List of military decorations

List of military decorations

This is a list of military decorations, by country in alphabetical order and in order of precedence.r.

Ancient Rome

:"Both Roman Republic and Roman Empire."

*Victory Titles (including "imperator" and "pater patriae")
*Triumphal Arch
*Triumphal Regalia
*Myrtle Crown
*Laurel Crown
*Grass Crown

*Civic Crown
*Mural Crown
*Naval Crown
*Military Diploma
*Hasta Pura
*Phalerae (military honours)


*Honorary Spahi


*Order of the Liberator General San Martin ( _es. Orden del Libertador General San Martín)

*Order of May ( _es. Orden de Mayo)

*Argentine Army Distinguished Service Order ( _es. "Orden a los Servicios Distinguidos")

*Argentine Nation to the Heroic Valour in Combat Cross ( _es. Cruz "La Nación Argentina al Heróico Valor en Combate") The highest national condecoration.
*Argentine Nation to the Valour in Combat Medal ( _es. Medalla "La Nación Argentina al Valor en Combate")
*Argentine Nation to the Killed in Combat Medal ( _es. Medalla "La Nación Argentina al Muerto en Combate")
*Argentine Nation to the Wounded in Combat Medal ( _es. Medalla "La Nación Argentina al Herido en Combate")

*Argentine Army to the Military Merit Medal ( _es. Medalla "El Ejército Argentino al Merito Militar")
*Argentine Army to the Effort and Abnegation Medal ( _es. Medalla "El Ejército Argentino al Esfuerzo y Abnegación")
*Argentine Army to the Wounded in Combat Medal ( _es. Medalla "El Ejército Argentino al Herido en Combate")


*Victoria Cross for Australia (VC) (1991- )
* Order of Australia: Military Division (1975- )
*Star of Gallantry (SG) (1991- )
* Distinguished Service Cross (DSC) (1991- )
* Conspicuous Service Cross (CSC) (1989- )
* Nursing Service Cross (NSC) (1989- )
*Medal for Gallantry (MG) (1991- )
*Military Medal (1916 - 1993)
* Distinguished Service Medal (DSM) (1991- )
* Conspicuous Service Medal (CSM) (1989- )
* Commendation for Gallantry (emblem) (1991- )
* Commendation for Distinguished Service (emblem) (1991- )

Campaign Medals
* Australian Active Service Medal 1939-1945 (1949)
* Australian Active Service Medal 1945-1975 (1997)
* Vietnam Medal (1968)
* Vietnam Logistic and Support Medal (1993)
*Australian Active Service Medal 1975 (1988)
* International Force East Timor Medal (2000)
* Afghanistan Campaign Medal (2004)
* Iraq Campaign Medal (2004)
* Australian Service Medal 1945-1975 (1995)
* Australian Service Medal 1975 (1988)

Long Service Medals
* Defence Force Service Medal (1982-1998)
* Reserve Force Decoration (RFD) (1982-1998)
* Reserve Force Medal (1982-1998)
* Defence Force Long Service Medal (1998- )
* Australian Cadet Forces Service Medal (1999- )

Shooting Medal
* Champion Shots Medal (1989- )

* Anniversary of National Service 1951-1972 Medal (2001)

Austria (Republic)

* Decoration for Military Merit (1989- )
* Wounds Medal for the Bundesheer (1975- )
* Austrian Bundesheer Operations Medal (2001- )
* Military Service Award (1989- )
* Military Service Medal (1963- )

Austria-Hungary (Monarchy)

* Orders
**Order of the Golden Fleece ("Orden vom Goldenen Vlies")
**Military Order of Maria Theresa ("Militär-Maria Theresien-Orden")
** Imperial Austrian Order of Leopold ("Österreichisch-kaiserlicher Leopolds-Orden")
**Royal Hungarian Order of Saint Stephen ("Königlich Ungarischer St. Stephans-Orden")
** Imperial Austrian Order of the Iron Crown ("Österreichisch-kaiserlicher Orden der Eisernen Krone")
** Imperial Austrian Order of Franz Joseph ("Österreichisch-kaiserlicher Franz Joseph-Orden")
* Decorations
**Military Merit Cross ("Militärverdienstkreuz")
**War Cross for Civil Merits ("Kriegskreuz für Zivildienste")
**Military Merit Medal (Signum Laudis) ("Militär-Verdienstmedaille (Signum Laudis)")
**Bravery Medal ("Tapferkeitsmedaille")
**Civil Merit Medal ("Zivilverdienstmedaille")
**Merit Cross ("Verdienstkreuz")
**Wound Medal (Laeso Militi) ("Verwundetenmedaille (Laeso Militi)")
**Red Cross Decoration ("Ehrenzeichen vom Roten Kreuz")
* Medals
**War Medal 1873 ("Kriegsmedaille 1873")
**Army Cross 1813/14 (Cannon Cross) ("Armeekreuz 1813/14 (Kanonenkreuz)")
**Commemorative Medal for the 1864 Campign in Denmark ("Erinnerungsmedaille an den Feldzug 1864 in Dänemark")
**Karl Troop Cross ("Karl-Truppenkreuz")
**1898 Jubilee Medal (Signum Memoriae) ("Jubiläums-Erinnerungsmedaille 1898 (Signum Memoriae)")
**1908 Jubilee Cross ("Jubiläumskreuz 1908")
**Mobilization Cross 1912/13 ("Mobilisierungskreuz 1912/13")


