Trinity University of Asia

Trinity University of Asia

name = Trinity University of Asia

image_size = 140px
vision = Preparing for Life through God-centered Education and Service
established = 1963
type = Private, Episcopalian University
president = Josefina S. Sumaya, Ph.D.
address = 275 E. Rodriguez Sr. Blvd., Cathedral Heights
city = Quezon City
state = Metro Manila
country = Philippines
students = over 6,000
campus = Urban
colors = Green
free_label = Hymn
free = Trinity Hymn
mascot = Broncos
nickname = Trinity Broncos
website = []

The Trinity University of Asia, formerly the Trinity College of Quezon City, is an academic institution located in Quezon City, Philippines, and established in 1963. It was raised to university status on July 18, 2006 under its current administrator, Dr. Carlito S. Puno. The University goes by the dictumdedication to knowing and doing truth.”


Trinity College of Quezon City

Trinity College of Quezon City was launched through the bequeathal of the Procter and Gamble stock and the family of Bishop Paul Matthews. Rt. Rev. Lyman C. Ogilby, then Bishop of the Philippine Episcopal Church, initiated the move to set up a Christian college of high standards. The seed money was used to purchase the former Capitol City College on 226 E. Rodriguez Sr., Blvd., Quezon City, the school's current location.

At the start of the school year 1963-64, there were 1,700 students enrolled in the College. The College offered Basic Education and three collegiate courses, such as Liberal Arts, Commerce, and Teacher Education. That same year, the first Board of Trustees, headed by Rev. Wayland S. Mandell, was convened, and the First College President, Dr. Arthur L. Carson, was installed. By 1965, the Joint Council of the Church led by Bishop Ogilby of the Philippine Episcopal Church and Bishop Isabelo de los Reyes of Iglesia Filipina Independiente approved the transfer of the collegiate courses to the Colleges present location, the Cathedral Heights compound. The Arts and Science Building was the sole structure for all the colleges, until St. Lukes Hospital School of Nursing merged with TCQC to form a five-year collegiate course in nursing. St. Lukes Nurses Home became part of the colleges expansion, where it provided space for teaching. A medical technology course was later affiliated with Trinity College, and the Graduate School followed in 1985.

From a one-building structure, Trinity College spawned its properties with the coming of several infrastructures: Wayland Mandell Hall, which houses the Main Library (1982), Noble Gym (1973), Ann Keim Barsam Hall for the Colleges of Education and Business Administration (2003), Health Science Building (2004) for the College of Nursing and Medical Technology, Center for Community and Extension Services (1995), Human Kinetics swimming pool (2002), the Canteen (2003), and the Mary Niven Alston Hostel for the College of Hospitality and Tourism Management (2006).

Many of Trinity's nursing graduates go on to pass the licensure exams in nursing, medical technology, and education. Recently, the College of Nursing placed 1st for the 2nd time among the top performing schools in board exams with a 99.70% passing rate. All the programs of the College were also accredited very satisfactory by accrediting agencies. The programs in the colleges of Arts and Sciences, Business Administration, Education, and Graduate Studies were given Level 3, 5 year accreditation by Association of Christian Schools, Colleges and Universities (ACSCU), while the Colleges of Nursing and Medical Technology received Level 2, 3 years from Philippine Association of Accredited Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU).

The University is also home to some international programs, such as the International Partnership for Service-Learning and Japan Foundation's Japanology course. It is also a beneficiary of the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia (UBCHEA) and an active member of international organizations such as the Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia (ACUCA), Federation of Asia-Pacific Colleges, and Colleges and Universities of Anglican Communion (CUAC).


In 1963, the Capitol City College was renamed, Trinity College of Quezon City. It was named after Trinity College of Hartford, Connecticut, USA whose president then was Bishop Ogilbys father. It was foreseen as a challenge to the institution to nurture men and women in the truth espoused by theHoly Trinity, the Triune of God, the author of all truth and power for all good.” Today, the College assumes the name Trinity University of Asia, the only Episcopalian university located in Asia.

