Infobox block cipher
name = COCONUT98
caption =
designers =Serge Vaudenay
publish date = 1998
derived from =
derived to =
related to = DFC
key size = 256 bits
block size = 64 bits
structure = DecorrelatedFeistel cipher
rounds = 8
cryptanalysis = Wagner'sboomerang attack uses about 216 adaptively-chosen plaintexts and ciphertexts, about 238 work, and succeeds with probability 99.96%.
Thedifferential-linear attack by Biham, et al. uses 227.7 chosen plaintexts and about 233.7 work, and has a 75.5% success rate.In
cryptography , COCONUT98 (Cipher Organized with Cute Operations and N-Universal Transformation) is ablock cipher designed bySerge Vaudenay in 1998. It was one of the first concrete applications of Vaudenay'sdecorrelation theory , designed to be provably secure againstdifferential cryptanalysis ,linear cryptanalysis , and even certain types of undiscovered cryptanalytic attacks.The cipher uses a block size of 64 bits and a
key size of 256 bits. Its basic structure is an 8-round Feistel network, but with an additional operation after the first 4 rounds, called a "decorrelation module". This consists of a key-dependentaffine transformation in thefinite field GF(264). The round function makes use of modular multiplication and addition,bit rotation ,XOR s, and a single 8×24-bit S-box. The entries of the S-box are derived using the binary expansion of e as a source of "nothing up my sleeve number s". [cite conference | author = Serge Vaudenay | title = Provable Security for Block Ciphers by Decorrelation | booktitle = 15th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS '98) | pages = pp.249–275 | publisher =Springer-Verlag | date = February 1998 | location =Paris | url = http://lasecwww.epfl.ch/pub/lasec/doc/Vau98a.ps | format =PostScript | accessdate = 2007-02-26 ]Despite Vaudenay's proof of COCONUT98's security, in 1999
David Wagner developed theboomerang attack against it. [cite conference | author = David Wagner | title = The Boomerang Attack | booktitle = 6th International Workshop onFast Software Encryption (FSE '99) | pages = pp.156–170 | publisher = Springer-Verlag | date = March 1999 | location =Rome | url = http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/wagner99boomerang.html | format =PDF /PostScript | accessdate = 2007-02-05 ] This attack, however, requires both chosen plaintexts and adaptive chosen ciphertexts, so is largely theoretical. [cite journal | author = Serge Vaudenay | title = Decorrelation: A Theory for Block Cipher Security | journal =Journal of Cryptology | volume = 16 | issue = 4 | issn = 0933-2790 | pages = pp.249–286 | date = September 2003 | url = http://lasecwww.epfl.ch/pub/lasec/doc/Vau03b.pdf | format = PDF | accessdate = 2007-02-26 | doi = 10.1007/s00145-003-0220-6 ] Then in 2002, Biham, et al. applieddifferential-linear cryptanalysis , a purely chosen-plaintext attack, to break the cipher. [cite conference | author =Eli Biham ,Orr Dunkelman ,Nathan Keller | title = Enhancing Differential-Linear Cryptanalysis | booktitle = Advances in Cryptology — Proceedings ofASIACRYPT 2002 | pages = pp.254–266 | publisher = Springer-Verlag | date = December 2002 | location =Queenstown, New Zealand | url = http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/biham02enhancing.html | format = PDF/PostScript | accessdate = 2007-02-05 ] The same team has also developed what they call a "related-key boomerang attack", which distinguishes COCONUT98 from random using one related-key adaptive chosen plaintext and ciphertext quartet under two keys. [cite conference | author = Biham, Dunkelman, Keller | title = Related-Key Boomerang and Rectangle Attacks | booktitle = Advances in Cryptology — Proceedings ofEUROCRYPT 2005 | pages = pp.507–525 | publisher = Springer-Verlag | date = May 2005 | location =Aarhus | url = http://vipe.technion.ac.il/~orrd/crypt/relatedkey-rectangle.ps | format = PostScript | accessdate = 2007-02-16 ]References
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