Jet bundle

Jet bundle

In differential geometry, the jet bundle is a certain construction which makes a new smooth fiber bundle out of a given smooth fiber bundle. It makes it possible to write differential equations on sections of a fiber bundle in an invariant form.

Historically, jet bundles are attributed to Ehresmann, and were an advance on the method (prolongation) of Elie Cartan, of dealing "geometrically" with higher derivatives, by imposing differential form conditions on newly-introduced formal variables. Jet bundles are sometimes called sprays, although sprays usually refer more specifically to the associated vector field induced on the corresponding bundle ("e.g.", the geodesic spray on Finsler manifolds.)

More recently, jet bundles have appeared as a concise way to describe phenomena associated with the derivatives of maps, particularly those associated with the calculus of variations. Consequently, the jet bundle is now recognized as the correct domain for a geometrical covariant field theory and much work is done in general relativistic formulations of fields using this approach.


:"Main article: Jet (mathematics).

Let (mathcal{E}, pi, mathcal{M}) be a fiber bundle in a category of manifolds and let p in mathcal{M}, with dimmathcal{M}=m. Let Gamma(pi), denote the set of all local sections whose domain contains p,. Let I=(I(1),I(2),ldots,I(m)) be a multi-index (an ordered m-tuple of integers), then

:|I| := sum_{i=1}^{m} I(i)

:frac{partial^ eta^{alpha{partial x^{I ight|_{p}, quad 1 leq |I| leq r

The relation that two maps have the same r-jet is an equivalence relation. An "r"-jet is an equivalence class under this relation, and the "r"-jet with representative sigma, is denoted j^{r}_{p}sigma. The integer r is also called the order of the jet.

p, is the source of j^{r}_{p}sigma.

sigma,(p) is the target of j^{r}_{p}sigma.

Jet manifolds

The r^{th}, jet manifold of pi, is the set

:{j^{r}_{p}sigma:p in mathcal{M}, sigma in Gamma(pi)}

and is denoted J^{r}pi,. We may define projections pi_{r}, and pi_{r,0}, called the source and target projections respectively, by



: sigma^{alpha{partial x^

for all p in mathcal{M} and sigma in Gamma_{p}(pi),. A general 1-form on J^{1}pi, takes the form

: heta = a(x, u, u_{1})dx + b(x, u, u_{1})du + c(x, u,u_{1})du_{1},

A section sigma in Gamma_{p}(pi), has first prolongation j^{1}sigma = (u,u_{1}) = left(sigma(p), left.frac{partial sigma}{partial x} ight|_{p} ight),.Hence, (j^{1}sigma)^{*} heta, can be calculated as


is called a vector field on mathcal{E} with V = ho^{i}(x,u) frac{partial}{partial x^{i + phi^{alpha}(x,u) frac{partial}{partial u^{alpha, and psi in Gamma(Tmathcal{E}),.

The jet bundle J^{r}pi, is coordinated by (x,u,w) stackrel{mathrm{def{=} (x^{i},u^{alpha},w_{i}^{alpha}),. For fixed (x,u,w),, identify


and so j^{1}_{p}sigma in mathcal{S}, for "every" p in mathbb{R}^{2},.

Jet Prolongation

A local diffeomorphism psi:J^{r}pi longrightarrow J^{r}pi, defines a contact transformation of order r, if it preserves the contact ideal, meaning that if heta, is any contact form on J^{r}pi,, then j^{r}psi^{*} heta, is also a contact form.

The flow generated by a vector field V^{r}, on the jet space J^{r}, forms a one-parameter group of contact transformations if and only if the Lie derivative mathcal{L}_{V^{r( heta) of any contact form heta, preserves the contact ideal.

Let us begin with the first order case. Consider a general vector field V^{1}, on J^{1}pi,, given by

: V^{1} stackrel{mathrm{def{=} ho^{i}(u^{1})frac{partial}{partial x^{i + phi^{alpha}(u^{1})frac{partial}{partial u^{alpha + chi^{alpha}_{i}(u^{1})frac{partial}{partial u^{alpha}_{i ,

We now apply mathcal{L}_{V^{1 to the basic contact forms heta^{alpha} = du^{alpha} - u_{i}^{alpha}dx^{i},, and obtain


for all p in mathcal{M} and sigma in Gamma_{p}(pi),. A contact form on J^{1}pi, has the form

: heta = du - u_{1}dx ,

Let us consider a vector V, on mathcal{E}, having the form

:V = x frac{partial}{partial u} - u frac{partial}{partial x} ,

Then, the first prolongation of this vector field to J^{1}pi, is


Hence, for mathcal{L}_{V^{1( heta), to preserve the contact ideal, we require


Now, heta, has no u_{2}, dependency. Hence, from this equation we will pick up the formula for ho,, which will necessarily be the same result as we found for V^{1},. Therefore, the problem is analogous to prolonging the vector field V^{1}, to J^{2}pi,.That is to say, we may generate the r^{th},-prolongation of a vector field by recursively applying the Lie derivative of the contact forms with respect to the prolonged vector fields, r, times. So, we have

: ho(x,u,u_{1}) = 1 + u_{1}u_{1} ,

and so


Hence, for mathcal{L}_{V^{2( heta_{1}), to preserve the contact ideal, we require


And so the second prolongation of V, to a vector field on J^{2}pi, is

: V^{2} = x frac{partial}{partial u} - u frac{partial}{partial x} + (1 + u_{1}u_{1})frac{partial}{partial u_{1 + 3u_{1}u_{2}frac{partial}{partial u_{2 ,

Note that the first prolongation of V, can be recovered by omitting the second derivative terms in V^{2},, or by projecting back to J^{1}pi,.