University Seal

The Seal of Trinity University of Asia (TUA) is a refurbish of the Seal of Trinity College of Quezon City (TCQC). The predominant colors are deep green, metallic gold and white. Green stands for life, gold for royalty and white for purity.
* At the center is a shield, which stands for dignity. The shield bears a triangle with rays emanating from it, symbolizing the Triune God wherein the name Trinity is derived.
* In the triangle is an annulet signifying the noble vision and allegiance of the two great Churches: the Episcopal Church in the Philippines and Iglesia Filipina Independiente to the University, which they jointly established. Inscribed at the center of the annulet are three Hebrew letters representing TUA.
*Surmounting the shield is a Bishops miter indicating that the University is a church-related institution of learning that provides quality Christian education in the service of God and country (Pro Deo et Patria).
*Crossed behind the shield are a staff and an ornamental key. The staff or crosier in the form of shepherds crook symbolizes the Bishops responsibilities toward the University, while the key represents the Universitys physical properties and signifies the Presidents stewardship.
*The abbreviated Latin inscription surrounding the upper half of the shield reads:The Seal of Trinity University of Asia”. On the other hand, the English inscription surrounding the upper two-thirds portion of the Seal reads:Trinity University of Asia”.
*The Roman numerals at the bottom: MCMLXIII (1963) and MMVI (2006), respectively, indicate the year when Trinity College of Quezon City was founded and the year when it became Trinity University of Asia.
*The wavy edges of the Seal represent a body of water, which nourishes and enriches the academic life of the University.


The main campus is located at 279 E. Rodriguez Sr. Boulevard. Campus facilities and landmarks include:

Lyman Ogilby Building

*College of Arts and Sciences

*Information & Communications Technology Office

*Instructional Media Center

*Center for Intensive Language Learning (CILL)

*Internet & Computer Laboratories

*Science Laboratories

Barsam Hall Building

*College of Business Administration

*College of Education

*Research and Development Center

*Christian Education

Mandell Auditorium

*Main Library

*Graduate School Library


Alston Hall

*College of Hospitality and Tourism Management

Health Sciences Building

*St. Luke's College of Nursing

*College of Medical Technology

*Library Extension

*Accounting & Finance Office

Noble Gymnasium

*Center for Human Kinetics

*Medical & Dental Clinic

Aquatic Center


Bishop Longid Hall

*Elementary School

Guerrero Hall

*High School*

Center for Community and Extension Services

Cathedral of St. Mary & St. John

Patio Trinidad

Graduate School

[ ]

The Graduate School offers seven programs classified as FAAP Level III accredited status in the Philippines. These are the Doctor of Education, Doctor of Public Administration, Master in Business Administration, Master in Management, Master in Public Administration Master of Arts in Education, Master of Arts in Nursing. Four of these programs were granted level III accreditation following assessment in February 2008 by the Association of Christian Schools, Colleges and Universities Accrediting Agency, Inc. (ACSCU-AAI). The other three had been accredited at that level in previous years.

Degrees offered are:

*Doctor of Education (EdD)

*Doctor of Public Administration (DPA)

*Master in Business Administration (MBA)

*Master in Management (MM)

*Master in Public Administration (MPA)

*Master of Arts in Education MAEd)
**major in
***Guidance and Counseling
***Educational Management
***Computer Science
***Communication Arts

*Master of Arts in Nursing (MAN)
**major in
***Clinical Nursing "(Critical Care Specialty : MSMedical/Surgical ICU , MSNOB- GYNE/PEDIATRICS/N-ICU, CHNCommunity Health)"
***Nursing Administration (Service and Education)

College of Arts and Sciences

[ ]

Courses offered:

*Bachelor of Arts Major in :Legal ManagementMass CommunicationEnglishChurch Music

*Bachelor of Science Major in :PsychologyComputer ScienceInformation Technology

College of Hospitality and Tourism Management


The College of Hospitality and Tourism Management is the youngest among the colleges of Trinity University of Asia. The college has its own hostel equipped with industry-inspired facilities and equipment, as well as hotel rooms, executive suites, junior suite rooms, and a mock travel agency office. The Park Café is a venue for students to work on hands-on course projects.

