The Arab Mind

The Arab Mind

"The Arab Mind" is a non-fiction cultural psychology book by Raphael Patai, who also wrote "The Jewish Mind". It was first published in 1973, and later revised in 1983. An update (Patai has since died) is planned for 2007.

The book advocates a tribal-group-survival explanation for the driving factors behind Arab culture.


"Caution: This book was last revised in 1983"

Along with prefaces, a conclusion and a postscript, the book contains 16 chapters including Arab child-rearing practices, three chapters on Bedouin influences and values, Arab language, Arab art, sexual honor/repression/freedom/hospitality/outlets, Islam's impact, unity and conflict and conflict resolution, and Westernization. A four-page comparison to Spanish America is made in Appendix II.

The Foreword is by Norvell B. DeAtkine, Director of Middle East Studies at the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School at Fort Bragg.


According to Emram Qureshi, the book's methodology is

"based on a fatally flawed set of assumptions -- most importantly, that there is one entirely homogenous Arab culture, derived from nomadic Bedouin culture. This ignores both the diversity and history of a people and civilization that extends across dozens of countries, from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic, and the deeply rooted Arab culture of cities and agricultural communities."citenews|title=Misreading 'The Arab Mind'| author= Emram Qureshi |date= May 30, 2004|url=|publisher=Boston Globe]
In his view the book is "emblematic of a bygone era of scholarship focused on the notion of a 'national character,' or personality archetype". According to Qureshi, Sondra Hale, a professor of anthropology and chair of the women's studies program at UCLA, sent him an e-mail in which she stated it can "no longer be taken seriously".

Patai is criticized in passing at several points in Edward Said's book "Orientalism". Philip S. Golub calls ita compendium of racist stereotypes and Eurocentric generalizationswhichhas become the bible of the Bush administrations leading neoconservative lights andthe most popular and widely read book on the Arabs in the U.S. military.’” [Philip S. Golub: [ The Wasteland of Empire] (, Summer 2004)] The book is described as simplistic, reductionist, stereotyping, generic, essentialist, outdated, superseded, flawed, unscientific and even intellectually dishonest by other scholars. [S. M. Stern (ed.), Ignác Goldziher, "Muslim Studies", Transaction 2006, ISBN 0-202-30778-6 p. LXXXVI;
Abdeslam M. Maghraoui: "Liberalism Without Democracy: Nationhood and Citizenship in Egypt, 1922-1936", Duke University Press 2006, ISBN 0-8223-3838-6, p. 11;
Michael Hudson: "The Political Culture Approach to Arab Democratization". In: Rex Brynen, Baghat Korany, Paul Noble (eds.), "Political Liberalization and Democratization in the Arab World", Lynne Rienner 1995, ISBN 1-55587-579-3, p. 66;
Fouad M. Moughrabi, "The Arab Basic Personality: A Critical Survey of the Literature". In: "International Journal of Middle East Studies", 9.1 (January 1978), Cambridge University Press, pp. 99112;
Ibrahim Abhukattala, "The New Bogeyman Under the Bed: Image Formation of Islam in the Western School Curriculum and Media". In: Joe L. Kincheloe, Shirley R. Steinberg (eds.), "The Miseducation of the West: How Schools and the Media Distort Our Understanding of the Islamic World", Praeger 2004, ISBN 0-275-98160-6, p. 167.

See also

* Anti-Arabism
* Bedouins
** Bedouin systems of justice
** Honor codes of the Bedouin
* Essentialism
* Orientalism
* Racialism
* Scientific racism
* The Bookseller of Kabul (in Pakistan)
* Tales from the Expat Harem (in Turkey)


External links

* [ "The Arab Mind Revisited"] by Col. Norvell B. De Atkine (ret.), an updated foreword to the book
* [ "Inside The Arab Mind"] by Lee Smith, "Slate (magazine)"
* [ "Misreading 'The Arab Mind'"] by Emram Qureshi, The Boston Globe
* [,7792,1223525,00.html "Its best use is as a doorstop"] by Brian Whitaker, "The Guardian"
* [ Knowledgeand the Violence of Imperialism: Revisiting the Arab Mind] by Frances S. Hasso (Oberlin College), "The MIT Electronic Journal of Middle East Studies", Spring 2007 (PDF).
* [ "The Arab Mind by Raphael Patai. Book review by Lloyd F. Jordan"]

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