- List of Chinese quotations
This List of Chinese Quotations is composed of quotations that are important for Chinese culture, history and politics.
Cao Cao
Cao Cao (曹操; 155 – 220) was a regionalwarlord and the last Chancellor ofEastern Han Dynasty who rose to great power during the last years of theEastern Han Dynasty in ancientChina .;寧我負人,毋人負我! :Ning wo fu ren, wu ren fu wo!:"I'd rather betray others, than have others betray me.":(Statement in 190, after falsely killingLü Boshe 吕伯奢. Source: Sun Sheng Zaji, page 5 of Sanguo Zhi. Lü Boshe welcomed Cao Cao and went to a nearby village to procure some good wine to treat the guests. While Lü Boshe was away, however, Cao Cao andChen Gong overheard sound of knife-sharpening and someone saying, "How about we bind them and kill them?" Believing they had been betrayed, the pair drew their swords and slew the entire household. When they came to the kitchen, however, they found a pig, tied up and ready to by slaughtered.)Confucius
Confucius (孔夫子; Kǒng Fū Zǐ, lit. "Master Kong," but most frequently referred to as Kongzi (孔子), traditionally 551 – 479 BC) was a famous Chinese thinker and social philosopher, whose teachings have deeply influenced East Asian life and thought.;十五向學,三十而立,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳順,七十而從心欲,不踰矩.:Sishi xiang xue, sanshi er li, sishi er bu ..., wushi er zhi tian ming, liushi er shun, qishi er cong xin yu, bu:"At fifteen my heart was set on learning; at thirty I stood firm; at forty I had no more doubts; at fifty I knew the mandate of heaven; at sixty my ear was obedient; at seventy I could follow my heart's desire without transgressing the norm.";學而時習之,不亦悅乎?:Xue er shi xi zhi, bu yi yue hu?:"Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application?” (Beginning sentence of the
Analects );有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?:You peng zi yuan fang lai, bu yi le hu?:”Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters?"
Deng Xiaoping
Deng Xiaoping (邓小平 Dèng Xiǎopíng); 1904– 1997) was a leader in theCommunist Party of China (CCP). Deng never held office as the head of state or the head of government, but served as the "de facto " leader of the People's Republic of China from the late 1970s to the early 1990s. He pioneered "Socialism with Chinese characteristics " andChinese economic reform , also known as the "socialist market economy ".;不管白猫、黑猫,逮住老鼠就是好猫。:Buguan bai mao, hei mao, lizhu laoshu jiu shi hao mao.: "No matter if it is a white cat or a black cat; as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat.(Source: From a speech in a meeting of the Secretariat, actually a
Sichuan proverb);实事求是。:Shí shì qiú shì:
Seek truth from facts :(Actually coined byMao Zedong , but never really effectively used until Deng's time. This is a slogan referring to pragmatism. Beginning in the late 1970s, it was promoted by Deng Xiaoping and is a part of the official ideology ofSocialism with Chinese characteristics . The phrase means to look for economic and political solutions that have practical application rather than those based on political ideology.);一部分先富起来。:Yibufen xian fuqilai.: Some must get rich first!:(The first reforms in the late 1970s and early 1980s consisted of opening trade with the outside world, instituting the household responsibility system in agriculture, by which farmers could sell their surplus crops on the open market, and the establishment of township village enterprises.)
;一国两制 :yì guó liǎng zhì:
One country, two systems (Also coined by Mao Zedong. This idea was later proposed by Deng Xiaoping during the early 1980's for the reunification of China. He suggested that there will be only one China, but areas such as Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan can have their own capitalist economical and political systems, while mainland China uses the "socialist" system.)J
Jing Ke
Jing Ke (zh-cpw|c=荊軻|p=Jīng Kē|w=Ching K'o) was a guest residing in the estates ofDan, crown prince of Yan and renowned for his failedassassination of the Chinese emperorQin Shi Huang who reigned from221 BC to210 BC . His story is told in the chapter entitled "Biography of the Assassins" (刺客列傳) inSima Qian 's "Records of the Grand Historian ", or "Shiji".reportedly shouted out this impromptu poem after a cup of wine with friends: " (;风潇潇兮,易水寒,壮士一去不复返!:”Piercing wind, freezing river of Yi. The hero fords, and he never returns!":(This heroism, which reflects the general ideology of the society at that time, is recorded in Shiji.)L
Laozi (Chinese: 老子,Pinyin : Lǎozǐ; also transliterated as Laozi, Lao Tse, Laotze, and in other ways) was an ancient Chinese philosopher. According to Chinese tradition, Lao Tzu lived in the6th century BC , however many historians contend that Laozi actually lived in the4th century BC , which was the period ofHundred Schools of Thought andWarring States Period .;道可道﹐非常道;名可名,非常名。:Dao ke dao, fei chang dao; ming ke ming, fei chang ming.:”The Dao that can be explained is not the true Dao; the Dao that can be named is not the true name of the Dao.”;千里之行﹐始於足下。:Qian li zhi xing, shi yu zu xia.:A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Li Bai
Li Bai (李白) (701-762) was a Chinese poet who lived during theTang Dynasty .:花間一壺酒。:花間一壺酒。 "Amongst the flowers is a pot of wine;":獨酌無相親。 "I pour alone but with no friend at hand;":舉杯邀明月。 "So I lift the cup to invite the shining moon;":對影成三人。 "Along with my shadow, a fellowship of three."
