2004 Republican National Convention protest activity

2004 Republican National Convention protest activity

2004 Republican National Convention protest activity includes the broad range of marches, rallies, performances, demonstrations, exhibits, and acts of civil disobedience in New York City to protest the 2004 Republican National Convention and the nomination of President George W. Bush for the 2004 U.S. presidential election, as well as a much smaller number of people who marched to support Bush at the convention.

Hundreds of groups organized protests, including United for Peace and Justice, a coalition of more than 800 anti-war and social justice groups, and International ANSWER. Over 1800 individuals were arrested by the authorities, a record for a political convention in the U.S. [http://www.nyclu.org/node/1039 New York Civil Liberties Union Recap] - fact is on page 7 of the PDF.] However 90% of those charges were eventually dropped.

Thursday, August 26

Four young professionals and students, who called themselves Operation Sybil, hung a banner over the front of the Plaza Hotel. Two of them rappelled down the front of the hotel, after which they were able to hang the banner more than a dozen stories above the ground. The banner, which measured convert|60|ft|m wide and roughly three stories high, said "Truth," with an arrow pointing in one direction (toward Central Park, where the United for Peace March was supposed to take place) and "Bush," with an arrow pointing the other direction (toward Madison Square Garden, the site of the convention). The four climbers were quickly arrested and the banner was removed by the police. One police officer was injured in the process when he stepped on a skylight and it broke. As a result of the officer's injury, the climbers were charged with assault of a police officer along with their other charges. [http://questionauthority.org/nycplazaaction/NYCPlazaAction.pdf The Plaza Action Press Release] ] [ [http://questionauthority.org/nycplazaaction/ Photographs of the action] ]

Twelve AIDS activists from the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP) staged a naked protest in front of Madison Square Garden, demanding debt cancellation for poor countries. They took their clothes off in the crosswalk, stopping traffic, as they joined hands and began chanting "Bush, Stop AIDS. Drop the Debt Now!" "Drop the Debt" and "Stop AIDS" were stenciled in black paint on their chests and backs. Their intent was to tell "the naked truth" about Bush's global AIDS policies - that they are inadequate, and that debt cancellation must be a top priority.Fact|date=February 2007

Seven of the protesters were completely naked, three were semi-clothed, and two others, who stood off to the side, were fully clothed, and held a large banner that read "W: Drop the Debt. Stop AIDS." The two clothed activists climbed on top of a nearby trailer to make the banner more visible. [http://outfm.org/hiresnaked/200dpi/msjdropdebt200.jpg] ] They were later arrested and faced several charges, including endangerment of a police officer, which was a result of the fact that officers had to climb on top of the trailer, which was a generator, in order to arrest them.

The activists chanted naked in the street while photographers clicked away, police officers looked on in amusement, and a large crowd of onlookers gathered. Comments ranged from "How do I get involved in this group?" to "What about the children?" and a nearby store saw a brief burst in camera sales as onlookers quickly bought cameras and went back to photograph the protest.

Although there were several times as many police officers as there were protesters on the scene, it was seventeen minutes before the activists were arrested. They were represented by Ron Kuby, and all of the charges were later dropped. A few protesters who were semi-clothed were not arrested, and faced no charges. [http://www.actupny.org/reports/rnc_nyc.html Republican National Convention Protests in NYC ] ]

The activists later became one of the subjects in photographer Richard Avedon's last project, published in the New Yorker. [http://www.newyorker.com/images/online/041108onslpo_44_r13447_s.jpg] ]

Friday, August 27

Between 5,000 and 6,000 participants took part in the Critical Mass bicycle ride. The monthly NYC Critical Mass ride promoted by the environmental group Time's Up! occurs on the last Friday of each month and prior to this ride had usually attracted about 1,500 riders. Police eventually blockaded roads and arrested 264 people in relation to that event. Most of them were charged with disorderly conduct and held in custody for 24 hours. This was the first time the NYPD had made any significant arrests of Critical Mass participants. [http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/08/30/1453256 Democracy Now! | Critical Mass: Over 260 Arrested in First Major Protest of RNC ] ] [http://nyc.indymedia.org/feature/display/104892/index.php publish.nyc.indymedia.org | First notes on the Critical Mass ] ] [http://www.corporatemofo.com/stories/040828criticalmass.htm Critical Mass vs. NYPD ] ] [http://www.times-up.org/ TIME'S UP! :: NYC Direct Action Environmental Organization - HOME ] ]