*Order of Bahrain


*Bir Shreshttho
*Bir Utam/Gallantry Medal I
*Bir Bikram/Gallantry Medal II
*Bir Pratik/Gallantry Medal III
*Rana Oraka (Taraka)/Campaign Star (Army)
*Samor Padak/War Medal
*Mukti Taraka/Campaign Star
*Joy Padak/Victory Medal
*Shang Bidan Padak/Constitution Medal
*Dabanal Padak/Hill Tracts Campaign Medal
*Plaban 1988 Padak/Flood Relief Medal
*Ghumjha 1991 Padak/Cyclone Relief Medal
*Ghumjha 1991 Padak/Internal Relief Medal
*Jesthata Padak I/30 Years Long Service Medal
*Jesthata Padak II/20 Years Long Service Medal
*Jesthata Padak III/10 Years Long Service Medal

Belgium (Monarchy)

* Orders
**Order of Couronne
**Order of Leopold
**Order of Leopold II
**Order of the Crown

* Decorations
**Decoration Militaire
**Military Cross
**Croix de Guerre


*National Order of the Southern Cross



Shooting Medal


*Cloud and Banner Decoration
*Order of the Sacred Tripod

:"People's Republic of China"
*Medal of the Army
*PLA Military Merit Medal

:"Republic of China"
*List of orders, decorations and medals of the Republic of China


*Orden Militar de San Mateo
*Orden de Boyacá
*Orden deSan Carlos
*Medalla por Servicios en "Guerra Internacional" - Cruz de Hierro
*Medalla por Servicios en "Guerra Internacional" - Estrella de Bronce
*Orden del Mérito MilitarAntonio Nariño
*Orden del Mérito MilitarJosé María Córdova
*Orden del Mérito NavalAlmirante Padilla
*Cruz de la Fuerza Aerea alMérito Aeronáutico
*Orden del Mérito Sanitario "José Fernández Madrid"
*Orden Estrella de la Policía
*Medalla Servicios Distinguidos en "Orden Público"
*Orden Cruz al Mérito Policial
*Orden al MéritoCoronel Guillermo Fergusson
*Medalla Militar al Valor
*Medalla Militar "Herido en Acción"
*Medalla MilitarFrancisco José de Caldas
*Medalla por Tiempo de Servicio - 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, o 15 años
*Medalla Militar "Campaña del Sur"
*Medalla MilitarSoldado Juan Bautista Solarte Obando
*Medalla Militar Ministerio de Defensa Nacional
*Medalla Militar Servicios Distinguidos al Comando General de las Fuerzas Militares


*Military Cross (Czechoslovakia)
*Legion of Merit (Czechoslovakia)
*War Cross (Czechoslovakia)
*Medal of Merit (Czechoslovakia)
*Order of the White Lion


*Order of the Dannebrog


*Order of the Nile
*Order of Ismail


*Order of Menelik


* President's War Cross (PWC)
* Cross for Gallantry (CG)
* Medal for Gallantry (MG)
* Distinguished Command Cross (DCC)
* Command Medal (CM)
* General Service Medal
* Meritorious Service Decoration (MSD)
* Meritorious Service Award (MSA)
* Service Decoration (SD)
* Service Award (SA)


*Order of the Cross of Liberty
*Order of the White Rose
*Order of the Lion of Finland


:See also :"Ribbons of the French military and civil awards"
# Ordre de la Légion d'honneur (since 1802)
# Ordre de la Libération (1940-1946)
# Médaille militaire (since 1852)
# Ordre national du Mérite (since 1963)
# Croix de Guerre
## Croix de guerre 1914-1918
## Croix de guerre 1939-1945
## Croix de guerre des Théatres d'Opérations Exterieures
# Croix de la Valeur militaire
# Médaille de la Gendarmerie nationale
# Médaille de la Résistance
# Médaille des évadés
# Croix du combattant volontaire 1914-1918
# Croix du combattant volontaire 1939-1945
# Croix du combattant volontaire
# Croix du combattant volontaire de la Résistance
# Croix du combattant
# Ordre du mérite agricole

