- Istanbul observatory of Taqi al-Din
The Istanbul observatory of al-Din was one of the largest astronomical observatories to be built in the Islamic world. However, it only existed for several years before it was destroyed.
In 1574,
Murad III became theSultan of theOttoman Empire . The empire's chief astronomer,Taqi al-Din , petitioned the Sultan to finance the building of a great observatory to rivalUlugh Beg 'sSamarkand observatory. The Sultan approved, and construction was completed in 1577,John Morris Roberts, "The History of the World", pp. 264-74,Oxford University Press , ISBN 978-0195210439] at nearly the same time asTycho Brahe 's observatory atUraniborg .This observatory consisted of two large structures perched on a hill overlooking the European section of
Istanbul and offering a wide view of the night sky. Much like a modern institution, the main building was reserved for thelibrary and the living quarters of the staff, while the smaller building housed a collection of instruments built by al-Din. These included a giant armillary sphere and an accurate mechanicalastronomical clock for measuring the position and speed of the planets. With these instruments, al-Din had hoped to update the old astronomical tables describing the motion of the planets, sun, and moon.Tragically, the observatory did not survive to advance the development of astronomy in the Muslim world. Within months of the observatory's completion, a
comet with an enormous tail appeared in the sky and Sultan Murad III demanded a prognostication about it from his astronomer. "Working day and night without food and rest" al-Din studied the comet and came up with the prediction that it was "an indication of well-being and splendor," and would mean a "conquest of Persia". Unfortunately, instead of well-being a devastating plague followed in some parts of the empire, and several important persons died. [ [http://www.saudiaramcoworld.com/issue/198601/arabs.and.astronomy.htm Arabs and Astronomy, written by Paul Lunde and Zayn Bilkadi] "Saudi Aramco World", January February 1986] Al-Din was able to carry on his observations for a few more years but eventually opponents of the observatory and prognostication from the heavens prevailed and the observatory was destroyed in 1580. Other sources give the "rise of a clerical faction," which opposed or at least was indifferent to science, ["Islamic Technology: An Illustrated History" by Ahmad Y. al-Hassan and Donald Hill, Cambridge University Press, 1986, p.282] and specifically to "the recommendation of the Chief Mufti" of the Ottomans, as the explanation for the destruction of the observatory. [Aydin Sayili , "The Observatory in Islam and its place in the General History of the Observatory" (Ankara: 1960), pp. 289 ff]Instruments
Taqi al-Din wrote an important treatise on astronomical instruments entitled the "Observational Instruments of the Emperor's Catalogue", which describes the astronomical instruments used in the Istanbul observatory of al-Din. These included ancient instruments such as the
armillary sphere , paralacticruler andastrolabe ; medieval Muslim instruments such as the universal astrolabe,azimuth al and mural quadrants, and sextants; and several instruments he invented himself, including the "mushabbaha bi'l manattiq", a framed sextant with cords for the determination of theequinox es similar to whatTycho Brahe later used, and a wooden quadrant for measuringazimuth s and elevations. His most important astronomical instrument, however, is the "observational clock", which in his "In the Nabik Tree of the Extremity of Thoughts", he describes as "a mechanicalclock with three dials which show thehour s, theminute s, and thesecond s." This was the first clock to measure time in seconds, and he used it for astronomical purposes, specifically for measuring theright ascension of thestar s. This is considered one of the most important innovations in 16th century practical astronomy, as previous clocks were not accurate enough to be used for astronomical purposes.Sevim Tekeli, "Taqi al-Din", in Helaine Selin (1997), "Encyclopaedia of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures",Kluwer Academic Publishers , ISBN 0792340663.] This was also the firstastronomical clock to be powered by springs. [cite web|author=Salim Al-Hassani |title=The Astronomical Clock of Taqi Al-Din: Virtual Reconstruction|publisher=FSTC|url=http://muslimheritage.com/topics/default.cfm?ArticleID=947|date=19 June 2008|accessdate=2008-07-02] He further improved the observational clock, as described in his "Sidrat al-muntaha", using only one dial to represent the hours, minutes and seconds, describing it as "a mechanical clock with a dial showing the hours, minutes and seconds and we divided every minute into five seconds."citation|first=Aydin|last=Sayili|authorlink=Aydin Sayili|title=The Observatory in Islam|year=1991|pages=289-305 (cf. cite web|author=Dr. Salim Ayduz|title=Taqi al-Din Ibn Ma’ruf: A Bio-Bibliographical Essay|url=http://muslimheritage.com/topics/default.cfm?ArticleID=949|date=26 June 2008|accessdate=2008-07-04)]A "remarkably modern-looking" terrestrial
globe of theEarth , one of the earliest of its kind, was constructed byTaqi al-Din at the Istanbul observatory of al-Din.citation|first=Svat|last=Soucek|title=Piri Reis and Ottoman Discovery of the Great Discoveries|journal=Studia Islamica |volume=79|year=1994|pages=121-142 [123 & 134-6] ] Although Taqi al-Din had also invented a rudimentarytelescope some time before 1574, it is unknown whether or not he employed the instrument for his later astronomical observations at the Istanbul observatory of al-Din from 1577.citation|first=Hüseyin Gazi|last=Topdemir|title=Takîyüddîn'in Optik Kitabi|publisher=Ministry of Culture Press,Ankara |year=1999 (cf. cite web|author=Dr. Hüseyin Gazi Topdemir|title=Taqi al-Din ibn Ma‘ruf and the Science of Optics: The Nature of Light and the Mechanism of Vision|publisher=FSTC Limited|url=http://muslimheritage.com/topics/default.cfm?ArticleID=951|date=30 June 2008|accessdate=2008-07-04)]Observations
Taqi al-Din made use of his new "observational clock" to produce a
zij (named "Unbored Pearl") andastronomical catalog ues more accurate than those of his contemporaries,Tycho Brahe andNicolaus Copernicus . Taqi al-Din was also the first astronomer to employ a decimal point notation in hisobservation s rather than thesexagesimal fractions used by his contemporaries and predecessors. He also made use ofAbū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī 's method of "three points observation". In "The Nabk Tree", Taqi al-Din described the three points as "two of them being in opposition in theecliptic and the third in any desired place." He used this method to calculate the eccentricity of the Sun's orbit and the annual motion of theapogee , and so did Tycho Brahe and Copernicus shortly afterwards, though Taqi al-Din's values were more accurate, due to his his observational clock and other more accurate instruments.References
Further reading
* David A. King, "Taki al-Din" in EI (2nd ed.), vol. 10, pp. 132-3
*Ahmad Y Hassan , "Taqi al-Din and Arabic Mechanical Engineering", Instiute for the History of Arabic Science, Aleppo University, 1976, pp. 34-35.
* Antoine Gautier, "L'âge d'or de l'astronomie ottomane", in L'Astronomie, (Monthly magazine created byCamille Flammarion in 1882), December 2005, volume 119.
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