Computer architecture simulator

Computer architecture simulator

In computer science, a computer architecture simulator, or an architectural simulator, is a piece of software to model computer devices (or components) to predict outputs and performance metrics on a given input. An architectural simulator can model a target microprocessor only (see instruction set simulator), or an entire computer system (see full system simulator) including a processor, a memory system, and I/O devices.



Computer architecture simulators can be classified into many different categories depending on the context.

  • Scope: micro-architecture vs. full-system simulators. The modeled scope could be only one microprocessor or the whole computer system.
  • Detail: functional vs. timing (or performance) simulators. Functional simulators emphasize achieving the same function as the modeled components(What to be done.), while timing simulators strive to accurately reproduce the performance/timing features (When is done.) of the targets in addition to their functionalities.
  • Input: trace-driven (or event-driven) vs. execution-driven simulators. Traces/Events are pre-recorded streams of instructions with some fixed input. Execution-driven simulators allow dynamic change of instructions to be executed depending on different input data.

Benefits of simulators

Architectural simulators are very useful for the following purposes:

  • evaluating different hardware designs without building costly physical hardware systems.
  • enabling the opportunities to access non-existing computer components or systems
  • obtaining detailed performance metrics: A single execution of simulators can often generate a large set of performance data.
  • debugging: Debugging on real hardware typically require re-booting and re-running the code to reproduce the problems. In contrast, some simulators have a fully controlled environment and allow software developers to run code backward once an error is detected.


Some popular architectural simulators include:

  • CPU Sim, a Java application that allows the user to design and create a simple architecture and instruction set and then run programs of instructions from the set through simulation
  • M5: a freely available academic full system simulator developed at the University of Michigan
  • MikroSim: a Microcode programmable CPU simulator
  • OVPsim [1]: a freely available full system simulator
  • PTLsim, a cycle accurate x86-64 full system simulator
  • SESC:a cycle-accurate architectural simulator
  • Simics: a full system simulator
  • SimpleScalar: a microarchitectural simulator suite
  • MARSSx86: Micro-ARchitectural and System Simulator for x86-based Systems
  • GEMS [2]: General Execution-driven Multiprocessor Simulator

See also

External links