Sunday, August 29

United for Peace and Justice organized the main march of the week, in which protesters marched past Madison Square Garden, the site of the convention. The march included hundreds of separate contingents as well as individual marchers. One group of people carried flag-draped cardboard coffins. Several hundred members of Billionaires for Bush held a mock countermarch. Estimates of crowd size ranged from 120,000 (unnamed police spokesman) to over 500,000 (organizers, second unnamed police source). [http://www.chicagotribune.com/features/magazine/nyc-prot0830,1,1546524.story?ctrack=1&cset=true Massive protest mostly peaceful] , Chicago Tribune, August 30, 2004.] [http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/08/30/1453238 500,000 March Against Bush in Largest Convention Protest Ever] ," "Democracy Now!", August 30, 2004.] In March, 2007 NYPD Deputy Commissioner Paul Browne stated about the RNC protests: "You certainly had 800,000 on August 29th." [ [http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=07/03/26/1329207 "NYPD Debates Civil Liberties Attorney Over Police Spying of Protesters"] . Democracy Now!. March 26, 2007.]

Organizers held a pre-march press conference in front of thousands on 7th Avenue. Several people spoke in opposition to the war in Iraq and Bush administration policies including Michael Moore, Jesse Jackson, Congressman Charles Rangel, and a father who had lost his son in Iraq. [http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/08/30/1453250 Democracy Now! | Antiwar Voices Address March: Michael Moore, Jesse Jackson, Fernando Suarez, Charles Barron and More ] ] The whole event lasted six hours, with the lead contingent finishing the march long before thousands of people could even move from the starting point. [http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/08/30/1453244 Democracy Now! | The Battle for New York: 500,000 March Against Bush in Historic Antiwar Protest ] ] [http://nyc.indymedia.org/feature/display/106765/index.php publish.nyc.indymedia.org | Photo summary of A29 ] ] The City government, under Republican Mayor Michael Bloomberg, had earlier denied the protesters a permit to hold a rally in Central Park following the march, citing concern for the park's grass. The West Side Highway was offered instead, but organizers refused, citing exorbitant costs for the extra sound equipment and problems for the location. [http://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/0825-11.htm Judge Blocks Central Park Protest ] ] Organizers encouraged people to go to Central Park following the march's conclusion in Union Square.Disturbances were minor. New York Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly reported about 200 arrests with 9 felonies — most of them occurring after the march had concluded.

This was also the day when the Protest Warrior and Communists for Kerry counter-protest groups held their main counter-demonstrations in support of Bush and the RNC.

For the most part, the march proceeded peacefully and without violence. The only major incident during the march occurred when some individuals of unknown affiliations torched a large dragon float between Madison Square Garden and the Fox News building. The float turned into a huge fireball, and the march was halted until firefighters were able to clear the street of debris. Later, there was a minor scuffle as some individuals tried to take some of the Protest Warriors' signs.

Monday, August 30

Still We Rise, a coalition of 52 NYC-based community organizations for the poor and people of color marched at noon from Union Square to Madison Square Garden, and held a rally by the Garden. [http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/08/31/148254 Democracy Now! | Still We Rise: Poor People March Against the 'Bush-Kerry' Agenda ] ]

At 4 PM, the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign, a national campaign involving over sixty organizations held a rally by the United Nations on the Dag Hammarskjold Plaza. Along with many homeless and poor people who have been marching with the PPEHRC through New Jersey and living in a "mobile Bushville" (which settled in Brooklyn a week before the Convention), thousands thronged the streets despite having been denied a permit and marched down Second Avenue and up Eighth Avenue to Madison Square Garden, the police having decided not to stop the protesters. A few troublemakers apparently acting alone disrupted the march towards the end by tearing open police barricades, with one person attacking a plainclothes police detective who had driven his scooter into the crowd, knocking him unconscious. Police made several arrests and deployed tear gas.

