

General CVG character
name= Sektor

series="Mortal Kombat" series
firstgame="Mortal Kombat 3" (1995)
inuniverse=Mortal Kombat character
origin = Earthrealm
race = Cyborg (once human)
weapons = Laser pistol ("MKG")
Pulse Blade ("MK: TE")
Pulse Blades ("MK: A")
fighting-styles = Ninjutsu
alignment = Evil

Sektor is a fictional character in the "Mortal Kombat" series.

About Sektor

Throughout the various "Mortal Kombat" games he was involved in, Sektor has grown into an ever more menacing mechanized warrior. He represents the closest thing to evil a cyborg can be, and combines traits of both a stealthy ninja and a ruthless killing machine fit for modern warfare. In contrast to his counterpart Cyrax, Sektor never bothered to rediscover his human side. He is capable of independent thought and action like Cyrax and Smoke, but unlike them, shows no sign of emotion.


When the Lin Kuei clan decided to automate their ninja in the events leading up to "Mortal Kombat 3", Sektor, out of loyalty, was their first member to volunteer to undergo the process, and would later appear to be their most successful creation yet. Designated unit LK-9T9, he was sent to find and kill the rogue clansman Sub-Zero during "MK3" and "Mortal Kombat Gold", but was unsuccessful both times. Events would leave him as the only active cyborg remaining of the three created, with Smoke having been captured and shut down in an Outworld prison, and Cyrax having become a member of the Outer World Investigation Agency after his soul was restored.

During his many violent battles against Outworld forces, Sektor's program became corrupted. He believed the Lin Kuei Grandmaster to be inferior, and set his new objective to eliminate him and take control of the clan. Sektor successfully slew the Grandmaster, but was stopped from claiming the Dragon Medallion, the proof of the clan's leadership, by a returning Sub-Zero. Sub-Zero defeated Sektor in battle and claimed the title of Grandmaster. After his defeat, Sektor fled to Japan and formed the Tekunin, his own clan of cyborg ninja warriors.

In ""'s Konquest mode, Sektor ambushes Taven when the latter is in his father's temple searching for his weapon that had been left there. Sektor brings him to his Tekunin warship, questioning Taven about the message he had received from his father, Taven warns him that he would be punished for it, and in response Sektor increases the power on Taven bringing him pain. Suddenly, the warship is attacked by Sonya Blade and the Special Forces. Taven escapes captivity in the ensuing chaos, but Sektor confronts him before he can leave, saying, "You are not leaving until I get all the information I need, even if I have to beat it out of you!" Sektor is ultimately beaten, but evidently is still able to make it off the warship alive before it self-destructs.

In Sektor's "Armageddon" ending, he defeats Blaze, allowing the firespawn's power to surge through him. This power links Sektor with his fellow cybernetic ninjas, Smoke and Cyrax. Becoming one mind, they join in an abomination of flesh and technology. [ Sektor's "Armageddon" info] at [ Mortal Kombat Warehouse] ]

Combat characteristics

ignature moves

*Chest Missile: Sektor fires a straight missile at his opponent. He can aim upwards. ("MK3", "UMK3", "MKT", "MKG", "MK:TE", "MK:A")
*Double Missile: Sektor fires two straight missiles at his opponent. ("MKT", "MKG")
*Homing Missile: Sektor fires a missile that follows the opponent before exploding. ("MK3", "UMK3", "MKT", "MKG")
*Rocket Punch: Sektor teleports under his opponent and gives him a rising uppercut. This move can also be done in air. This is similar to the "Street Fighter" "Shoryuken".("MK3", "UMK3", "MKT", "MKG", "MK:TE", "MK:A")

Recurring fatalities

*Compactor: A large crushing device emerges out of Sektor's body and slits itself over the opponent's head and under the opponent's feet. At Sektor's command, the compactor closes in, thus crushing the opponent to death. ("MK3", "UMK3", "MKT", "MKG")
*Flamethrower: Sektor burns an opponent to death via a flamethrower that is implanted in his arm. This move re-appears in "", but as a normal attack instead of a fatality. ("MK3", "UMK3", "MKT", "MKG")

Character development

Sektor was named "Ketchup" during early production of "Mortal Kombat 3". This development title is referenced in "" as the name of one of Cyrax's combos in his Sambo fighting style. Sektor also has a move in "Armageddon" called "Ketchup's Revenge."

There is a noted similarity between the designs of both the "Mortal Kombat" cyborgs and the Yautja, the alien hunter from the Predator films. Certain elements of both characters armor resemble each other (the masks look similar), and they both have long black thick braided hair, and they both use a net weapon, and as for Sektor, he is shown using an active camouflage unit during "Armageddon"'s Konquest mode.

Sektor's appearance originally resembled an armored ninja; this appearance was used as a palette swap template for Cyrax and Smoke. This appearance was kept through "Mortal Kombat Gold". After the series' transition into full 3D, which allowed for more non-human design possibilities, the cyber ninja template changed with Cyrax in "Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance". Sektor received an exact replica of Cyrax's design change with a red recolor; the lower body appears more mechanical, yet the head remains the same. Sektor retained this appearance in "". He finally received his own original design in "Armageddon", leaving his helmet design the only visual link to Cyrax.

The Krypt in "Armageddon" has concept art of Sektor holding a weapon similar to a polearm (It is referred to as a "2-hand pulse blade"). The concept was dropped in favor of giving him two swords in the game. There's also designs of a red car for him to use in the Motor Kombat mini-game. Since Sektor wasn't included in the final version of Motor Kombat, this design wasn't used. It is possible Sektor was replaced by Cyrax as Cyrax's car is visually simply a yellow version of Sektor's car with an inverted tail.

Game information

Sektor's storyline in "MK Gold" appears to have been partially retconned. He was originally assigned to survey the actions of Cyrax, who had been recovered by the Lin Kuei clan and seemed to be acting erratically. Since it was later said that Cyrax had been discovered by Jax and Sonya, Sektor's direct surveillance of him could not have successfully occurred

Appearances in other media

Sektor made a brief appearance in the animated series "". In the first episode, "Kombat Begins Again", Sektor and Cyrax led an attack on Earthrealm that was thwarted by Earth's warriors and Sub-Zero. During a brief flashback scene in episode 5, "Old Friends Never Die," he was unmasked and portrayed as an African-American man with long dreadlocks. [ MK Characters Unmasked - Sektor] at [ The Kombat Pavilion] ] His actual human form has never been described in the games.

Sektor and Kintaro are the only characters leading up to "Mortal Kombat Trilogy" that have never been seen nor referenced in the films.


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