List of junctions and interchanges in Israel

List of junctions and interchanges in Israel

This List of junctions and interchanges in Israel is a list of the named junctions ( _he. צומת, "tsomet") and interchanges ( _he. מחלף, "mechlaf") in Israel in alphabetical order. The numbers of roads which are part of the junction or interchage are given in brackets. Alternative names by which junctions are known are also in brackets.

Railway junctions - See alsoNotes



* Abba Hillel Silver Junction (3, 4)
* Achihud Junction (70, 85)
* Ada Junction (652, 653)
* Adashim Junction (60, 73)
* Adi Junction (79, local road)
* Afik Junction (98, 789)
* Akko East Junction (4, 85)
* Akko North Junction (8510, Golani Brigade Rd., Akko)
* Akko South Junction (8510, Yehonatan HeHashmona'i St., Akko)
* Alon Junction (65, 650)
* Alonim Junction (75, 7513)
* Alumot Junction (767, 768)
* Ami'ad Junction (85, 90)
* Ar'ara BaNegev Junction (25, 80)
* Avital Junction (91, 9881)


* Bareket Junction (40, 46, 453)
* Bar'on Junction (98, 959)
* Baruch Junction (73, 7255)
* Bashan Junction (87, 98)
* Beit HaArava Junction (1, 90)
* Beit HaMeches Junction (91, 888)
* Beit Rimon Junction (77, 754)
* Beit Tsaida Junction (87, 888)
* Beka'ot Junction (57, 578)
* Bental Junction (959, local road)
* Betset Junction (4, 899)
* Bi'ina Junction (85, 8534)
* Bik'at Timna Junction (name of two different junctions on Highway 90 with local roads)
* Binyamina Junction (4, 653)
* Bnei Darom Junction (41, 42)



* Daliyot Junction (808, 869)
* Damun Junction (672, 721)
* Deir Hanna Junction (805, 806)
* Dimona Junction (25, 204)
* Dotan Junction (60, 585)
* Dror Junction (4, 553)


* Eilabun Junction (65, 806)
* Ein Afek Junction (4, 7911)
* Ein HaKore Junction (42, 431)
* Ein HaMifrats Junction (4, 8510)
* Ein Hatsva Junction (90, 227)
* Ein Zeitim Junction (89, 886)
* El-Rom Junction (98, 9799)
* Eshkolot Junction (4, 232)
* Evlayim Junction (70, 781)
* Eyal Junction (444, 551)
* Ezka Junction (38, 383)


* Fureidis Junction (4, 70)


* Gadot Junction (91, 918)
* Gama Junction (232, 242)
* Ganim Junction (40, 483)
* Gazit Junction (65, 7276)
* Gedera Junction (7, 40)
* Giv'at Yeruham Junction (204, 224)
* Golani Junction (65, 77)
* Gome Junction (90, 977)
* Gonen Junction (918, 959)
* Gov Ga'ash Junction (Sakhikh Junction) (978, 9799)
* Gush Etzion Junction (60, 367)


* HaAmakim Junction (Jalame Junction) (70, 75)
* HaArava Junction (25, 90)
* Hadera Junction (4, Shim'oni St., Hadera)
* Hadera East Junction (65, local road)
* HaEmir Junction ("West" Junction) (959, 978)
* HaGdi Junction (34, 293)
* Halafta Junction (85, 806)
* HaLohem HaBedu'i Junction (77, local road)
* Halukim Junction (40, 204)
* HaMapalim Junction (87, 808)
* Hamat Gader Junction (98, 7599)
* HaMaskit (57, 557)
* HaMetsudot Junction (90, 99)
* HaMovil Junction (77, 79)
* Hananya Junction (Sheva Junction) (85, 866)
* HaNatsiv Junction (90, 6678)
* HaNegev Junction (40, 211)
* Hanita Junction (899, 8990)
* Hanna Junction (65, 652)
* HaNokdim Junction (Ohalim Junction) (40, 406)
* Har Harif Junction (10, 171)
* Harish Junction (574, 6353)
* HaRo'e Junction (4, 581)
* HaRuhot Junction (40, 171)
* HaSargel Junction (65, 675)
* HaSharon Junction (Beit Lid) (4, 57)
* HaShayara Junction (70, local road)
* HaShiryon Junction (Nefah Junction) (91, 978)
* HaShoftim Junction (4, Jerusalem Blvd., Goshen Blvd., Kiryat Motzkin/Kiryat Bialik)
* HaShomrim Junction (75, 722)
* Hassidim Junction (70, 762)
* HaTishbi Junction (66, 70, 722)
* Hatrurim Junction (31, 258)
* HeAsor Junction (4, Ben Gurion Blvd., Weizmann Blvd., Kiryat Motzkin/Kiryat Bialik)
* Hilazon Junction (804, 805)
* Hiram Junction (89, 899)
* Holot Interchange (4, 20)
* Horshat Tal Junction (99, 918)
* Horshim Junction (444, 5233)
* Hosen Junction (89, 864)
* Hulda Junction (3, 411)