Tuesday, August 31

Members of CODEPINK and others gathered in front of Fox News Channel's headquarters in New York City and held a "Fox News Shut-Up-A-Thon." About 1,000 people protested the network, complaining about lack of balance and deriding it as a propaganda arm of the Republican Party. [http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/09/01/1433223 Democracy Now! | New York Protesters Hold "Fox News Shut-Up-A-Thon" ] ] [http://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/0901-03.htm Protesters Denounce Fox News for 'Twisted Views' ] ]

A group called the A31 Action Coalition [ [http://www.a31.org/ a31.org ] ] called for massive civil disobedience on Tuesday, August 31.

Protest from within the convention

Throughout the convention, there were several protesters who were able to sneak into Madison Square Garden and disrupt the speakers at the podium. Some even described it as surprisingly easy. [ [http://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/0904-02.htm Crashing the Party was Surprisingly Easy, Activists Say ] ]

Anti-war activists from CODEPINK disrupted primetime addresses three nights in a row and twice during George W. Bush's acceptance speech. [ [http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/09/03/1457225 Democracy Now! | Relentless Protest: CODEPINK Activists Ejected From RNC Three Nights in a Row ] ] [ [http://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/0903-02.htm S.F. Woman Hauled Away for Interrupting President ] ] [http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/09/01/1424252 Democracy Now! | Medea Benjamin Dragged off RNC Floor for Unfurling "Pro-Life: Stop the Killing of Iraq" Banner ] ]

The father of one of the first U.S. servicemen killed in Iraq was ejected after holding up a sign that read "Bush Lied. My Son Died." [http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/09/03/1457236 Democracy Now! | Father of Soldier Killed in Iraq Ejected From RNC For Holding Sign Reading: "Bush Lied. My Son Died" ] ] [ [http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/politics/20040902-9999-1n2solar.html SignOnSanDiego.com > News > Politics - A father gets anti-war message to the floor ] ]

Eleven AIDS activists from ACT UP infiltrated the convention center during the Republican Youth Convention, chanting anti-Bush slogans and disrupting the event. [http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/09/03/1457241 Democracy Now! | ACT-UP Activists Face Assault & Riot Charges for Protest Inside RNC ] ] One female protester holding a sign was subdued by security, and alleged that she was kicked by a member of the Young Republicans while she was on the ground. Video of this event was shot by a local news station, but it proved to be inconclusive, because while it showed the Republican making kicking motions, it didn't show that any contact was made. [ [http://www.actupny.org/reports/rnc_nyc-kicking.mov video] ] News of the alleged attack spread through the blogosphere, leading a website to identify a person whom they believed was the alleged attacker. [ [http://www.reason.com/hitandrun/2004/09/kicking_em_whil.shtml Reason Magazine - Hit & Run > Kicking 'em While They're Down ] ] The female protester who was kicked then came forward and said she would consider pressing charges; however, she later decided that it was more worthwhile to expend her energy fighting AIDS. [ [http://www.dailypennsylvanian.com/vnews/display.v/ART/2004/09/21/414fd61e0a541] Dead link|date=March 2008] The identity of the alleged attacker has not been conclusively confirmed. The eleven ACT UP protestors were charged with disorderly conduct, 2nd and 3rd degree assault, and inciting a riot (1 violation, 1 misdemeanor, and 2 felonies), although all of the charges were dropped. A twelfth individual, not associated with ACT UP, was also arrested with them for taking pictures of the action. [ [http://www.nytimes.com/2004/09/17/nyregion/17detain.html?pagewanted=1 The New York Times > New York Region > City Arrest Tactics, Used on Protesters, Face Test in Court ] ]

Police tactics and Pier 57

Concerns have been raised about police tactics in arresting nonviolent protesters with many apparently innocent people being swept up in mass arrests. [http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/08/30/1512202 Democracy Now! | Crackdown: 400 Arrests as NYPD Unveil New Policing Tactics & Surveillance Methods ] ]

Guantanamo on the Hudson was a term coined during the Republican National Convention by a lawyer who, amongst 1000 other people, was detained in a facility by the New York City Police, in such conditions that he said that the city had created its "own little Guantanamo on the Hudson" (an allusion to the tortures reported in prisoners camps in Guantanamo).

The City police closed a street adjoining Union Square where protesters were marching, arresting protesters and bystanders alike. Fact|date=August 2008 People were required to show identification cards or face arrest; the arrested people were not immediately informed of charges against them.

