1950s in comics

1950s in comics

"See also":
1940s in comics,
other events of the 1950s,
1960s in comics and the
list of years in comics

Publications: 1950 - 1951 - 1952 - 1953 - 1954 - 1955 - 1956 - 1957 - 1958 - 1959



"See also": 1950 in comics
*"Adventures into Terror #43" - Marvel Comics
*"Amazing Detective Cases #3" spin-off from "Suspense" - Marvel Comics
*"Apache Kid #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Black Rider #8" renamed from "Western Winners" - Marvel Comics
*"Cindy Smith #39" renamed from "Cindy Comics" - Marvel Comics
*"Crime Can't Win #41" renamed from "Cindy Smith" - Marvel Comics
*"Crime Can't Win #4" renumbered from "#44" - Marvel Comics
*"Crime Exposed #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Crime Must Lose! #4" renamed from "Romantic Affairs" - Marvel Comics
*"Cowgirl Romances #28" renamed from "Jeanie Comics" - Marvel Comics
*"Gunhawk, The #12" renamed from "Whip Wilson" - Marvel Comics
*"Hedy of Hollywood #36" renamed from "Hedy de Vine" - Marvel Comics
*"Honeymoon #41" renamed from "Gay Comics" - Marvel Comics
*"It's a Ducks Life #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Journey into Unknown Worlds #36" renamed from "Teen Comics" - Marvel Comics
*"Kellys, The #23" renamed from "Rusty Comics" - Marvel Comics
*"Marvel Boy #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Men's Adventures #4" renamed from "True Adventures" - Marvel Comics
*"My Friend Irma #3" renamed from "My Diary" - Marvel Comics
*"Romantic Affairs #3" renamed from "Romances of the West" - Marvel Comics
*"Sports Action #2" renamed from "Sports Stars" - Marvel Comics
*"Real Experiences #25" renamed from "Tiny Tessie" - Marvel Comics
*"Reno Browne, Hollywood's Greatest Cowgirl #50" renamed from "Margie Comics" - Marvel Comics
*"Romantic Affairs #4" renamed from "Romances of the West" - Marvel Comics
*"Spy Cases #26" renamed from "Kellys, The" - Marvel Comics
*"Spy Cases #4" renumbered from "#29" - Marvel Comics
*"True Adventures #3" renamed from "True Western" - Marvel Comics
*"True Life Tales #2" renumbered from "#9" - Marvel Comics
*"True Secrets #3" renamed from "Our Love" - Marvel Comics
*"Two-Gun Western #5" renamed from "Casey Crime Photographer" - Marvel Comics
*"War Comics #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Whip Wilson #9" renamed from "Rex Hart" - Marvel Comics
*"Young Men #4" renamed from "Cowboy Romances" - Marvel Comics


"See also": 1951 in comics
*"Adventures into Terror #3" renumbered from "#45" - Marvel Comics
*"Arizona Kid #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Astonishing #3" renamed from "Marvel Boy" - Marvel Comics
*"Battle #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Combat Kelly #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Fightin' Marines #1-176" changes publisher to Charlton in 1955- St. John
*"Crime Cases Private Eye #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Journey into Unknown Worlds #4" renamed from "#39" - Marvel Comics
*"Mystic #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Kent Blake of the Secret Service #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Rocky Jorden Private Eye #6" renamed from "Crime Cases Private Eye" - Marvel Comics
*"Young Men on the Battlefield #4" renamed from "Young Men" - Marvel Comics
*"Red Warrior #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Space Squadron #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Spy Fighters #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Strange Tales #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Texas Kid #1" - Marvel Comics


"See also": 1952 in comics
*"Actual Confessions #13" renamed from "Lova Adventures" - Marvel Comics
*"Adventures into Weird Worlds #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Battle Action #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Battlefield #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Battlefront #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Combat #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Fighting Leathernecks #1-6" renamed United States Marines - Toby Press
*"Girl Confessions #13" renamed from "Girl Comics" - Marvel Comics
*"Journey into Mystery #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Men in Action #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Mystery Tales #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Patsy and Hedy #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Space World #6" renamed from "Space Squadron" - Marvel Comics
*"Spellbound #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Tell It to the Marines #1-16" changes publisher to I.W. Enterprises in 1964, also see Tell It to the Marines Super - Toby Press
*"U.S. Marines in Action #1-3" - Avon Periodicals
*"Uncanny Tales #1" - Marvel Comics
*"War Action #1" - Marvel Comics
*"War Adventures #1" - Marvel Comics
*"War Combat #1" - Marvel Comics


"See also": 1953 in comics
*"Battle Brady #10" renamed from "Men in Action" - Marvel Comics
*"Bible Tales for Young Folk #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Bible Tales for Young People #3" renamed from "Bible Tales for Young Folk" - Marvel Comics
*"Buck Duck #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Combat Casey #6" renamed from "War Combat" - Marvel Comics
*"Crazy #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Homer Hooper #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Little Lizzie #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Lorna the Jungle Queen #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Menace #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Miss America #50" renamed from "Miss America Magazine" - Marvel Comics
*"Monkey and the Bear, The #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Patsy and her Pals #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Secret Story Romances #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Speed Carter, Spaceman #1" - Marvel Comics
*"United States Marines #7-11" renamed from Fighting Leathernecks - Toby Press
*"Wendy Parker Comics #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Young Men #21" renamed from "Young Men on the Battlefield" - Marvel Comics
*"Young Men in Action #24" renamed from "Young Men" - Marvel Comics