* Iron Junction (Mishmar HaGvul Junction) (65, 574)
* Issachar Junction (71, 716)


* Julis Junction (70, 8533)


* Kabri Junction (70, 89)
* Kadarim Junction (Nahal Amud Junction) (65, 85)
* Kaf Het Junction (Koah Junction) (90, 899)
* Kalaniyot Junction (574, 581)
* Karmiel Junction (85, Nesi'ei Israel Blvd., Karmiel)
* Karmiel West Junction (85, 784)
* Katsrin North Junction (9088, 9098)
* Katsrin South Junction (87, 9088)
* Keshet Junction (87, oil pipeline road)
* Kfar Masaryk Junction (4, local road)
* Kfar Nahum Junction (87, 90)
* Kfar Saba East Junction (55, 5504)
* Kfar Tavor Junction (56, 767)
* Kineret Junction (90, 767)
* Kiryat Chaim Junction (HaTsrif) (4, 781)
* Kishon Junction (4, 75)
* Kisufim Junction (242, 2410)
* Kochav HaYarden Junction (90, 717)
* Koranit Junction (784, 7933)
* Korazim Junction (90, 8277)
* Ktura Junction (40, 90)


* Lehavim Junction (31, 40)
* Lehavot HaBashan Junction (918, 977)


* Ma'agan Junction (92, 98)
* Ma'ale Gamla Junction (92, 869)
* Mahanayim Junction (90, 91)
* Magshimim Junction (98, 808, local road)
* Mal'akhi Junction (Qastina) (3, 40)
* Ma'on Junction (232, 241)
* Mas'ada Junction (98, 99)
* Mash'abim Junction (40, 211)
* Megiddo Junction (65, 66)
* Mehola Junction (90, 578)
* Mei Ami Junction (65, 6535)
* Mekhora Junction (57, local road)
* Meron Junction (89, 866)
* Metser Junction (574, 5923)
* Migdal Junction (90, 807)
* Misgav Junction (784, 805)
* Mishmar HaGvul Junction (Iron Junction) (65, 574)
* Mivtahim Junction (232, 2310)
* Mivtsa Horeg Junction (10, 211)
* Moreshet Junction (781, 784)
* Mughar Junction (806, 807)


* Nahal Amud Junction (Kadarim Junction) (65, 85)
* Nahal Hadera Junction (4, 65)
* Nahal Tsalmon North Junction (65, 807)
* Nahal Tsalmon South Junction (65, 807)
* Nahalal Junction (73, 75)
* Nahariya Junction (4, 89)
* Nahshon Junction (3, 44)
* Nashut Junction (91, 9088)
* Navot Junction (71, 675)
* Nazareth North Junction (75, 754)
* Nazareth South Junction (60, 75)
* Nefah Junction (HaShiryon Junction) (91, 978)
* Nes Harim Junction (386, 3866)
* Nesher Junction (705, 752)
* Netivot Junction (25, 34)
* Netofa Junction (65, 785)
* Nirbata Junction (574, 6403)


* Ofer Junction (4, 7021)
* Ohalim Junction (HaNokdim Junction) (40, 406)
* Or Akiva Junction (4, 6511)
* Orha Junction (98, local road)
* Oren Junction (4, 721)


* Pal-Yam Junction (4, 651)
* Pardesiya Junction (4, 5613)
* Peres Junction (local roads, Golan Heights)
* Poran Junction (959, 9881)
* Poriya Junction (77, 768)



* Ra'anana Junction (4, 541)
* Rafid Junction (local roads, Golan Heights)
* Rama Junction (85, 804)
* Re'em Junction (Masmiyya) (3, 40)
* Re'im Junction (232, local road)
* Rosh Pinna Junction (90, 8677)
* Rotem Junction (25, 206)
* Ruppin Junction (4, 5711)