Germany (Federal Republic)

*Order of Merit Cross of the German Federal Republic
*Bundeswehr Crosses & Medal of Honor
*German Armed Forces Service Medal
*German Armed Forces Flood Service Medal
*German Armed Forces Badge for Military Proficiency
*German Armed Forces Badge of Marksmanship
*German Parachutist Badge
*German Sports Badge

German Democratic Republic (East Germany)

*Order of Karl Marx
*Medal of Merit of the National People's Army
*Banner of Labor
*National Prize of East Germany
*Star of Friendship of Nations
*Hans Beimler Medal
*Blücher Order

Germany (Third Reich)

"Information pertaining to Second World War German decorations may be found under the article Orders, decorations, and medals of Nazi Germany.":"See especially:"
*Military decorations of the Third Reich, in particular the Iron Cross (1939)
*Civil decorations of Nazi Germany
*Political decorations of the Nazi Party

Germany (Empire)

The list below covers the principal military decorations of the states of the German Empire (as well as several German states which had been annexed by Prussia before the empire was formed), along with those civil decorations routinely awarded to military personnel. See also main article at Orders, decorations, and medals of Imperial Germany.

*Kingdom of Prussia
**Pour le Mérite ("Orden "Pour le Mérite")
**Order of the Black Eagle ("Schwarzer-Adler-Orden")
**Order of the Red Eagle ("Roter-Adler-Orden")
**Order of the Crown ("Kronen-Orden")
**Royal House Order of Hohenzollern ("Königlicher Hausorden von Hohenzollern")
**Iron Cross ("Eisernes Kreuz")
**Military Merit Cross ("Militärverdienstkreuz")
**Military Decoration 1st Class ("Militär-Ehrenzeichen I. Klasse") and Military Decoration 2nd Class ("Militär-Ehrenzeichen II. Klasse")
**Warrior Merit Medal ("Krieger-Verdienstmedaille")
**Ölberg Cross ("Ölberg-Kreuz")

*Kingdom of Bavaria
**Military Order of Max Joseph ("Militär-Max-Joseph-Orden")
**Military Merit Order ("Militär-Verdienstorden") and its associated Military Merit Cross ("Militär-Verdienstkreuz")
**Golden Military Merit Medal ("Goldene Militär-Verdienst Medaille") and Silver Military Merit Medal ("Silberne Militär-Verdienst Medaille")

*Kingdom of Hanover
**Royal Guelphic Order
**Order of Ernst August

*Kingdom of Saxony
**Military Order of St. Henry
**Merit Order (also called the Civil Merit Order)
**Albert Order
**Friedrich August Medal
**War Merit Cross

*Kingdom of Württemberg
**Order of the Württemberg Crown
**Order of Military Merit
**Order of Friedrich
**Golden Military Merit Medal
**Silver Military Merit Medal
**Wilhelm Cross

*Grand Duchy of Baden
**Military Karl-Friedrich Merit Order and the Merit Medal of the Military Karl-Friedrich Merit Order (Karl-Friedrich Military Merit Medal)
**Order of the Zähringen Lion
**Merit Medal on the ribbon of the Military Karl-Friedrich Merit Order.
**War Merit Cross

*Grand Duchy of Hesse
**Order of Philip the Magnanimous
**General Honor Decoration for Bravery or for War Merit
**Warrior Honor Decoration in Iron
** Military Medical Cross, 1870/71 and 1914

*Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
**Order of the Griffin
**Military Merit Cross

*Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
**Order of the Griffin
**Cross for Distinction in War

*Duchy of Nassau
**Merit Order of Adolph of Nassau

*Grand Duchy of Oldenburg
**House and Merit Order of Peter Frederick Louis
**Friedrich August Cross

*Grand Duchy of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach
**House Order of Vigilance or the White Falcon
**Wilhelm Ernst War Cross
**General Honor Decoration with Swords Clasp

*Duchy of Anhalt
**Order of Albert the Bear
**Friedrich Cross

*Duchy of Brunswick
**House Order of Henry the Lion
**War Merit Cross

* Duchies of Saxe-Altenburg, Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and Saxe-Meiningen
**Ducal Saxe-Ernestine House Order
**Duke Ernst Medal (Saxe-Altenburg)
**Duke Carl Eduard Medal (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha)
**Carl Eduard War Cross (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha)
**Honor Cross for Merit in War and Honor Medal for Merit in War (Saxe-Meiningen)

* Principalities of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen and Hohenzollern-Hechingen
**Princely House Order of Hohenzollern

* Principality of Lippe-Detmold
**House Order of the Honor Cross
**War Honor Cross for Heroic Deeds
**War Merit Cross