"See also": 1954 in comics
*"Arrowhead #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Battle Ground #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Crime Fighters Always Win #11" renamed from "Crimefighters" - Marvel Comics
*"Girl's Life #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Jungle Action #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Jungle Tales #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Lorna the Jungle Girl #6" renamed from "Lorna the Jungle Queen" - Marvel Comics
*"Marines in Battle #1-25" - Atlas Comics
*"Navy Action #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Outlaw Fighters #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Outlaw Kid #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Police Action #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Ringo Kid Western, The #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Riot #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Rugged Action #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Semper Fi #1-9" - Marvel Comics
*"Spy Thrillers #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Western Kid #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Western Outlaws #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Western Thrillers #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Wild #1" - Marvel Comics
*"With the Marines on the Battlefronts of the World #1-2" - Toby Press


"See also": 1955 in comics
*"Adventures of Pinky Lee, The #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Billy Buckskin Western #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Black Knight. The #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Cowboy Action #5" renamed from "Western Thrillers" - Marvel Comics
*"Della Vision #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Gunsmoke Western #32" renamed from "Western Tales of Black Rider" - Marvel Comics
*"Homer the Happy Ghost #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Jann of the Jungle #8" renamed from "Jungle Tales" - Marvel Comics
*"Marines in Action #1-14" - Atlas Comics
*"Meet Miss Bliss #1" - Marvel Comics
*"My Girl Pearl #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Navy Combat #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Patty Powers #4" renamed from "Della Vision" - Marvel Comics
*"Police Badge #749 #5" renamed from "Spy Thrillers" - Marvel Comics
*"Rawhide Kid #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Strange Stories of Suspense #5" renamed from "Rugged Action" - Marvel Comics
*"Strange Tales of the Unusual #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Western Tales of Black Rider #28" renamed from "Black Rider" - Marvel Comics
*"Wyatt Earp #1" - Marvel Comics


"See also": 1956 in comics
*"Adventure into Mystery #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Caught #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Date with Millie, A #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Devil-Dog Dugan #1-3" renamed Tales of the Marines - Atlas Comics
*"Frontier Western #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Matt Slade, Gunfighter #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Melvin the Monster #1" - Marvel Comics
*"My Love Story #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Mystical Tales #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Quick Trigger Western Action #12" renamed from "Cowboy Action" - Marvel Comics
*"Quick Trigger Western #13" renamed from "Quick Trigger Western Action" - Marvel Comics
*"Sailor Sweeney #12" renamed from "Navy Action" - Marvel Comics
*"Sgt. Barney Barker #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Sherry the Showgirl #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Stories of Romance #5" renamed from "Meet Miss Bliss" - Marvel Comics
*"True Tales of Love #22" renamed from "Secret Story Romances" - Marvel Comics
*"Two-Gun Western #4" renamed from "Billy Buckskin Western" - Marvel Comics
*"Western Gunfighters #20" renamed from "Apache Kid" - Marvel Comics
*"World of Fantasy #1" - Marvel Comics
*"World of Mystery #1" - Marvel Comics
*"World of Suspense #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Yellow Claw #1" - Marvel Comics


"See also": 1957 in comics
*"Adventures of Homer Ghost #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Black Rider Rides Again, The #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Commando Adventures #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Date with Patsy, A #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Dexter the Demon #7" renamed from "Melvin the Monster" - Marvel Comics
*"G.I. Tales #4" renamed from "Sgt. Barney Barker" - Marvel Comics
*"Hedy Wolfe #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Kid from Dodge City, The #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Kid from Texas, The #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Marines at War #1-8" renamed from "Tales of the Marines" - Atlas Comics
*"Marvin Mouse #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Kid Slade, Gunfighter #5" renamed from "Matt Slade, Gunfighter" - Marvel Comics
*"Navy Action #15" renamed from "Sailor Sweeney" - Marvel Comics
*"Navy Tales #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Nellie the Nurse #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Showgirls #4" renamed from "Sherry the Showgirl" - Marvel Comics
*"Sherry the Showgirl #5" renamed from "Showgirls" - Marvel Comics
*"Showgirls #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Six-Gun Western #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Tales of the Marines #4" renamed Marines at War renamed from "Devil-Dog Dugan" - Atlas Comics
*"Western Trails #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Willie the Wise Guy #1" - Marvel Comics


"See also": 1958 in comics
*"Strange Worlds #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Tell It to the Marines Super #1" also see Tell It to the Marines - I.W. Enterprises


"See also": 1959 in comics
*"Kathy #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Date with Millie, A #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Tales of Suspense #1" - Marvel Comics
*"Tales to Astonish #1" - Marvel Comics

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