* Sakhikh Junction (Gov Ga'ash Junction) (978, 9799)
* Samach Junction (Kursi Junction) (92, 789)
* Sayarim Junction (10, 12)
* Segula Junction (40, 481, HaNahal St., Petah Tikva)
* Sha'ariya Junction (40, 471)
* She'an Junction (71, 90)
* Sheva Junction (Hananya Junction) (85, 866)
* Shfar'am Junction (79, 311 St., Shefa-'Amr
* Shifon Junction (91, 9099)
* Shi'on Junction (99, 999)
* Shivta Junction (211, local road)
* Shizafon Junction (12, 40)
* Shluhot Junction (90, 669)
* Shomeret Junction (4, 8510)
* Sirkin Junction (40, 4730)
* Somekh Junction (70, 79)


* Tavor Junction (65, 7266)
* Tefen Junction (89, 854)
* Tel Akko Junction (85, 8510)
* Tel Eshtori Junction (71, 7079)
* Tlalim Junction (40, 211)
* Tse'elim Junction (40, 224)
* Tsemach Junction (90, 98)
* Tsihor Junction (13, 40)
* Tsiporim Junction (40, local road)
* Umm al-Fahm Junction (65, local road)


* Urim Junction (234, 241)


* Vulcan Junction (4, local road)


* "West" Junction (HaEmir Junction) (959, 978)


* Ya'ar Odem Junction (98, 978)
* Yagur Junction (70, 75, 752)
* Yasif Junction (70, 85)
* Yavor Junction (70, 805)
* Yehudiya Junction (87, 92)
* Yeruham Junction (204, 225)
* Yesha Junction (886, 899)
* Yesod HaMa'ala Junction (90, 9119)
* Yiftach'el Junction (79, 784)
* Yishai Junction (75, 77)
* Yizra'el Junction (60, 675)
* Yodefet Junction (784, 7955)
* Yokne'am Junction (70, local road)
* Yuvalim Junction (784, 805)


* Zikhron Ya'aqov Junction (4, Nili Blvd., Zikhron Ya'aqov)
* Zivan Junction (91, 98)
* Zohar Junction (21, 90)
* Zvulun Junction (70, 780)



*Abba Hillel Interchange (482, Bialik St., Ramat Gan)
*Adummim Interchange (1, 417)
*Allenby Interchange (4, Allenby Rd., Haifa)
*Aluf Sadeh Interchange (4, Sheba Rd., Ramat Ef'al)
*Ashdod Interchange (4, 41, 42)
*Atlit Interchange (2, 721, 7110)


*Bar Ilan Interchange (4, 471)
*Barkan Interchange (5, 4765)
*Baqa Interchange (6, 61)
*Ben Gurion Interchange (1, 4503)
*Ben Shemen Interchange (1, 6, 443, 444)
*Beit Horon Interchange (443, Local road)
*Bruchin Interchange (5, 446)


*Caesaria Interchange (2, 65)


*Daniel Interchange (1, 6)
*Dov Hoz Interchange (20, Dov Hoz St. in Holon)


*Eilot Interchange (90, 109)
*Elyakim Interchange (70, 672)
*Eyal Interchange (6, 551)


*Ganot Interchange (1, 4)
*Gan Rave Interchange (4, 42, HaHistadrut St., Rishon LeZion)
*Gdud 21 Interchange (4, HaHashmal St. in Haifa)
*Geha Interchange (4, 481)
*Gesher HaShalom Interchange (2, 5611)
*Gesher Paz Interchange (4, 22, HaHashmal St. in Haifa)
*Givat Mordechai (Begin Expressway, Shmuel Bait str. in Jerusalem)
*Givat Shaul Interchange (Begin Expressway, Givat Shaul St. in Jerusalem)
*Giv'at Shmu'el Interchange (4, Mivtza Kadesh St., Giv'at Shmu'el)
*Glilot Ma'arav Interchange (2, 5)
*Glilot Mizrah Interchange (5, 20)
*Golda Meir Interchange (1, 404, 436)


