Lucas pseudoprime

Lucas pseudoprime

In number theory, the classes of Lucas pseudoprime and Fibonacci pseudoprime comprise sequences of composite integers that passes certain tests that all primes pass: in this case, criteria relative to some Lucas sequence.


Given two integer parameters "P" and "Q" which satisfy

:D = P^2 - 4Q eq 0 ,

the "Lucas sequences" of the first and second kind, "U""n"("P","Q") and "V""n"("P","Q") respectively, are defined by the recurrence relations

:U_0(P,Q)=0 ,

:U_1(P,Q)=1 ,

:U_n(P,Q)=PU_{n-1}(P,Q)-QU_{n-2}(P,Q) mbox{ for }n>1 ,


:V_0(P,Q)=2 ,

:V_1(P,Q)=P ,

:V_n(P,Q)=PV_{n-1}(P,Q)-QV_{n-2}(P,Q) mbox{ for }n>1 ,

We can write

: U_n(P,Q) = frac{a^n-b^n}{a-b} , : V_n(P,Q) = a^n + b^n ,

where "a" and "b" are roots of the auxiliary polynomial "X"2 - "P" "X" + "Q",of discriminant "D".

If "p" is an odd prime number then

: "Vp" is congruent to "P" modulo "p".

and if the Jacobi symbol

:left(frac{D}{p} ight) = varepsilon e 0,

then "p" is a factor of "Up-ε".

Lucas pseudoprimes

A "Lucas pseudoprime" is a composite number "n" for which "n" is a factor of "Un-ε".(Riesel adds the condition that "D" should be −1.)

In the specific case of the Fibonacci sequence, where "P" = 1, "Q" = 1 and "D" = 5, the first Lucas pseudoprimes are 323 and 377; left(frac{5}{323} ight) and left(frac{5}{377} ight) are both −1, the 324th Fibonacci number is a multiple of 323, and the 378th is a multiple of 377.

A strong Lucas pseudoprime is an odd composite number "n" with (n,D)=1, and n-ε=2"r""s" with "s" odd, satisfying one of the conditions

: "n" divides "U""s": "n" divides "V"2"j""s"

for some "j" ≤ "r". A strong Lucas pseudoprime is also a Lucas pseudoprime.

An extra strong Lucas pseudoprime is a strong Lucas pseudoprime for a set of parameters ("P","Q") where "Q" = 1.

Fibonacci pseudoprimes

A Fibonacci pseudoprime is a composite number "n" for which

: "Vn" is congruent to "P" modulo "n"

when "Q" = ±1.

A strong Fibonacci pseudoprime may be defined as a composite number which is a Fibonacci pseudoprime for all "P". It follows (see Müller and Oswald) that in this case:

#An odd composite integer "n" is also a Carmichael number
#2("p""i" + 1) | ("n" 1) or 2("p""i" + 1) | ("n" "p""i") for every prime "p""i" dividing "n".

The smallest example of a strong Fibonacci pseudoprime is 443372888629441, which has factors 17, 31, 41, 43, 89, 97, 167 and 331.

It is conjectured that there are no even Fibonacci pseudoprimes (see Somer).


* Müller, Winfried B. and Alan Oswald. "Generalized Fibonacci Pseudoprimes and Probable Primes." In G.E. Bergum et al, eds. "Applications of Fibonacci Numbers. Volume 5." Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1993. 459-464.
* Somer, Lawrence. "On Even Fibonacci Pseudoprimes." In G.E. Bergum et al, eds. "Applications of Fibonacci Numbers. Volume 4." Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1991. 277-288.

External links

* Anderson, Peter G. [ Fibonacci Pseudoprimes, their factors, and their entry points.]
* Anderson, Peter G. [ Fibonacci Pseudoprimes under 2,217,967,487 and their factors.]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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