* Principality of Schaumburg-Lippe
**House Order of the Honor Cross
**Cross for Loyal Service

* Principalities of Reuss, Elder Line and Younger Line
**Princely Reuss Honor Cross
**War Merit Cross "1914"

* Principalities of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt and Schwarzburg-Sondershausen
**Princely Schwarzburg Honor Cross
**Silver Medal for Merit in War

* Principality of Waldeck
**Merit Cross

*Free and Hanseatic Cities of Bremen, Hamburg and Lübeck
**Hanseatic Cross


*Order of the Redeemer
*Order of Honour
*Order of the Phoenix
*Order of George I (obsolete)
*Royal Order of Saints George and Constantine (obsolete)
*Cross of Valour
*Medal for Gallantry
*War Cross
*Medal for Military Merit
*Medal for Outstanding Acts
*Flying Cross
*Air Force Cross
*Air Force Merit Cross
*Navy Campaign Cross
*National Resistance Medal
*Commendation Medal of Merit and Honour


*El Hahda

Hungary (Republic)

*Radetzky Korhaz
*Signum Laudis


*Order of Al Rafidhain


* Military Medal for Gallantry ("An Bonn Mileata Calmachta" in Irish)
** 1st Class with HONOUR (never issued)
** 2nd Class with Distinction
** 3rd Class with Merit
* Distinguished Service Medal ("An Bonn Seirbhise Dearscna" in Irish)
** 1st Class with HONOUR
** 2nd Class with Distinction
** 3rd Class with MeritBoth of these medals can be awarded for acts other than those performed on war service, so in practice the Republic has no current decoration for gallantry in time of War.


* Ordine Militare d'Italia (Military Order of Italy) (was Ordine Militare di Savoia - Military Order of Savoy) in 5 classes :
** Cavalierie di Gran Croce (Great Cross Kinight)
** Grande Ufficiale (Great Officer)
** Commendatore (Commander)
** Ufficiale (Officer)
** Cavaliere (Knight)

* Medaglia al Valore Militare (Military Valour Medal) in 3 classes :
** Medaglia d'Oro (Gold Medal)
** Medaglia d'Argento (Silver Medal)
** Medaglia di Bronzo (Bronze Medal)

* Medaglia al Valore dell'Esercito (or di Marina, or Aeronautico, or dei Carabinieri) (Army, or Navy, or Air Force, or Carabinieri Valour Medal) in 3 classes :
** Medaglia d'Oro (Gold Medal)
** Medaglia d'Argento (Silver Medal)
** Medaglia di Bronzo (Bronze Medal)

* Croce di Guerra al Valore Militare (Military Valour War Cross)

* Croce al Merito di Guerra (War Merit Cross)

* Croce al Merito dell'Esercito (or di Marina, or Aeronautico, or dei Carabinieri) (Army, or Navy, or Air Force, or Carabinieri Valour Cross) in 3 classes :
** Croce d'Oro (Gold Cross)
** Croce d'Argento (Silver Cross)
** Croce di Bronzo (Bronze Cross)

The abovementioned medals are awarded for military merits.
There are also several other medals awarded for length of service (the most important is the Medaglia Mauriziana al Merito di 10 Lustri di Carriera Militare - Mauritian Merit Medal for 50 years of Military Service, with other branch-specific medals for 20, 15 and 10 years), campaign and military missions medals, and professional or specialization achievement medals (instructor, war reporter, dog handler etc).


*Medal of Valor עיטור הגבורה
*Medal of Courage עיטור העוז
*Medal of Distinguished Service עיטור המופת
*TZALASH ציון לשבח - recommendation of honor
*Chief Of Staff Medal of Appreciation אות הערכה מטעם הרמטכ"ל
*Service in Israel Medal אות השירות בישראל
*Fighters against Nazis Medal אות הלוחם בנאצים

Obsolete decorations:

*Hero of Israel גיבור ישראל
*Qatamon Medal מדליית קטמון


*Param Vir Chakra
*Maha Vir Chakra
*Vir Chakra


*Order of the Golden Kite
*Order of the Sacred Treasure
*Rising Sun
*Military Medals of Honor


*Order of El Kawkab
*Order of Istiqlal


*The Order of Military Merit
**Taeguk Cordon of the Order of Military Merit
**Field Marshal Lord Eulji Cordon of the Order of Military Merit
**Admiral of the Fleet Lord Choongmu Cordon of the Order of Military Merit
**Hwarang Youth Military Corps Cordon of thr Order of Military Merit
**Field Marshal Lord Inheun Cordon of the Order of Military Merit


*Wisam al-Tahir (or Kuwait Liberation Medal)