*Hadarim Interchange (4, 551)
*HaHalakha Interchange (20, Rabbi Shlomo Goren St., Tel Aviv)
*Haifa South Interchange (2, 4)
*HaKerayot Interchange (4, 752)
*HaKfar HaYarok Interchange (5, 482)
*HaRakevet Interchange (20, 481, Al Parashat Drakhim St, Tel Aviv)
*Har'el Interchange (1, 3985)
*HaShalom Interchange (20, Giv'at HaTahmoshet St., Tel Aviv)
*HaShiv'a Interchange (4, 44)
*HaSira Interchange (2, 541)
*Havatselet Interchange (2, 5710)
*HaZeytim Interchange (1, El-Hardub str. in Jerusalem)
*Heil HaShiryon Interchange (2, 20, 461)
*Hemed Interchange (1, 3975)
*Hiram Interchange (4, 22)
*Hof HaSharon Interchange (2, Local roads)
*Holon Interchange (20, 44, Levi Eshkol Blvd.)
*Holot Interchange (4, 20)
*Horashim Interchange (6, 531)


*Iron Interchange (6, 65)


*Kaplan Interchange (2, Kaplan St., Tel Aviv)
*Keren Kayemet Interchange (20, Keren Kayemet Blvd., Tel Aviv)
*Kibbutz Galuyot Interchange (1, 20, 461)
*Kiryat Moshe Interchange (Begin Expressway, Yitzhak Rabin St. in Jerusalem)
*Komemiyut Interchange (20, Moshe Dayan St., Holon)


*LaGuardia Interchange (20, LaGuardia St., Tel Aviv)
*Latrun Interchange (1, 3)
*Lod Interchange (1, 40)


*Mesubim Interchange (4, 461)
*Morasha Interchange (4, 5)
*Moshe Dayan Interchange (4, 441)
*Mota Gur Interchange (4, Halutzei HaTa'asiya St., Haifa)
*Motza Interchange (1, Sorek str. in Jerusalem)


*Nahshonim Interchange (6, 471)
*Nesharim Interchange (6, 44)
*Netanya Interchange (2, 57)
*Nitzanei Oz Interchange (6, 57)


*Olga Interchange (2, Aaron Aaronsohn str. in Hadera)


*Poleg Interchange (2, 553)


*Kesem Interchange (5, 6)


*Ra'anana Darom Interchange (4, 554)
*Rabin Interchange (Shmaryahu Interchange) (2, HaMa'apilim St., Kfar Shmaryahu)
*Rishon LeZion Interchange (4, 441)
*Rokach Interchange (20, Rokach Blvd., Tel Aviv)
*Rosh HaAyin Mizrah Interchange (5, 5050)

*Sha'ar HaGay Interchange (1, 38, 415)
*Sha'ar Mizrah Interchange (1, 60)
*Sha'ar Moriah Interchange (1, Ben Gurion Ave. in Jerusalem)
*Sha'ar Shomron Interchange (5, 505)
*Shapirim Interchange (1, 412)
*Shiv'at HaKokhavim Interchange (20, 541)
*Sorek Interchange (3, 7, 6)
*Shoresh Interchnage (1, 3955)


*Tikva Interchange (5, Zevulun Hammer Rd., Petah Tikva)


*Wolffsohn Interchange (20, HaLohamim St., Tel Aviv-Yafo, Heinrich Heine St., Tel Aviv-Yafo)


*Yanai Interchange (2, 5720)
*Yarkon Interchange (5, 40)
*Yavne Interchange (4, 4111)
*Yigael Yadin Interchange (1, 436)
*Yoseftal Interchange (20, Yoseftal blvd in Bat Yam)


*Zikhron Ya'aqov Interchange (2, 70)

Railway junctions

*Afek Junction (Tel Aviv - Rosh Ha'ain Line, Eastern Line)
*Anava Interchange (Tel Aviv - Jerusalem Line, Modi'in Spur) - Under Construction
*Lod Interchange (Tel Aviv - Modi'in/Jerusalem Line, Eastern Line)
*Na'an Junction (Tel Aviv - Beersheba line, Tel Aviv - Beit Shemesh line)
*Pleshet Junction (Rehovot - Ashdod line, Port of Ashdod freight line)
*Shapirim Interchange (Tel Aviv - Lod line, Tel Aviv - Modi'in/Jerusalem line)
*Tel Baruch Junction (Tel Aviv - Haifa line, Tel Aviv - Rosh Ha'ain Line)
*Remez Junction (Haifa - Tel Aviv line, Eastern Line - defunct)


ee also

*List of highways in Israel
*Roads in Israel
*Transportation in Israel

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