- Black-breasted Buzzard
name = Black-breasted Buzzard
status = LC | status_system = IUCN3.1
image_width = 250px
regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo =Falconiformes
familia =Accipitridae
genus = "Hamirostra"
genus_authority = Brown, 1845
species = "H. melanosternon"
binomial = "Hamirostra melanosternon "
binomial_authority = (Gould, 1841)The Black-breasted Buzzard "(Hamirostra melanosternon)", or Black-breasted Kite, is a large
bird of prey in the familyAccipitridae and the monotypic genus "Hamirostra". Its wing length ranges between 440-500 mm, with females being larger.Identification
Adult birds are relatively easy to recognise by their mainly dark plumage combined with distinctive white patches on the wings at the bases of the primary feathers.
The Black-breasted Buzzard is endemic to
Australia and found mainly in the northern and central parts of the continent; it does not occur in Tasmania.Habitat
Desert s, drygrassland s,shrubland s, sparse tropicalwoodland s and tree-lined watercourses.Food
It eats
rabbit s, largelizard s,bird s andcarrion . It will also raid the eggs of ground-nesting birds, breaking large eggs by hurling stones against them with its large beak.Nesting
This species nests in trees, often along watercourses, building a platform of sticks with a central leaf-lined depression for the clutch of usually two eggs. The incubation period is about 40 days, with chicks
fledging about 60 days after hatching.References
* BirdLife International. (2006). Species factsheet: "Hamirostra melanosternon". Downloaded from http://www.birdlife.org on 3/12/2006
* Marchant, S.; & Higgins, P.J. (Eds). "Handbook of Australian, New Zealand and Antarctic Birds . Vol,2: Raptors to Lapwings". Oxford University Press: Melbourne. ISBN 0-19-553069-1External links
* [http://www.iucnredlist.org/search/details.php/49315/summ IUCN Red List]
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