- Removable singularity
complex analysis , a removable singularity of aholomorphic function is a point at which the function is ostensibly undefined, but, upon closer examination, the domain of the function can be enlarged to include the singularity (in such a way that the function remains holomorphic).For instance, the function
:f(z) = frac{sin z}{z}
for "z" ≠ 0 has a singularity at "z" = 0. This singularity can be removed by defining "f"(0) = 1. The resulting function is a continuous, in fact holomorphic, function.
Formally, if "U" is an
open subset of thecomplex plane C, "a" is a point of "U", and "f" : "U" - {"a"} → C is aholomorphic function , then "a" is called a removable singularity for "f" if there exists a holomorphic function "g" : "U" → C which coincides with "f" on "U" - {"a"}. We say "f" is holomorphically extendable over "a" if such a "g" exists.Riemann's theorem
Riemann's theorem on removable singularities states when a singularity is removable:
Theorem. The following are equivalent:
:i) "f" is holomorphically extendable over "a".
:ii) "f" is continuously extendable over "a".
:iii) There exists a neighborhood of "a" on which "f" is bounded.
:iv) lim"z" → "a"("z - a") "f"("z") = 0.
The implications i) ⇒ ii) ⇒ iii) ⇒ iv) are trivial. To prove iv) ⇒ i), we first recall that the holomorphy of a function at "a" is equivalent to it being analytic at "a", i.e. having a power series representation. Define
:h(z) =egin{cases}(z - a)^2 f(z) & z e a ,\0 & z = a .\end{cases}
:h(z) - h(a) = (z - a)(z - a)f(z), ,
where, by assumption, ("z - a")"f"("z") can be viewed as a continuous function on "D". In other words, "h" is holomorphic on "D" and has a Taylor series about "a":
:h(z) = a_2 (z - a)^2 + a_3 (z - a)^3 + cdots .
:g(z) = frac{h(z)}{(z-a)^2}
is a holomorphic extension of "f" over "a", which proves the claim.
Other kinds of singularities
Unlike functions of a real variable, holomorphic functions are sufficiently rigid that their isolated singularities can be completely classified. A holomorphic function's singularity is either not really a singularity at all, i.e. a removable singularity, or one of the following two types:
#In light of Riemann's theorem, given a non-removable singularity, one might ask whether there exists a natural number "m" such that lim"z" → "a"("z - a ")"m+1""f"("z") = 0. If so, "a" is called a pole of "f" and the smallest such "m" is the order of "a". So removable singularities are precisely the poles of order 0. A holomorphic function blows up uniformly near its poles.
#If an isolated singularity "a" of "f" is neither removable nor a pole, it is called anessential singularity . It can be shown that such an "f" maps every punctured open neighborhood "U" - {"a"} to the entire complex plane, with the possible exception of at most one point.ee also
Analytic capacity
*Removable discontinuity
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