Courses offered include:

*Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management

*Bachelor of Science in Tourism

College of Business Administration


Courses offered include:

*Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

*Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Majors in :Public AdministrationFinancial AccountingHuman Resource Development ManagementMarketing ManagementFinancial Management

*Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration Major in :Public Administration

*Bachelor of Science in Computer Management

College of Education


Courses offered include:

*Bachelor of Elementary Education Specialization in :General CurriculumPre-School EducationSpecial Education

*Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in :EnglishFilipinoP.E.H.MMathematics

College of Medical Technology


The College was named the Most Outstanding Medical Technology School in the 2006 Metro Manila Awards, and thereby became a member of the Philippine Business World-Quality Class by the Philippine Quality Awards for Business Excellence (PQABE).

Course Offered:

*Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology

College of Nursing


The St. Lukes Hospital School of Nursing, the predecessor of the St. Luke's College of Nursing, is one of the oldest nursing schools in the Philippines. It was established in 1907 soon after the founding of St. Lukes Hospital. It is celebrating its centennial year in 2007.

Courses offered include:

*Bachelor of Science in Nursing

*Associate in Health Science Education

pecial Programs


*Medical Transcription

*Board Review for Medical Technology

*International Partnership for Service-Learning

*Intensive Language Learning

Basic Education

High School

Grade School

Community Outreach

The Center for Community Extension Services works toward providing quality instruction, productive research, and genuine voluntary involvement in community service.

Health Services

This college started in 1977 and provided free diagnosis and consultations, visitations, and taught mothers basic health practices, child care, nutrition, and first aid remedies. It has two banner programs, Community Health and Nursing Geared Towards Empowerment (CHANGE) and Health Education and Life Services (HEALS), which medical doctor volunteers in medical mission activities.

Education / Literacy

Community Outreach Pre-school Education (COPE)

Started in 1982, it provided a head start in formal education for children aged 4 to 6 years old; initiates among children and their mothers good health practices, promotes good eating habits and practices through feeding program, which is worked out by the mothers under supervision and guidance of the volunteer student teachers.

Review Assistance Program for the Empowerment of Dropouts (REAPED)

The program prepares the recipients to pass the grade placement examination (PEPTest) given by the Department of Education. Recipients who pass the examination is given certification of particular grade or year level he passed and could continue his studies or could present the certificate as one of the credentials needed in applying for a job The program was started in 1984 to assist out of school youths and adults.

Arts and Sciences Programs for Inspired and Responsive Education (ASPIRE)

The program helps children in the community gain reading, and mathematical skills to maximize their time in public schools which they attend. The program started in 1990.

cholarship Assistance

Primary Education for Tomorrow (PET)

Started in June 1988, it provides continuity to the formal education of selected COPE graduates beginning with Grade 1 until Grade IV in order to enable these children complete primary education with possibilities of moving up to Grade VI.

Secondary Education for Tomorrow (SET)

A program started in 1994, it continues to serve the recipients of PET who have gone to high school.

kills Training

Skills Training and Enablement Program (STEP)

It provides skills training in tailoring, dressmaking, basic electrician course, food technology, and handicrafts useful for livelihood activities.

Business Education for Self -Reliance and Trade (BEST)

The project started in 1987. It trains participants by batch in basic bookkeeping, record keeping and inventory and other skills necessary in small-scale business management. It also introduces to participants different means of procuring either for starting, maintaining or expanding a small business holding. It gives training for Cooperatives for interested groups in the community.

ocial Assistance

Leadership Education and Development (LEAD)

Operationalized in 1990, reaching out to the youth particularly those not in school. The project trains young leaders in organizing activities in performing arts, creative arts, and sports development.