Luxembourg (Monarchy)

*Knightly military Order:
**Order of Adolphe of Nassau

**Luxembourg War Cross ("Not currently awarded")


*Johan Mangku Negara
*Panglima Mangku Negara


*Seri Pahlawan Gagah Perkasa
*Panglima Gagah Berani
*Pingat Jasa Malaysia


* Medal of Valor (Condecoración al Valor Heroico)
* War Cross (Cruz de Guerra)
* Medal of Military Merit (Condecoración al Mérito Militar)
* Medal of Naval Merit (Condecoración al Mérito Naval)
* Medal of Naval Aviation Merit (Condecoración al Mérito Aeronautico Naval)
* Medal of Technical Merit (Condecoración al Mérito Técnico)
* Medal of Naval Technical Merit (Condecoración al Mérito Técnico Naval)
* Medal for Academic Merit (Condecoración al Mérito Facultativo)
* "'Medal for Naval Academic Merit
* Long Service Medal (Condecoración al Perseverancia)
* Military Sports Medal (Condecoración al Merito Deportivo Militar)
* Distinguished Service Medal (Condecoración al Servicios Distinguidos)
* Pacific Service Medal (Condecoración por Servicio en el Lejano Oriente)
* Legion of Honor (Condecoración el Legión de Honor Mexicano)
* Retirees Medal (Condecoración de Retiro)
* Anti-narcotics Campaign Medal of Merit (Condecoración por Mérito en el Campaña contra el Narcotráfico)


*Order of Ouissam Alauoite


* Namibian Cross for Bravery in Gold
* Order of Mukorob
* Namibian Cross for Bravery in Silver
* Namibian Cross for Bravery in Bronze

Campaign Medal
* Campaign Medal

Long Service Medals
* Service Medal: 30 Years
* Service Medal: 20 Years
* Service Medal: 10 Years

Shooting Medal
* Namibian Champion Shot Medal

Netherlands (Monarchy)

* Knightly military Order:
**Military Order of William

* Decorations:
**Cross for Courage and Fidelity ("Not awarded anymore")
**Honorary Sabre ("Not currently awarded")
**Honorable Mention ("Obsolete")
**Bronze Lion
**Bronze Cross
**Cross of Merit
**Airman's Cross
**Decoration of Merit
**Decoration for Important Military Acts ("Not currently awarded")
**Lombok Cross ("Not awarded anymore")
**War Remembrance Cross ("Not awarded anymore")
**Decoration for Virtue and Peace ("Not awarded anymore")
**New Guinea Remembrance Cross ("Not awarded anymore")
**Mobilisation War Cross ("Not awarded anymore")
**Cross for Justice and Freedom
**Remembrance Medal UN Peace Operations
**Remembrance Medal Multinational Operations
**Remembrance Medal Peace Operations
**Kosovo Medal
**Decoration for Long-term Service as an Officer
**Decoration for Long-term and Loyal Service at the Military Coastguard
**Decoration Master-Marksman
**Skills Medal KNIL (of the Royal Dutch East Indies Army - "Not awarded anymore")
**Shooting Price Star (of the Royal Dutch East Indies Army - "Not awarded anymore")
**Army Medal

New Zealand

* New Zealand Cross (1869) 1869- 1881]
* Victoria Cross for New Zealand (VC) (1999- )
* New Zealand Order of Merit: Military Division (1996- )
* New Zealand Gallantry Decoration (NZGD) (1999- )
* New Zealand Gallantry Star (NZGS) (1999- )
* New Zealand Gallantry Medal (NZGM) (1999- )
* New Zealand Bravery Star (NZBS) (1999- )

Campaign Medals
* New Zealand War Service Medal 1939-1945
* New Zealand Operational Service Medal (2002)
* New Zealand Service Medal 1946-1949 (1995)
* Vietnam Medal (1968)
* New Zealand General Service Medal 1992 (1992)
* New Zealand East Timor Medal (2001)
* New Zealand General Service Medal 2002 (2002)
* New Zealand Special Service Medal

Long Service Medals
* NZ Meritorious Service Medal (1895/1985- )
* NZ Armed Forces Award (1985- )
* NZ Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (1985- )
* New Zealand Long and Efficient Service Medal (1887 - 1931)
* Royal NZ Navy Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (1985- )
* Royal NZ Air Force Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (1985- )
* Efficiency Decoration (ED)
* Efficiency Medal
* Royal NZ Naval Reserve Decoration (RD) (1985- )
* Royal NZ Naval Volunteer Reserve Decoration (VRD) (1985- )
* Air Efficiency Award (AE)

Miscellaneous Medals
* Queen's Medal for Champion Shots in the NZ Naval Forces
* Queen's Medal for Champion Shots in the Military Forces
* Queen's Medal for Champion Shots of the Air Forces
* Cadet Force Medal


These orders and medals may be awarded for service in the Norwegian armed forces, some of them may also be awarded for civilian merits.

