Developer(s) Daniel B. Cid
Stable release 2.6 / Jul 19, 2011
Operating system Cross-platform
Type Security / HIDS
License GNU GPL v3
Website www.ossec.net

OSSEC is a free, open source host-based intrusion detection system (IDS). It performs log analysis, integrity checking, Windows registry monitoring, rootkit detection, time-based alerting and active response. It provides intrusion detection for most operating systems, including Linux, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Mac OS X, Solaris and Windows. It has a centralized, cross-platform architecture allowing multiple systems to be easily monitored and managed. It was written by Daniel B. Cid and made public in 2004.

Features were added to OSSEC to meet certain requirements for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance.[1] Details can be found documented in a PDF document provided by OSSEC.[1]

In June 2008 the OSSEC project and all the copyright owned by the project leader, Daniel B. Cid, were acquired by Third Brigade, Inc. They promised to continue to contribute to the open source community and extend commercial support and training to the OSSEC open source community.

In May 2009 Trend Micro acquired Third Brigade and the OSSEC project, with promises to keep it open source and free.


Software Components

OSSEC consists of a main application, a Windows agent, and a web interface software component.

  • Main Application: The main application, OSSEC, is required for distributed network or stand-alone installations. It is supported by Linux, Solaris, BSD, and Mac environments.
  • Windows Agent: The Windows Agent is provided for Microsoft Windows environments. An installation of the main application configured for server mode is required to support the Windows Agent.
  • Web Interface: A separate web interface application provides a graphical user interface. Like the main application, it is supported by Linux, Solaris, BSD, and Mac environments.


OSSEC has a very strong log analysis engine, being able to correlate and analyze logs from multiple devices and formats. The following are currently supported:

  • NIDS:
    • Cisco IOS IDS/IPS module
    • Snort IDS (snort full, snort fast and snort syslog)
  • Security tools:
  • Windows event logs (logins, logouts, audit information, etc.)
  • Windows Routing and Remote Access logs
  • Generic unix authentication (adduser, logins, etc.)


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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