Social Assistance Geared for Indigenous People (SAGIP)

It is the restructured Scholarship Assistance Program (SAP), which was started in 1991 gives scholarship assistance to children of Aeta families and other indigenous group who were victims of Mt.Pinatubo eruption. The restructured program now expands to livelihood and entrepreneurship, medical and health services not only to Aetas but also to other indigenous group who are in need of assistance.

Research Assistance

Community Outreach Research (CORE)

Started in 2002, this project of the Graduate School assists community based researches mainly to determine relevance of outreach programs, actual needs of recipients, assess competence of volunteer workers, quantify and qualify impact of the programs, investigates areas of concern that would contribute to the improvement to the outreach program.

Income-generating Projects

Living Initiatives for Enablement (LIFE)

The project which started in 1990, is a partnership between Trinity University and residents of depressed communities near the school. LIFE provides job training and work opportunities for the Skill's Training and Enablement Project (STEP) graduates. At present LIFE participants earned by sewing school uniforms for Trinity University.


*Central Student Council
*Trinity Observer
*Disabled Enablement and Empowerment Program
*Honor Society
*Trinity University of Asia Chorale
*Trinity University of Brass Band

Year Level
*Freshmen Division
*Sophomore Division
*Junior Division
*Senior Division

*Episcopal Church
*Youth Fellowship
*Student Young Women's Christian Association
*Successful Achievement Club
*Youth for Christ
*Youth on Fire

*Red Cross Youth Council
*Rotaract Club

*Malayang Samahan ng Kabataang Artista
*Sining Tanghalang Trinitia

*Trinity Basketball Club
*Trinity Chess Club
*Trinity Darts Club
*Trinity Dance Troupe and Pep Squad - The official and premiere dance troupe of Trinity University of Asia (a merger of the former Modern Dance Club and Broncos Pep Squad) COLLEGE-WIDE

College of Arts and Sciences
*League of Global Students
*Kapisanan ng mga Mag-aaral Sa Pilipino sa Trinity
*Mass Communication Organization
*Psychology Society
*Circle of Hotel and Restaurant Management Students
*Tourism Society

College of Business Administration
*Computer Science Society
*Junior Executive Management Society
*Junior Philippine Finance Association
*Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants
*Trinity Junior Marketing Association

College of Education
*Organization of Future Teachers

College of Medical Technology
*Philippine Society of Medical Technology Students (PHISMETS) - TUA Chapter

College of Nursing
*Student Nurses' Association


Central Student Council

The Central Student Council (CSC) is the highest student governing body of TUA, constituted by seven (6) officers, namely, the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Business Manager, and Public Relations Officer duly elected by the student body in a manner expressly provided in the TUA Central Student Council Election Code. It manages its affairs in accordance with the approved TUA Student Constitution and By-Laws. It serves as the umbrella organization of all student organizations accredited by the Office of Student Affairs (OSA). The CSC, although autonomous, is under the supervision of the Office of Student Affairs through the Dean of Students.

The CSC coordinates all the activities of local councils and College-recognized student organizations so that organizational goals and objectives are reached.

All students enrolled in the College are subject to the prevailing TUA Student Council Constitution and By-Laws. It is the responsibility of the CSC to inform the students of its contents.

Student Legistative Assembly

The Students' Legislative Assembly (SLA) shall be the legislative branch of the student government which shall function in accordance with the TUA Student Council Constitution and By-Laws. Its members shall be selected in a manner expressly provided therein.

Local Councils

The Central Student Council is assisted by the five (5) collegiate councils in all its functions. The Local Councils are the Arts and Sciences Council, Business Administration Council, Education Council, Medical Technology Council and the Nursing Council.

Student Commission on Election(SCOMEL)

The SCOMEL shall implement consistently the provisions of the TUA Student Council Election Code.