*War Cross with sword
*The Royal Norwegian Order of St. Olav
*The Royal Norwegian Order of Merit
*Haakon VIIs Freedom Cross
*Haakon VIIs Freedom Medal
*Haakon VIIs 70 Year Medal
*War Medal
*War Cross with sword
*Medal of Heroism, Military
*Defence Medal 19401945
*National Service Medal
*N.A.I.S. Medal
**See also Norwegian orders and medals.


*As Samood Medal
*General Service Medal
*Order of Oman
*Order of Sultan Qaboos
*Order of Merit
*Medal of Honour


* Nishan-i-Haider (NH) (1957- )
* Order of Quaid-i-Azam (1957- )
*Hilal-i-Jur'at (HJ) (1957- )
* Sitara-e-NDIOF
* Sitara-i-Jur'at (SJ) (1957- )
* Sitara-i-Basalat (S Bt) (1957- )
* Tamgha-i-Khidmat (TK) (1957- )
* Tamgha-i-Jur'at (TJ) (1957- )
* Tamgha-i-Basalat (T Bt) (1957- )

Campaign Medal
* General Service Medal (1957- )
* War Star 1965
* War Star 1971
* 1965 War Medal
* 1971 War Medal

Long Service Medal
* Tamgha-i-Khidmat (1957- )

Shooting Medal
* President's Medal

(Non-military: Nishan-i-Shujaat, Tamgha-i-Imtiaz)


*Order of the Sun


* Medal of Valor* Distinguished Conduct Star
* Distinguished Service Star
* Gold Cross Medal
* Philippine Legion of Merit
* Outstanding Achievement Medal
* Gawad sa Kaunlaran
* Distinguished Aviation Cross
* Bronze Cross Medal
* Military Merit Medal
* Silver Wing Medal
* Military Commendation Medal
* Wounded Personnel Medal
* Military Civic Action Medal
* Armed Forces Conduct Medal
* Sagisag ng Ulirang Kawal
* Tirad Pass Medal


::"For a full list with ribbons see: Polish military awards and decorations"


* Orders (Monarchy and Republic)
**Order of Aviz
**Order of Christ
**Order of St. James of the Sword
**Order of the Tower and Sword

* Medals (Republic)
** Medalha da Defesa Nacional
** Medalha de Reconhecimento
** Medalha de Valor Militar
** Medalha da Cruz de Guerra
** Medalha de Serviços Distintos
** Medalha de Merito Militar
** Medalha de Comportamento Exemplar
** Medalha de Promoçao por Distinçao
** Medalha de Mutilados
** Medalha da Campanhas
** Medalha de Expediçoes

Puerto Rico

* Military Medal of Honor of the Legislative Assembly of Puerto Rico
* Puerto Rico National Guard Distinguished Service Medal
* Puerto Rico Medal for Valor
* Puerto Rico Merit Cross
* Puerto Rico Wounded in Action Medal
* Order of the Governor of Puerto Rico Common Defense Service Medal
* Puerto Rico Combat Service Medal
* Puerto Rico Commendation Medal
* Puerto Rico Outstanding Soldier/NCO of the Year Ribbon
* Puerto Rico Service Medal
* Puerto Rico Exemplary Conduct Medal
* Puerto Rico War Service Ribbon
* Puerto Rico Disaster Relief Ribbon
* Puerto Rico Hurricane Georges Ribbon
* Puerto Rico Active Duty for Training Ribbon
* Puerto Rico Caribbean Emergency Ribbon
* Puerto Rico Civil Disturbance Ribbon


Military decorations and medals awarded during the UDI (Unilateral Declaration of Independence) period from 1965 to 1979. See also Zimbabwe.

*Grand Cross of Valour (GCV) (1970-1981)
* Order of the Legion of Merit: Military Division (1970-1981)
* Silver Cross of Rhodesia (SCR) (1970-1981)
* Bronze Cross of Rhodesia (BCR) (1970-1981)
* Defence Cross for Distinguished Service (DCD) (1976-1981)
* Meritorious Conduct Medal (MCM) (1970-1981)
* Medal for Meritorious Service (MSM) (1973-1981)
* Defence Forces' Medal for Meritorious Service (DMM) (1971-1981)

Campaign Medal
* Rhodesia General Service Medal (1969)

Long Service Medals
* Exemplary Service Medal (1970-1981)
* Medal for Territorial and Reserve Service (1970-1981)

Shooting Medal
* President's Medal for Shooting (1970-1981)

Other Award
* Military Forces Commendation (emblem) (1970-1981)


