Mikhail |last=Koulikov |coauthor=Macdonald, Christopher |publisher=Anime News Network |date=2005-06-21 |accessdate=2008-04-15 ] However, after the third volume was released that year, the series went on a two year hiatus. The series was restarted in July 2007 with the publication of the fourth volume, [cite web |url= |title=Anime Expo 2007: ADV Films |first=Bamboo |last=Dong |publisher=Anime News Network |date=2007-06-30 |accessdate=2008-04-15 ] and six volumes have been released as of April 2008.cite web|url= |title=List of Yu Aida books | |accessdate=2008-04-15 ]

A thirteen-episode anime adaptation produced by Madhouse aired in Japan on Animax and Fuji Television from October 8, 2003 to February 19, 2004. A sequel created by Artland premiered in Japan on Tokyo MX TV on January 7, 2008. Titled "Gunslinger Girl -Il Teatrino-", this sequel spanned thirteen episodes, concluding on March 31, 2008. [cite web|url=|title=List of "Gunslinger Girl -Il Teatrino-" episode titles|language=Japanese|publisher=Marvelous Entertainment|accessdate=2008-01-16] __TOC__

Chapter and volume listing

Graphic novel list/header
Language = Original
SecondLanguage = English
Width= 99%
Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 1
OriginalRelDate = November 27, 2002
OriginalISBN = 4-8402-2237-1
LicensedRelDate = November 18, 2003
LicensedISBN = 978-1413900200
ChapterList =
* Chapter 1: nihongo|Observing the Heavens|天体観測|Tentaikansoku
* Chapter 2: Love Thy Neighbor
* Chapter 3: The Snow White
* Chapter 4: nihongo|The Death of Elsa de Sica (Part 1)|エルザ・デ・シーカの死(前編)|Eruza de Sīka no Shi (Zenpen)
* Chapter 5: nihongo|The Death of Elsa de Sica (Part 2)|エルザ・デ・シーカの死(後編)|Eruza de Sīka no Shi (Kōhen)
VolumeExtras = Cover character:

* Henrietta
Summary = Chapter 1 introduces Henrietta and Guiseppe, Triela, Claes, and Rico, and establishes the purpose of the Social Welfare Agency. Chapter 2 reveals Rico's story and personality. Chapter 3 focuses on Triela and Hillshire and introduces Marco, a criminal indirectly connected to the snuff films that nearly killed Triela. Chapters 4 and 5 reveal what happens to a cyborg when they love their handler and when the handler doesn't respond in kind, showing the emotional struggle of Henrietta, and revealing the extent of the conditioning of the cyborgs.
Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 2
OriginalRelDate = June 27, 2003
OriginalISBN = 4-8402-2421-8
LicensedRelDate = March 22, 2005
LicensedISBN = 978-1413902334
ChapterList =
* Chapter 6: Vegetable Gardens
* Chapter 7: Ice Cream in the Piazza di Spagna
* Chapter 8: nihongo|Song of Joy|歓びの歌|Yorokobi no Uta
* Chapter 9: How Beautiful My Florence is!
* Chapter 10: nihongo|Prince of the Land of Pasta (Part 1)|パスタの国の王子様(前編)|Pasuta no Kuni no Ōjisama (Zenpen)
* Chapter 11: nihongo|Prince of the Land of Pasta (Part 2))|パスタの国の王子様(後編)|Pasuta no Kuni no Ōjisama (Kōhen)
VolumeExtras = Cover character:

* Rico
Summary = Chapter 1 reveals Claes's background via a flashback to when she was first inducted into the Social Welfare Agency, and shows what happen to a cyborg when their handler dies. Chapter 2 reveals Franca and Franco, two terrorists that will play a major role in the Pinnochio arc. Chapter 9 shows Rico and Jean in Florence protecting Filippo, who has the ledger of Pirazzi, a major Pandana leader. Rico and Jean save Filippo's life, creating a mutual friendship between the three. Chapters 10 and 11 reveal Angelica's background and the side-effects of the cyborgs' conditioning.

Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 3
OriginalRelDate = February 27, 2004
OriginalISBN = 4-8402-2622-9
LicensedRelDate = June 6, 2005
LicensedISBN = 978-1413902747
ChapterList =
* Chapter 12: Kaleidoscope
* Chapter 13: nihongo|Pinocchio|ピノッキオ|Pinokkio (Part 1)
* Chapter 14: nihongo|Pinocchio|ピノッキオ|Pinokkio (Part 2)
* Chapter 15: nihongo|Pinocchio|ピノッキオ|Pinokkio (Part 3)
* Chapter 16: Breaking the Changes of Retaliation
* Chapter 17: Retiring Tibetan Terrier
VolumeExtras = Cover character:

* Triela
Summary =
Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 4
OriginalRelDate = November 27, 2004
OriginalISBN = 4-8402-2819-1
LicensedRelDate = June 20, 2007
LicensedISBN = 978-1413903416
ChapterList =
* Chapter 18: Tiny Joy, Tearless Grief
* Chapter 19: nihongo|Mimi Machiavelli|ミミ・マキャヴェリ|Mimi Makyaveri
* Chapter 20: nihongo|Tosca|トスカ|Tosuka
* Chapter 21: nihongo|Clever Serpents, Innocent Doves|「賢い蛇、純真な鳩」|Kashikoi Hebi, Junshin na Hato
* Chapter 22: She is a Flower that Blossoms in honesty's light
VolumeExtras = Cover character:

