United States presidential election in Alaska, 2004

United States presidential election in Alaska, 2004

Alaska once again voted for the Republican presidential nominee in 2004, as it has in every presidential election since statehood except for 1964. The Democratic presidential ticket though did better here in 2004 compared to 2000, narrowing the Republican advantage from around 31 percentage points in 2000 to approximately 25 percentage points in 2004 . John Kerry obtained nearly 36 percent of the vote, approximately 8 percentage points (or 32,021 votes) more than Al Gore's showing of around 28 percent in 2000. In comparison, incumbent President Bush only increased his vote in Alaska by around 2 percent (or 23,491 votes) from nearly 59 percent in 2000 to approximately 61 percent in 2004.

Statewide winner in bold.

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