Infinite Jet Spaces

The inverse limit of the sequence of projections pi_{k+1,k}:J^{k+1}(pi) o J^k(pi) gives rise to the infinite jet space J^infty(pi). A point j_p^infty(sigma) is the equivalence class of sections of pi that have the same k-jet in p as sigma for all values of k. The natural projection pi_infty maps j_p^infty(sigma) into p.

Just by thinking in terms of coordinates, J^infty(pi) appears to be an infinite-dimensional geometric object. In fact, the simplest way of introducing a differentiable structure on J^infty(pi), not relying on differentiable charts, is given by the differential calculus over commutative algebras. Dual to the sequence of projections pi_{k+1,k}:J^{k+1}(pi) o J^k(pi) of manifolds is the sequence of injectionspi_{k+1,k}^*:C^infty(J^{k}(pi)) o C^infty(J^{k+1}(pi))of commutative algebras. Let's denote C^infty(J^{k}(pi)) simply by mathcal{F}_k(pi). Take now the direct limit mathcal{F}(pi) of the mathcal{F}_k(pi)'s. It will be a commutative algebra, which can be assumed to be the smooth functions algebra over the geometric object J^infty(pi). Observe that mathcal{F}(pi), being born as a direct limit, carries an additional structure: it is a filtered commutative algebra.

Roughly speaking, a concrete element varphiinmathcal{F}(pi) will always belong to some mathcal{F}_k(pi), so it is a smooth function on the finite-dimensional manifold J^k(pi) in the usual sense.

Infinitely prolonged PDE's

Given a k-th order system of PDE's mathcal{E}subseteq J^k(pi), the collection I(mathcal{E}) of vanishing on mathcal{E} smooth functions on J^infty(pi) is an ideal in the algebra mathcal{F}_k(pi), and hence in the direct limit mathcal{F}(pi) too.

Enhance I(mathcal{E}) by adding all the possible compositions of total derivatives applied to all its elements. This way we get a new ideal I of mathcal{F}(pi) which is now closed under the operation of taking total derivative. The submanifold mathcal{E}_{(infty)} of J^infty(pi) cut out by I is called the infinite prolongation of mathcal{E}.

Geometrically, mathcal{E}_{(infty)} is the manifold of formal solutions of mathcal{E}. A point j_p^infty(sigma) of mathcal{E}_{(infty)} can be easily seen to be represented by a section sigma whose k-jet's graph is tangent to mathcal{E} at the point j_p^k(sigma) with arbitrarily high order of tangency.

Analytically, if mathcal{E} is given by varphi=0, a formal solution can be understood as the set of Taylor coefficients of a section sigma in a point p that make vanish the Taylor series of varphicirc j^k(sigma) at the point p.

Most importantly, the closure properties of I imply that mathcal{E}_{(infty)} is tangent to the infinite-order contact structure mathcal{C} on J^infty(pi), so that by restricting mathcal{C} to mathcal{E}_{(infty)} one gets the diffiety (mathcal{E}_{(infty)},mathcal{C}|_{mathcal{E}_{(infty)), and can study the associated C-spectral sequence.


This article has defined jets of local sections of a bundle, but it is possible to define jets of functions f:mathcal{M} longrightarrow mathcal{N},, where mathcal{M} and mathcal{N} are manifolds; the jet of f, then just corresponds to the jet of the section


(gr_{f}, is known as the graph of the function f,) of the trivial bundle (mathcal{M} imes mathcal{N}, pi_{1}, mathcal{F}). However, this restriction does not simplify the theory, as the global triviality of pi, does not imply the global triviality of pi_{1},.


* Ehresmann, C., "Introduction a la théorie des structures infinitésimales et des pseudo-groupes de Lie." "Geometrie Differentielle," Colloq. Inter. du Centre Nat. de la Recherche Scientifique, Strasbourg, 1953, 97-127.
* Kolár, I., Michor, P., Slovák, J., " [ Natural operations in differential geometry.] " Springer-Verlag: Berlin Heidelberg, 1993. ISBN 3-540-56235-4, ISBN 0-387-56235-4.
* Saunders, D.J., "The Geometry of Jet Bundles", Cambridge University Press, 1989, ISBN 0-521-36948-7
* Krasil'shchik, I.S., Vinogradov, A.M., [et al.] , "Symmetries and conservation laws for differential equations of mathematical physics", Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1999, ISBN 0-8218-0958-X.
* Olver, P.J., "Equivalence, Invariants and Symmetry", Cambridge University Press, 1995, ISBN 0-521-47811-1

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