- Perak honours list
Perak is one of the states inMalaysia that awards honours and titles.2004
* 1 recipient of Darjah Kebesaran Seri Paduka Sultan Azlan Shah (SPSA), which carries the title "Dato' Seri".
* 3 recipients of Darjah Seri Panglima Taming Sari (SPTS), which carries the tile "Dato' Seri Panglima".
* 1 recipients of Darjah Seri Paduka Mahkota Perak (SPMP), which carries the tile "Dato' Seri".
* 23 recipients of Darjah Datuk Paduka Mahkota Perak (DPMP), which carries the tile "Dato"'.2003
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is sole recipient of Darjah Kebesaran Seri Paduka Sultan Azlan Shah (SPSA), which carries the title "Dato' Seri".
* 2 recipients of Darjah Seri Panglima Taming Sari (SPTS), which carries the tile "Dato' Seri Panglima".
* 3 recipients of Darjah Seri Paduka Mahkota Perak (SPMP), which carries the tile "Dato' Seri".
* 3 recipients of Darjah Datuk Paduka Cura Simanja Kini (DPCM), which carries the title "Dato"'.
* 6 recipients of Darjah Datuk Pahlawan Taming Sari (DPTS), which carries the title "Dato' Pahlawan".
* 40 recipients of Darjah Datuk Paduka Mahkota Perak (DPMP), which carries the tile "Dato"'.sdasd2000
* 2 recipients of Datuk Seri Paduka Sultan Azlan (SPSA), which carries the tile "Dato' Seri".
* 8 recipients of Darjah Seri Paduka Mahkota Perak (SPMP), which carries the tile "Dato' Seri".
* 4 recipients of Datuk Paduka Cura Simanja Kini (DPCM), which carries the tile "Dato"'.
* 8 recipients of Darjah Datuk Pahlawan Taming Sari (DPTS), which carries the tile "Dato' Pahlawan".
* 42 recipients of Darjah Datuk Paduka Mahkota Perak (DPMP), which carries the tile "Dato"'.External links
* [http://thestar.com.my/news/list.asp?file=/2004/4/20/nation/20040420104135&sec=nation The Star - Sultan of Perak's birthday honours list] , 20 April 2004.
* [http://thestar.com.my/news/list.asp?file=/2003/4/21/nation/21listPerak&sec=nation The Star - Sultan of Perak's birthday honours list] , 21 April 2003.
* [http://thestar.com.my/news/list.asp?file=/2000/4/18/states/iplis&sec=nation The Star - Sultan of Perak's brother heads honours list] , 18 April 2000.
* [http://www.geocities.com/aizaris/awards Royal awards and medals] given by Sultan of Perak.
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