Li Youyuan
;东方红:Dōngfāng hóng:
The East Is Red :(A song that was the de facto anthem of the People's Republic of China during the Cultural Revolution in the 1960s. The lyrics of the song were attributed to, Li Youyuan, a farmer from northern Shaanxi, and the melody was from a local folk song. He allegedly got his inspiration upon seeing the rising sun in the morning of a sunny day.The song was played through PA systems in every city and village from dawn to dusk. A broadcast show usually began with the song "The East Is Red", and ended with the song "The Internationale".)Lu Xun
Lu Xun (zh-tsp|t=魯迅|s=鲁迅|p=Lǔ Xùn) or Lu Hsün (Wade-Giles ) (1881 – 1936), has been considered one of the major Chinese writers of the 20th century and the founder of modern "baihua " (白话 báihuà), or vernacular, literature. Also a noted translator, his literary works and essays exerted a substantial influence after theMay Fourth Movement .;革命是要人生,不是要人死!:Geming shi yao rensheng, bu shi yao ren si!;横眉冷对千夫指, 俯首甘为孺子牛.:Hengmei lengdui qian fu zhi, fushou ganwei ruzi niu.:Fierce-browed, I coolly defy a thousand pointing fingers,. Head-bowed, like a willing ox I serve the youngsters.
Luo Guanzhong
Luo Guanzhong (Traditional Chinese : 羅貫中;Wade Giles : "Lo Kuan-chung") (c1330 -1400 ) was a14th century Chinese author attributed with writing "Romance of the Three Kingdoms " and editing "Outlaws of the Marsh ", two of the most revered adventure epics inChinese literature . ;四海之内皆兄弟:Sihai zhi nei jie xiongdi.: All Men Are Brothers:(Titel of the novel 水滸傳 Shuǐhǔ Zhuàn in one of the first English translations byPearl Buck . Titled "All Men are Brothers" and published in 1933)M
Mao Zedong
Mao Zedong (1893 – 1976) (also "Mao Tse-Tung" inWade-Giles ) was Chairman of theCommunist Party of China (CCP) from 1945 until his death. He instigated several major socio-political programmes (some throughcollectivisation ), including the Anti-Rightist Campaign, theGreat Leap Forward and theCultural Revolution .;百花齊放,百家爭鳴 :Bǎihuā qífàng, bǎijiā zhēngmíng.: "Let a hundred flowers bloom; let a hundred schools of thought contend.":( Mao had used this to signal what he had wanted from the intellectuals of the country, for different and competing ideologies to voice their opinions about the issues of the day.);一切反动派都是纸老虎。 :Yiqie fandongpai dou shi zhi laohu.:”All Reactionaries are Paper Tigers.“ :(
Paper tiger is a literal English translation of the Chinese phrase zhǐ lǎohǔ (Chinese: 紙老虎), meaning something which seems as threatening as a tiger, but is really harmless. The phrase is an ancient one in Chinese, but sources differ as to when it entered the English vocabulary. Although some sources may claim it dates back as far as 1850 [1] , it seems the Chinese phrase was first translated when it was applied to describe the United States. In 1956, Mao Zedong said of the United States::”In appearance it is very powerful but in reality it is nothing to be afraid of; it is a paper tiger. Outwardly a tiger, it is made of paper, unable to withstand the wind and the rain. I believe the United States is nothing but a paper tiger.”; 枪杆子里面出政权 :Qiangganzi limian chu zhengquan.:"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.":(The gun is here a metaphor for the military. Mao believed that the “"the gun must never be allowed to command the Party").
Mengzi (Romanization ; 孟子,pinyin : Mèng Zǐ;Wade-Giles : Meng Zhu; most accepted dates: 372–289BCE ; other possible dates: 385–303/302 BCE) was a Chinese philosopher who was arguably the most famousConfucian afterConfucius himself.; 大學之道在明明德,在親民,在止於至善 (...)。:Da xue zhi dao zai mingming de, zai qin min, zai zhi yu shan …:“The Way of the great learning involves manifesting virtue… renovating the people, and abiding by the highest good.” :( Government, self cultivation and investigation of things are linked. It links together individual action in the form of self-cultivation with higher goals such as ultimate world peace as well as linking together the spiritual and the material.)