The facility was the then-recently closed Hudson Pier Depot at Pier 57 on the Hudson River in Manhattan, a three-story, block-long pier that has been converted into a temporary holding facility, though unfit for detention of prisoners. Arrested protesters have complained about extremely poor conditions describing it as overcrowded, dirty, and contaminated with oil and asbestos. People reported having suffered from smell, bad ventilation, and even chemical burns and rashes [http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/08/31/1433217 Democracy Now! | WIth 600+ Arrests, Attorney Norman Siegel Warns About Unsafe Jail Conditions For Protesters ] ] [http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/09/02/1454254 Democracy Now! | Guantanamo On the Hudson: Detained RNC Protesters Describe Prison Conditions ] ] [http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/09/02/1455227 Democracy Now! | Making Protest Painful: Detained RNC Protesters Held in Crowded, Oil-Contaminated Conditions ] ] [ [http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/news/archive/2004/09/01/politics1542EDT0711.DTL Article Not Found! ] ] [ [http://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/0902-09.htm GOP Convention Detainees Describe Long Stays in Grimy Conditions ] ]

Numerous troubling cases were reported, notably:
* A 15-year-old diabetic girl on her way to a movie was arrested. [http://www.fac.org/news.aspx?id=14410 firstamendmentcenter.org: news ] ]
* A former vice president of Morgan Stanley was arrested while riding her bicycle.
* A 16-year-old protestor was lost to her mother for two days, even though her mother knew about and supported her daughter's participation. [ [http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6560653/ Suit challenges detentions at GOP convention - Politics - MSNBC.com ] ]
* Small pens were used to contain "30 to 40 people" at once. [ [http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,11069-1243666,00.html Police hold 1,000 at 'Guantanamo on the Hudson' - World - Times Online ] ]
* Many people were detained longer than 24 hours on relatively trivial charges. [ [http://www.commondreams.org/headlines04/0902-08.htm Judge Orders New York to Immediately Release Hundreds of Protesters in Lockup ] ] [http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl?sid=04/09/03/1457246 Democracy Now! | Father of Arrested Protester: "My Son Has Been Disappeared By This State ] ] One was a 23-year-old Montreal student arrested for disorderly conduct and released three days later. "He says he spent a total of 57 hours between the pier and Central Booking, during which time he says he was moved 14 times and repeatedly handcuffed and shackled to other protesters as young as 15." [http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0435/ferguson3.php]

The City reportedly refused to release the prisoners until a judge threatened to fine it for every extra hour every prisoner would spend in prison. The victims of the arrests have filed lawsuits against the City of New York.

One of the most prominent personalities arrested was Eric Corley "Emmanuel Goldstein", an important advocate of public rights and independent media, and editor of "" [http://www.2600.com/news/view/article/2031] . The complete report of "2600" is available at http://www.2600.com/rnc2004/ [http://www.2600.com/rnc2004/] .

Several cases have since gone to court, and it has come out that the charges of resisting arrest in those cases were completely fabricated. Video evidence was shown of defendants complying peaceably with police demands. Many of the cases have since been summarily dismissed.

The New York Times has reported on two occasions that the police videotaped and infiltrated protests, as well as acting as agents provocateurs during the protests. cite news | first = Jim |last = Dwyer |title = New York Police Covertly Join In at Protest Rallies |url = http://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F60F14F83F540C718EDDAB0994DD404482 |work = The New York Times |page = A1 |date = December 22, 2005 |accessdate = 2006-09-22 ] [cite news | first = Jim |last = Dwyer |title = City Police Spied Broadly Before G.O.P. Convention |url = |work = The New York Times |page = 1.1 |date = March 25, 2007 |accessdate = ]

In addition, the "New York Times" reported that prior to the protests, NYPD officers traveled as far away as Europe and spied on people there who planned to protest at the RNC.

General information

* NYC & Company, New York's tourism board, initiated the Peaceful Political Activists visitor program, which gives protest event information on its website and enables wearers of a "Peaceful Political Activist" button discounts at selected stores and restaurants.
* RNC Mass Defense is a collaboration of the New York People's Law Collective, the National Lawyers Guild, and the New York Civil Liberties Union, who worked to provide free legal support for all protesters.
* Scenes from the protests and convention are available online at [http://www.cspan.com CSPAN.com] .

See also

* Free speech zone


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