*Medalia "Apăratorii independenţei" ("Medal for Defense of Independence (for the War 1877-78)")
*Crucea comemorativă a războiului 1916-1918 ("World War I Commemorative Cross")
*Crucea "Trecerea Dunării" ("Cross of "Danube Crossing", for the War 1877-78")
*Cruciada împotriva comunismului ("Crusade against Communism")
*În amintirea înalţătorului avânt 1913 ("Commemorative Medal for the Balkan War of 1912-1913")
*Ordinul Mihai Viteazul ("Order of Michael the Brave")
*Ordinul Naţional "Steaua României" ("National Order "Star of Romania")
*Ordinul "Pentru Merit" ("Order for Merit")
*Medalia "Virtutea Militară" ("Medal for Military Virtue")
*Medalia "Bărbăţie şi Credinţă" ("Medal for Bravery and Loyalty")

Russian Federation

"Honorary title":
*Hero of the Russian Federation

*Order of St. Andrew (highest civil and military award)
*Order of Saint George (highest military award)
*Order of Merit for the Fatherland
*Order of Courage
*Order of Zhoukov
*Order of Suvorov
*Order of Ushakov
*Order of Kutuzov
*Order of Alexander Nevsky
*Order of Nakhimov
*Order of Maritime Merit
*Order of Military Merit (Russian Federation)

"Medals" (main):
* Medal of the Gold Star (for the title "Hero of the Russian Federation")
* Medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland
*Medal for Valor
*Medal of Suvorov
*Medal of Nesterov
*Medal of Ushakov
*Medal of Zhukov

Saudi Arabia

*Nuth al-Tahrir al-Kuwait (or Medal for the Liberation of Kuwait)


"See also: Awards and decorations of the Singapore Armed Forces"
*Darjah Utama Bakti Cemerlang (Tentera) (Distinguished Service Order (Military)) - DUBC
*Pingat Gagah Perkasa (Tentera) (Conspicuous Gallantry Medal (Military)) - PGP
*Pingat Jasa Gemilang (Tentera) (Meritorious Service Medal (Military)) - PJG
*Pingat Pentadbiran Awam, Emas (Tentera) (Public Administration Medal, Gold (Military)) - PPA(E)
*Pingat Pentadbiran Awam, Perak (Tentera) (Public Administration Medal, Silver (Military)) - PPA(P)
*Pingat Pentadbiran Awam, Gangsa (Tentera) (Public Administration Medal, Bronze (Military)) - PPA(G)
*Pingat Penghargaan (Tentera) (Commendation Medal (Military))
*Pingat Berkebolehan (Tentera) (Efficiency Medal (Military)) - PB
*Singapore Armed Forces Overseas Service Medal
*Long Service Medal (Military)
*Singapore Armed Forces Long Service and Good Conduct (20 Years) Medal
*Singapore Armed Forces Long Service and Good Conduct (10 Years) Medal
*Singapore Armed Forces National Service Medal
*Singapore Armed Forces Good Service Medal


* Military Medal of Honour
* Order of General Maister
* Order of the Slovenian Army
* Medal of General Maister
* Medal of the Slovenian Army
* Medal of Courage
* Medal for the Wounded
* Best Soldier Award

South Africa

Current South African military decorations and medals:

*Nkwe ya Gauta (Golden Leopard) (NG) (2003- )
*Nkwe ya Selefera (Silver Leopard)(NS) (2003- )
*Nkwe ya Boronse (Bronze Leopard) (NB) (2003- )
*iPhrothiya yeGolide (Golden Protea) (PG) (2003- )
*iPhrothiya yeSiliva (Silver Protea) (PS) (2003- )
*iPhrothiya yeBhronzi (Bronze Protea) (PB) (2003- )

Campaign Medal
*Tshumelo Ikatelaho (General Service Medal)(2003- )

Long Service Medal
*Medalje vir Troue Diens (Medal for Loyal Service) (2003- )

Other Awards
*Okhankanyiweyo (Mention in Despatches) (2003- )
*Emblem for Reserve Force Service (RD) (2003- )

South Vietnam

*National Order of Vietnam
*Vietnam Military Merit Medal
*Vietnam Army Distinguished Service Order
*Vietnam Navy Distinguished Service Order
*Vietnam Air Force Distinguished Service Order
*Vietnam Meritorious Service Medal (Army)
*Vietnam Meritorious Service Medal (Navy)
*Vietnam Meritorious Service Medal (Air Force)
*Vietnam Special Service Medal
*Vietnam Gallantry Cross
*Vietnam Navy Gallantry Cross
*Vietnam Air Gallantry Cross
*Vietnam Wound Medal
*Vietnam Armed Forces Honor Medal
*Vietnam Staff Service Medal
*Vietnam Technical Service Medal
*Vietnam Civil Actions Medal
*Vietnam Campaign Medal
*Vietnam Presidential Unit Citation