Mozi zh-cpw|c=墨子|p=Mòzǐ|w=Mo Tzu, Lat. as Micius, c.470 BCE –c.390 BCE ), was aphilosopher who lived inChina during theHundred Schools of Thought period (earlyWarring States Period ). He founded the school ofMohism and argued strongly againstConfucianism andDaoism . During theWarring States Period ,Mohism was actively developed and practiced in many states, but fell out of favour when the legalistQin Dynasty came to power.;視人之國若視其國,視人之家若視其家,視人之身若視其身。:Shi ren zhi guo ruo shi qi guo, shi ren zhi jia shi qi jia, shi ren zhi shen ruo qi shen.:“Wishing to order well their states, they first regulated their families. Wishing to regulate their families, they first cultivated their persons.”un Yatsen
Sun Yat-sen (zh-c|孫逸仙;November 12 ,1866 –March 12 ,1925 ) was a Chineserevolutionary and political leader often referred to as the “father of modern China”. Sun is highly regarded as the National Father of modern China. His political philosophy, known as theThree Principles of the People , was proclaimed in August 1905.;三民主義:Sānmínzhǔyì:Three Principles of the People:(The Three People's Principles, or collectively "San-min Doctrine", is a political philosophy as part of a program to make China a free, prosperous, and powerful nation. Its legacy of implementation is most apparent in the governmental organization of theRepublic of China . The principles also appear in the first line of theNational Anthem of the Republic of China : 三民主義,吾黨所宗,/ 以建民國,以進大同。. Sānmín Zhǔyì, wú dǎng suǒ zōng, / Yǐ jiàn Mínguó, yǐ jìn Dàtóng. San Min Chu-i, Our aim shall be: To found, a free land, World peace, be our stand.);天下為公 :Tianxia wei gong.:The World is for all.
Tan Daoji
Tan Daoji (檀道濟; (d. 436) was a high level general of the dynasty Liu Song. He was one of the most respected generals during the Southern and Northern Dynasties era. Because of this, however, he was feared by Emperor Wen and even more so by Emperor Wen's brother, the prime minister Liu Yikang, and during an illness of Emperor Wen, Liu Yikang had Tan arrested and executed on false accusations of treason. Tan was said to have hadThirty-Six Strategies . ;隔岸觀火。:Gé àn guān huǒ:Watch the fires burning across the river:(Delay entering the field of battle until all the other players have become exhausted fighting amongst themselves.);借刀殺人。:Jiè dāo shā rén.:Kill with a borrowed knife:(Attack using the strength of another)
;走為上策。:Zǒu wéi shàng cè.:If all else fails, retreat.:(This is the most famous one of the 36th strategy, immortalized in the form of a Chinese idiom: "Of the Thirty-Six Strategies, fleeing is best." 三十六計,走為上策。)
Wang Xizhi
Wang Xizhi (王羲之) (303 -361 ) was aChinese calligrapher , traditionally referred to as the "Sage of Calligraphy" (書聖). His most famous work is the (zh-cp|c=|p=Lán Tíng Xù), the preface of a collection of poems written by a number of poets when gathering atLanting near the town of Shaoxing for the Spring Purification Festival. The original is lost, but there are a number of fine tracing copies and rubbings.;後之視今,亦由今之視昔。 :Hòu zhī shì jīn, yì yóu jīn zhī shì xí.: When future generations look back to my time, it will probably be similar to how I now think of the past.X
Xunzi (荀子; b. Zhao c.310–237 BCE) was a Chinese philosopher who lived during the Warring States Period, and was part of the during the Hundred Schools of Thought.;人之性、惡;其善,偽也。:Ren zhi xing ĕ; qi shan wei ye.:Human nature is evil, and goodness is caused by intentional activity.:(Xunzi thought that man is prone to evil dispositions, and that ethical norms had been invented to avoid this.)Z
Zhuangzi (pinyin), Chuang Tzŭ (Wade-Giles), Chuang Tsu, Zhuang Tze, or Chuang Tse (Traditional Chinese characters: 莊子; Simplified Chinese characters: 庄子, literally meaning "Master Zhuang") was a famous philosopher in ancient China who lived around the 4th century BCE during the Warring States Period, corresponding to the Hundred Schools of Thought philosophical summit of Chinese thought. Another well-known part of the book, which is also found in Chapter 2, is usually called "Zhuangzi dreamed he was a butterfly".;莊周夢蝶:Zhuāng Zhōu mèng dié:"Zhuangzi dreamed he was a butterfly":(昔者庄周梦为胡蝶,栩栩然胡蝶也。自喻适志与!不知周也。俄然觉,则蘧蘧然周也。不知周之梦为胡蝶与?胡蝶之梦为周与?周与胡蝶则必有分矣。此之谓物化。:“Once Zhuang Zhou dreamt he was a butterfly, a butterfly flitting and fluttering around, happy with himself and doing as he pleased. He didn't know he was Chuang Chou. Suddenly he woke up and there he was, solid and unmistakable Zhuang Zhou. But he didn't know if he was Zhuang Zhou who had dreamt he was a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming he was Zhuang Zhou. Between Zhuang Zhou and a butterfly there must be some distinction! This is called the Transformation of Things.” :Translated byBurton Watson 1968. The name of the passage has become a common Chinese idiom, and has spread into Western languages as well. It appears, inter alia, as an illustration inJorge Luis Borges ' famous essay "A New Refutation of Time", and may have inspiredH. P. Lovecraft 's 1918 short story "Polaris".)
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