* Claes
Summary =
Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 5
OriginalRelDate = May 27, 2005
OriginalISBN = 4-8402-3072-2
LicensedRelDate = August 22, 2007
LicensedISBN = 978-1413903461
ChapterList =
* Chapter 23: nihongo|Evanescence|泡沫|Utakata
* Chapter 24: nihongo|Caterina|カテリーナ|Katerīna
* Chapter 25: nihongo|Pinocchio|ピノッキオ|Pinokkio (Part 4)
* Chapter 26: nihongo|Pinocchio|ピノッキオ|Pinokkio (Part 5)
* Chapter 27: nihongo|Pinocchio|ピノッキオ|Pinokkio (Part 6)
VolumeExtras = Cover character:

* Angelica
Summary =
Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 6
OriginalRelDate = December 17, 2005
OriginalISBN = 4-8402-3290-3
LicensedRelDate = November 28, 2007
LicensedISBN = 978-1413903522
ChapterList =
* Chapter 28: Dum Spiro, Spero
* Chapter 29: Fantasma
* Chapter 30: Reincarnation
* Chapter 31: nihongo|The Bolshoi Ballet Academy|ボリショイ・バレエ学校|Borishoi Baree Gakkō
* Chapter 32: nihongo|Line of Sight|視線|Shisen
VolumeExtras = Cover character:

* Petrushka
Summary =
Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 7
OriginalRelDate = July 27, 2006
OriginalISBN = 4-8402-3532-5
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList =
* Chapter 33: nihongo|The Girl's Minature Garden|彼女の箱庭|Kanojo no Hakoniwa
* Chapter 34: nihongo|Promise|約束|Yakusoku
* Chapter 35: Lingering Hope
* Chapter 36: The Sheep and the Goats
* Chapter 37: nihongo|The Hero is Afraid|勇者は恐れず|Yūsha wa Osorezu
VolumeExtras = Cover character:

* Triela and Claes
Summary =
Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 8
OriginalRelDate = March 27, 2007
OriginalISBN = 978-4-8402-3826-7
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList =
* Chapter 38: nihongo|Dance of the Black Swan|黒鳥の舞|Kokuchou no Mai
* Chapter 39: nihongo|Lady Rosso|レディ・ロッソ|Redi Rosso|"rosso" is Italian for "red" (Part 1)
* Chapter 40: nihongo|Lady Rosso|レディ・ロッソ|Redi Rosso (Part 2)
* Chapter 41: nihongo|Lady Rosso|レディ・ロッソ|Redi Rosso (Part 3)
* Chapter 42: nihongo|Mind Speech|マインド・スピーチ|Maindo Supīchi
* Chapter 43: nihongo|Lady Rosso|レディ・ロッソ|Redi Rosso (Part 4)
* Chapter 44: nihongo|Lady Rosso|レディ・ロッソ|Redi Rosso (Part 5)
VolumeExtras = Cover character:

* Alessandro and Petrushka
Summary =
Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 9
OriginalRelDate = November 27, 2007
OriginalISBN = 978-4-8402-4108-3
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList =
* Chapter 45: nihongo|Crepuscolo|クレプスコロ|Kurepusukoro|"crepuscolo" is Italian for "twilight" (Part 1)
* Chapter 46: nihongo|Crepuscolo|クレプスコロ|Kurepusukoro (Part 2)
* Chapter 47: nihongo|Crepuscolo|クレプスコロ|Kurepusukoro (Part 3)
* Chapter 48: nihongo|Crepuscolo|クレプスコロ|Kurepusukoro (Part 4)
* Chapter 49: nihongo|Embrace|つの抱擁|Tsuno Hōyō
* Chapter 50: nihongo|Thinking|つの想い|Tsuno Omoi
VolumeExtras = Cover character:

* Angelica and Pero
Summary =
Graphic novel list
VolumeNumber = 10
OriginalRelDate = October 27, 2008
OriginalISBN =
LicensedRelDate =
LicensedISBN =
ChapterList =
* Chapter 51: nihongo|Light|灯|Tomoshibi
* Chapter 52: nihongo|Assassination Mission|暗殺任務|Ansatsu Ninmu
* Chapter 53: nihongo|Reunion|再会|Saikai
* Chapter 54: nihongo|Confession|告白|Kokuhaku
* Chapter 55: nihongo|A Flower of Good Will|善意の花|Zen'i no Hana
* Chapter 56: nihongo|Returning to the Birdcage|鳥籠に還る|Torikago ni Kaeru
* Chapter 57: nihongo|Vendetta|ヴェンデッタ
* Chapter 58: nihongo|Vendetta|ヴェンデッタ (Part 2)
VolumeExtras = Cover character:

* Triela and Hillshire
Summary = Hillshire is worried about Triela becoming more reliant on conditioning after Angelica died, and he tries to do what he can to protect her; Triela sees this as taking away her reason for existence, since as a cyborg as she is supposed to protect him. Also, Triela realizes she is nearing the end of her life. Mario reveals Triela's past to her explaining how she was rescued from the Camorra in Amsterdam by Hillshire and Rachelle. In chapter 56, Hillshire finishes telling Triela about her past while she extracts a bullet from his abdomen.

ee also

* List of "Gunslinger Girl" characters
* List of "Gunslinger Girl" episodes


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