1 E+40 m³

1 E+40 m³

To help compare the orders of magnitude of different volumes, here is a list of volumes between 1040 m3 and 1050 m³. See also volumes or capacities of other orders of magnitude and corresponding lengths.

  • Smaller volumes than 1 E40 m³
The Cat's Eye Nebula on left (about 3×1046 m³) and the dark cloud Barnard 68 at top (about 6×1046 m³) are of comparable volumes; the Stingray Nebula between them is smaller with a similar volume as the small yellow light-month radius sphere, about 2×1045 m³.

1 E+40 m³ to 1 E+43 m³

1 E+43 m³ to 1 E+46 m³

1 E+46 m³ to 1 E+49 m³

Planetary nebula typically have volumes in this range.

  • ~1.7×1048m³ = volume of the Oort Cloud, assuming a radius of 50000 AU

1 E+49 m³ and larger

  • 2.93799894×1049 m³ = 1 cubic parsec
  • Larger volumes than 1 E50 m³


  1. ^ a b c 4*Pi*R^3/3; core radius R = distance times sin(angular diameter / 2 ) = 0.2 light year.Distance = 3.3 ± 0.9 kly; angular diameter = 20 arcseconds; expands 10 milliarcseconds per year.(Reed et al. 1999)
  2. ^ R=0.08 light years; (4*Pi/3)*R^3=1.86×1045 m³
  3. ^ a b Michael Szpir (May-June 2001). "Bart Bok's Black Blobs". American Scientist. Archived from the original on 2003-06-29. http://web.archive.org/web/20030629033609/http://www.americanscientist.org/template/AssetDetail/assetid/14678. Retrieved 2008-11-19. "Bok globules such as Barnard 68 are only about half a light-year across and weigh in at about two solar masses" 
  4. ^ a b their size varies: a globule one quarter light year in radius has 5.5×1046 m³, one a half light year in radius has 4.4×1047 m³, one a light year in radius has 3.5×1048 m³


  • Reed, Darren S.; Balick, Bruce; Hajian, Arsen R.; Klayton, Tracy L.; Giovanardi, Stefano; Casertano, Stefano; Panagia, Nino; Terzian, Yervant (1999). "Hubble Space Telescope Measurements of the Expansion of NGC 6543: Parallax Distance and Nebular Evolution". Astronomical Journal 118 (5): 24302441. Bibcode 1999AJ....118.2430R. doi:10.1086/301091.