Sri Lanka

Sovereign Military Order of Malta

*Order pro merito Melitensi


* Orders
**Royal and Distinguished Spanish Order of Carlos III (Monarchy and Republic)
**Real y Militar Orden de San Hermenegildo
**Real y militar Orden de San Fernando
**Order of Naval Merit [Commander Samuel Robinson, RNR, granted permission to wear decoration conferred by King of Spain: LondonGazette|issue=32973|startpage=6778|date=12 September 1924|accessdate=2008-04-23]

* Decorations
**Cruz Laureada de San Fernando
**Medalla al Valor
**Gran Cruz al Mérito Militar
**Cruz de la Orden de Merito Militar
**Medalla de Sufrimientos por la Patria
**Cruz de Guerra


* Umbutfo Swaziland Defence Force Medal for Distinguished Service (1980- )
* Umbutfo Swaziland Defence Force Medal for Meritorious Service (1980- )

Long Service Medal
* Umbutfo Swaziland Defence Force Long Service Medal (1980- )


* Göta Luftvaernskårs Minnes Medal


*Order of Rama (เครื่องราชอิสริยาภรณ์อันมีศักดิ์รามาธิบดี)
*Order of the White Elephant (เครื่องราชอิสริยาภรณ์อันเป็นที่เชิดชูยิ่งช้างเผือก)
*Order of the Crown of Thailand (เครื่องราชอิสริยาภรณ์อันมีเกียรติยศยิ่งมงกุฎไทย)
*The Bravery Medal (เหรียญกล้าหาญ)
*The Victory Medal World War II (เหรียญชัยสมรภูมิ สงครามมหาเอเชียบูรพา)
*The Victory Medal in the war at Korea (เหรียญชัยสมรภูมิ สงครามร่วมรบกับสหประชาชาติ ประเทศเกาหลี)
*The Victory Medal in the war at Vietnam (เหรียญชัยสมรภูมิ การรบ สาธารณรัฐเวียดนาม)
*Freemen Safeguarding Medal (เหรียญพิทักษ์เสรีชน)
*Dushdi Mala Medal (เหรียญดุษฎีมาลา เข็มศิลปวิทยา)
*Border Service Medals (เหรียญราชการชายแดน)
*Chakra Mala Medal (เหรียญจักรมาลา)
*Chakrabarti Mala Medal (เหรียญจักรพรรดิมาลา)

Turkey (Republic)

* Medals
**Turkish Armed Forces Medal of Distinguished Service
**Turkish Armed Forces Medal of Honor
**Turkish Armed Forces Medal of Distinguished Courage and Self-Sacrifice
**Turkish Medal of Honor
**Turkish Medal of Independence
**Turkish Medal of Duty

United Kingdom

"for a list of decorations see: British and Commonwealth orders and decorations"
*Victoria Cross
*George Cross
*Order of the bath
*Distinguished Service Order
*Conspicuous Gallantry Cross
*Distinguished Service Cross
*Military Cross
*Distinguished Flying Cross
*Air Force Cross
*Gulf Medal
*War Medal 19391945
*British Crimea Medal (BCRM)
*Commander of the Order of the Bath
*Commander of the Order of the British Empire
*Officer of the Order of the British Empire

United States

*Medal of Honor
*Distinguished Service Cross
*Navy Cross
*Air Force Cross
*Distinguished Service Medal
*Silver Star
*Defense Superior Service Medal
*Legion of Merit
*Distinguished Flying Cross
*Soldier's Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Medal, Airman's Medal, Coast Guard Medal
*Bronze Star
*Purple Heart

"Complete listing of US military awards, can be found under the article: Awards and decorations of the United States military".


* Gold cross of Zimbabwe (GCZ) (1981- )
* Zimbabwe Order of Merit: Military Division (1981- )
* Liberation Decoration (LD) (1981- )
* Silver Cross of Zimbabwe (SCZ) (1981- )
* Bronze Cross of Zimbabwe (BCZ) (1981- )
* Medal for Meritorious Service (MMS) (1981- )
* Liberation Medal (1981- )
* Commendation Medal (1981- )

Long Service Medals
* Long and Exemplary Service Medal (1981- )
* Efficiency Medal (1981- )
* Service Medal (1981- )

Shooting Medal
* President's Medal for Shooting (1981- )


ee also

*List of prizes, medals, and awards

External links

* [ Medals of the World]
* [ World War Militaria]
* [ Collection of Medals]
* [ Illustrations and precedence of US Navy ribbons and medals]

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