Trinity University of Asia upholds and protects the right of everyone to free speech and expression even at the campus level. The college promotes the development and growth of campus journalism as a means of strengthening ethical values, encouraging critical and creative thinking and developing moral character and personal discipline of the Filipino Christian youth.

The Trinity Observer

The official student publication of Trinity University of Asia. It is edited, published and financed by the college students of the institution.

The Horizon

The Horizon is the official student literary folio of Trinity University of Asia. It is published by the by the editorial board of the Trinity Observer and shall be subject to the provisions of Republic Act 7079, the College, and editorial policies of the Trinity Observer.


The official yearbook of Trinity University of Asia. It is published and financed by the graduating students, student organizations, and by persons or entities willing to support the publication.


The official magazine of the College of Arts and Sciences


International Partnership for Service-Learning (IPS-L)

Trinity University of Asia had been a pioneer in linking study and volunteer service. Many departments require students to engage in service in the neighboring communities and rural areas off-campus. Since 1986, the International Partnership for Service-Learning (IPS-L), the preeminent international organization linking academic study and community service, has sent international students to TUA to learn and serve under the direction of a well-qualified staff

The IPS-L and TUA, with the generous support of the Henry Luce Foundation, offer a program of service learning through a six-week program that includes academic study, community service, field trips and sight-seeing in and around Metro Manila. It also provides opportunity to study and become friends with students of many nations including China, East Timor, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, United States, Vietnam and the Philippines.

The program welcomes applicants from all religious traditions, faiths and cultures. The Henry Luce Foundation support is for students from Asian nations and the United States . Participants are invited to share their own values and beliefs as they reflect on their common experience of service, studying and living together in the Philippines .

IPSL Study abroad programs

Graduate Program

*Master's Degree in International Service

Undergraduate Programs

*Czech Republic

*Ecuador - Galapagos

*Ecuador - Guayaquil

*Ecuador - Quito










*South Dakota (American Indians of the Northern Plains)


Special Programs

Kobe International University

Kobe International University (KIU) is a small, private university with approximately 1,700 students that aims to produce well-trained graduates with an international perspective. The university campus, completed in 2002 with modern facilities including a Multimedia Centre, is located on Rokko Island, a man-made island offshore from Kobe.

KIU has two major departments

*Department of Economics, with concentrations in Economics, Business Administration, and International Business

*Department of Urban and Cultural Studies, with concentrations in Tourism and Travel, International Studies, and Urban Studies.

The university also has minor concentration programs in English and Foreign Languages, Information Science, and Teacher Training. QUT students are offered a tailor-made program which includes three hours of Japanese language tuition per day and participation in other regular courses (in Japanese) with one-on-one support.

Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia

Membership in organizations


* Association of Christian Schools, Colleges and Universities
* Philippine Association of Accredited Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU)
* Colleges and Universities Sports Association (CUSA)


* International Partnership for Service-Learning (IPS-L)
* United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia (UBCHEA)
* Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia (ACUCA)
* Federation of Asia-Pacific Colleges
* Colleges and Universities of Anglican Communion (CUAC).


External links

Official websites

* [ Trinity University of Asia] - Official website
* [ St. Luke's Trinity Nurses] – St. Lukes Trinity Nurses Association
* [ Arts and Science] – College of Arts and Science
* [ Business Administration] - College of Business Administration
* [ Education] - College of Education
* [ Tourism and Hospitality] - College of Tourism and Hospitality Management
* [ Nursing] - St. Lukes College of Nursing
* [ Graduate School] - Graduate School
* [ Basic Education] - Elementary and Highschool Education
* [ Short Courses] – Special Programs
* [ Trinity Information] – About Trinity University of Asia

tudent organizations

* [ Trinity Observer] - The Official Student Paper of Trinity University of Asia
* [ Organizations] - The university-wide organization of the Trinity University of Asia
* [ Government] – The Student Council of the Trinity University of Asia
* [ Publications] – Students Publications

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