- Ticlopidine
IUPAC_name = 3- [(2-chlorophenyl)methyl] -7-thia-3-azabicyclo [4.3.0] nona-8,10-diene
CAS_number = 55142-85-3
ATC_prefix = B01
ATC_suffix = AC05
ATC_supplemental =
PubChem = 5472
DrugBank = APRD01257
C = 14 | H = 14 | Cl = 1 | N = 1 | S = 1
molecular_weight = 263.786 g/mol
bioavailability = >80%
protein_bound = 98%
metabolism = Hepatic
elimination_half-life = *12 hours (single dose)
*4 to 5 days (after repeated dosing)
excretion = Renal and fecal
pregnancy_AU = B1
pregnancy_US = C
legal_status =
routes_of_administration = OralTiclopidine (trade name Ticlid) is an
antiplatelet drug in thethienopyridine family. Likeclopidogrel , it is anadenosine diphosphate (ADP) receptor inhibitor. It is used in patients in whomaspirin is not tolerated, or in whom dual antiplatelet therapy is desirable. Because it has been reported to increase the risk ofthrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) andneutropenia , its use has largely been supplanted by the newer drug,clopidogrel , which is felt to have a much lower hematologic risk. The usual dose is 250 mg twice daily by the oral route.Action
* Inihibits
platelet aggregation by altering the function of platelet membranes.
* Prolongs bleeding time.
* Decreased incidence ofstroke in high-risk patients.Contraindications
* Bleeding disorders
* Active bleeding
* Severeliver disease Precautions
* Risk of bleeding (trauma, surgery, history of
peptic ulcer disease )
*Renal orhepatic impairment
*Geriatric patients (increased sensitivity)
*Pregnancy ,lactation , or children under 18
*Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
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