- EMF balancing technique
An "energy balancing" technique, developed by the American Peggy Phoenix Dubro. In some ways similar to
Reiki , in that the practitioner uses his or her hands to send energy to the patient, either through direct touch or by placing them inches from the body, the EMF lexicon avoids terms such as 'healing' or 'treatments', preferring the more neutral terms 'balancing' and 'sessions'. The principal theory behind the technique is that every human possesses a UCL, or Universal Calibration Lattice, a sphere of magnetic energy that radiates outward approximately 24 inches from the body, and connects us to the earth's energy field. Though making use of thechakra model, this UCL is reminiscent of the concept of theaura (paranormal) . The technique makes use of a series of 'Phases', each phase focusing on a specific part of the UCL. There are currently eight phases, with phases 9 through 12 to be introduced in the coming years.Peggy regularly travels and gives talks with Lee Carroll, a
New Age medium who claims to communicate with a spirit entity calledKryon through the process known aschannelling .References
External links
[http://emfbalancingtechnique.com EMF Balancing Technique Website]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.