- Aristaeus
A minor god in
Greek mythology , which we read largely through Athenian writers, Aristaeus or Aristaios (Greek: Ἀρισταῖος), "ever close follower of the flocks", was theculture hero credited with the discovery of many useful arts, includingbee-keeping ; [His inventions of apicultural apparatus, such as the linen gauze bee-keeper's mask and the technique of smoking the hive, were elaborated byNonnus in his "Dionysiaca ", V.214ff.] he was the son ofApollo and the huntress Cyrene. "Aristeus" ("the best") was a cult title in many places: Boeotia, Arcadia, Ceos, Sicily, Sardinia, Thessaly, and Macedonia; consequently a set of "travels" was imposed, connecting his epiphanies in order to account for these widespread manifestations. [Compare the "travels" ofHercules in the Western Mediterranean.]If Aristaeus was a minor figure at Athens, he was more prominent in
Boeotia , where he was "the pastoral Apollo" [An expression credited toHesiod inServius ' commentary on Virgil'sGeorgics , I.14; cf. William J. Slater, "Lexicon to Pindar" (Berlin: de Gruyter) 1969, "s.v." ""Nomios". When "pastoral Apollo" appears in lines ofTheocritus ("Idyll" XXV) andCallimachus ("Ode to Apollo", 47) the expression blurs the effective domaines of the two figures.] and was linked to thefounding myth of Thebes by marriage withAutonoë , daughter ofCadmus , the founder. [Hesiod, "Theogony " 977.] Aristaeus may appear as a winged youth in painted Boeoptian pottery, [As on a Boeotian tripod-kothon at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, illustrated and discussed in Brian F. Cook, "Aristaios" "The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin" New Series, 21.1 (Summer 1962), pp. 31-36; there Aristaeus hastens with a mattock and a one-handled amphora, which Cook interprets as filled with seed-corn.] similar to representations of the Boreads, spirits of the North Wind.According to
Pindar 's ninth Pythian Ode and Apollonius' "Argonautica " (II.522ff), Cyrene despised spinning and other womanly arts and instead spent her days hunting, but, in a prophecy he put in the mouth of the wisecentaur Chiron , Apollo would spirit her to Libya and make her the foundress of a great city, Cyrene, in a fertile coastal plain. [Thus Pindar set into a mythological past a prophecy of the comparatively recent founding of Cyrene (630 BCE).] When Aristaeus was born, Pindar sang,Hermes took him to be raised onnectar andambrosia and be made immortal by Gaia. The Myrtle-nymphs taught him useful arts and mysteries, how to curdle milk for cheese, how to tame the Goddess's bees and keep them in hives, and how to tame the wildoleaster and make it bearolive s. Thus he became the patron god ofcattle ,fruit trees,hunting ,husbandry andbee-keeping . He also taught humanitydairy skills (includingcheese making) and the use of nets andtrap s in hunting.When he was grown, he sailed from Libya to
Boeotia , where he was inducted into further mysteries in the cave ofChiron the centaur. In Boeotia, he was married toAutonoe and became the father of the ill-fatedActaeon , who inherited the family passion for hunting, to his ruin, and ofMacris , who nursed the childDionysus ."Aristaios" ("the best") is an
epithet rather than a name:"For some men to callZeus and holyApollo .:"Agreus and Nomios, [Agreus ("hunter") and Nomios ("shepherd") are sometimes given distinct identities among the "Panes", sons of Pan.] and for others Aristaios" (Pindar )Aristaeus in Ceos
Aristaeus' presence in Ceos, attested in the fourth and third centuries BCE, [
Theophrastus , "Of the winds" 14, and other testimony noted inWalter Burkert , "Homo Necans" (1972), translated by Peter Bing ((University of California Press) 1983), p 109 note 1; Burkert notes that Aristaeus is already mentioned in aHesiod ic fragment.] was attributed to a Delphic prophecy that counselled Aristaeus to sail toCeos , where he would be greatly honored. He found the islanders suffering from sickness under the stifling and baneful effects of the Dog-StarSirius at its first appearance before the sun's rising, in early July. In the foundation legend of a specifically Cean weather-magic ritual, Aristaeus was credited with the double sacrifice that countered the deadly effects of the Dog-Star, a sacrifice at dawn to Zeus Ikmaios, "Rain-making Zeus" at a mountaintop altar [Apollonius of Rhodes , "Argonautica " 2.521ff.] following a pre-dawnchthonic sacrifice to Sirius, the Dog-Star, at its first annual appearance, [Burkert 1983:109ff; Burkert notes an analogy to the polarity of sacrifices to Pelops and Zeus at Olympia.] which brought the annual relief of the cooling Etesian winds.In a development that offered more immediate causality for the myth, Aristaeus discerned that the Ceans' troubles arose from murderers hiding in their midst, the killers of
Icarius in fact. When the miscreants were found out and executed, and a shrine erected to Zeus Ikmaios, the great god was propitiated and decreed that henceforth the Etesian wind should blow and cool all the Aegean for forty days from the baleful rising of Sirius. But the Ceans continued to propitiate the Dog-Star, just before its rising, just to be sure. [Hyginus, "Poetic Astronomy"] . Aristaeus appears on Cean coins. [Charikleia Papageorgiadou-Banis, "The Coinage of Kea" (Paris) 1997.]Then Aristaeus, on his civilizing mission, visited Arcadia, where the winged male figure who appears on ivory tablets in the sanctuary of
Ortheia as the consort of the goddess has been identified as Aristaeus by L. Marangou. [Marangou, Aristaios" "AM" 8772), pp77-83, noted by Jane Burr Carter, "The Masks of Ortheia" "American Journal of Archaeology" 91.3 (July 1987:355-383) p. 382f.]Aristaeus settled for a time in the
Vale of Tempe . By the time ofVirgil 'sGeorgics , the myth has Aristaeus chasingEurydice when she was bitten by a serpent and died.Aristaeus and the bees
Soon Aristaeus' bees sickened and began to die. He went to the fountain Arethusa and was advised to establish altars, sacrifice cattle and leave their carcasses. From the carcasses, new swarms of bees rose (see
Bugonia )."Aristaeus'" as a name
In later times, "Aristaios" was a familiar Greek name, borne by several
archon s of Athens and attested in inscriptions. [Eugene Vanderpool, "Two Inscriptions Near Athens", "Hesperia" 14.2, The American Excavations in the Athenian Agora: Twenty-Sixth Report (April 1945), pp. 147-149; Susan I. Rotroff, "An Athenian Archon List of the Late Second Century after Christ" "Hesperia" 44.4 (October 1975), pp. 402-408; Sterling Dow, "Archons of the Period after Sulla", "Hesperia Supplements" 8 Commemorative Studies in Honor of Theodore Leslie Shear (1949), pp. 116-125, 451, etc.]Notes
ee also
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