

Slugslinger is a name of several fictional characters in the various Transformers universes. In all instances, it was for a Decepticon who turned into a dual-cockpit jet.

Transformers: Generation 1

Transformers character
name =Slugslinger

caption =Slugslinger toy
affiliation =Decepticon
subgroup =Targetmaster
rank =6
function =Air Defense
partner =Caliburst
motto ="The only way to survive a duel with me is to not show up."
alternatemodes = Duel cockpit Jet Fighter
series =
engvoice =Peter Cullen (Slugslinger)
Johnny Haymer (Caliburst)
japanvoice =Ken Yamaguchi

Animated Series

Slugslinger and Caliburst were introduced in "The Rebirth", the three-part fourth-season finale to the original Transformers animated series. When the Decepticons attempted to seize the power of the Plasma Energy Chamber in 2007, a group of Autobots were blasted across the galaxy to the planet Nebulos by the ancient foundry's energies, where they took up with a group of rebel Nebulons. To fight the Hive, the evil rulers of Nebulos, some of the Autobots and Nebulons bonded their bodies a minds together, becoming Headmasters, serving up a definitive defeat to the Decepticons pursuing them. This group of Decepticons was then approached by the Hive, who sought to replicate the Headmaster process with them, but Cyclonus was able to bargain them down to taking only half the Decepticons' heads, offering up the weapons of the others as alternatives. Using Nebulan technology, the guns were engineered into a transforming exo-suits which were donned by five members of the Hive, creating the Targetmasters, giving their Transformer wielders ten times the accuracy and firepower.

The Decepticon Targetmasters overcame the Autobots and reclaimed the key to the Plasma Energy Chamber, but in the struggle, the Autobot Brainstorm was able to scan Cyclonus's partner, Nightstick, and that data was used to duplicate the Targetmaster process with the remaining Autobots and Nebulan rebels, creating the Autobot Targetmasters. Their power, however, was nothing in the face of the Decepticons' newest weapon, the super robot, Scorponok, who transported the Decepticon forces back to Cybertron, where their plans were foiled by Spike Witwicky and Fortress Maximus.


Although The Rebirth marked the end of the Transformers cartoon in the U.S., in Japan, a different direction was taken - ignoring the events of "The Rebirth", a brand new, exclusive 35-episode series, "Transformers: Headmasters", was produced to take its place, which introduced the Targetmasters towards its conclusion. Notably, in Japan, the 1986 characters were not re-released as Targetmasters - only the six new characters featured in Headmasters.

In the world of "Transformers: Headmasters", there are no Nebulons - the Headmasters themselves are simply small Transformers, who, having settled on the planet Master, learned to transform into heads and connect to lifeless larger bodies named Transtectors. It was to Master that the Decepticon forces returned after the Autobots forced them to flee Earth, and consequently, a ship was dispatched by the planet's inhabitants to alert the Earth-bound Autobots to the Decepticon invasion. At the same time, the youthful Autobot, Wheelie, had summoned three of his old superior officers - Pointblank (Blanker in Japan), Sureshot and Crosshairs - to Earth to aid in the clean-up operation currently going on, when Autobot Headmaster Chromedome accidentally activated one of the plasma bombs the Decepticons had left behind. Heading out into space so that the bomb might harmlessly explode out in the void, the Autobots then crossed paths with the approaching Master ship, which was being pursued by the Decepticon Sixshot and three new troops - Slugslinger, Misfire and Triggerhappy. As Pointblank and his men tangled with the Decepticons, the Master refugees offered their help by transporting away the plasma bombs, only to have the bombs detonate in the middle of the battlefield. Recovering from the explosion, Pointblank, Crosshairs and Sureshot discovered that the six Master refugees had been fused to their arms. Although Fortress was able to surgically remove them, a bond now existed between the larger Transformers and the Master refugees, who could now freely attach and detach to their wrists as guns. Unfortunately for these new Targetmasters, the same had happened to Slugslinger and his fellows. The Targetmasters joined up with Fortress's crew on the mission to Master, but quickly clashed with the Headmasters - Pointblank and his men were hard, experienced warriors who thought little of the Headmasters, and Pointblank spent a good deal of time attempting to soothe Chromedome's fiery temper to improve his battle ability.

Marvel Comics

Slugslinger and Caliburst first appeared in Transformers: Headmasters #4 when the Decepticons under Scorponok's leadership. With the Autobot Headmasters captured by their Decepticon counterparts, the Decepticons ran rampant over the planet Nebulos, a group of the remaining Autobots on the planet joined with a group of Nebulons branded as criminals by Nebulon's political leader, Lord Zarak - partner of the Decepticon, Scorponok - in order to protect the Nursery, Nebulos's primary agricultural research facility, against Decepticon attack. Through bio-mechanical engineering, the Nebulons were given the ability to transform into the guns of the Autobots, and, as Targetmasters, they fended the Decepticons off. Within several days, the Decepticons had duplicated the process with five of their own troops.

One of his most prominent actions during this period was to ambush the Autobot Headmasters in the Fortess of Despair alongside the other Decepticon Targetmasters. The Decepticons captured Highbrow, planning to use him to perfect their own Headmaster process. The plan failed when Highbrow forced Scorponok to flee. (Transformers UK 130-131)

After this, Slugslinger and the other Decepticons followed Maximus' group to Earth, where they soon wound up in battle with Ratbat's earthen faction, and later against the Earthen Autobots, where he was one of the aerial Decepticons that battled Swoop and the Aerialbots. He appeared less after this, aminly as one of Scorponok's troops, without any prominent actions. Slugslinger last appeared in Transformers #61.

Slugslinger had a "Transformers: Universe" profile published in the back of issue 60 if the U.S. Marvel Transformers series.

Dreamwave Productions

Slugslinger's only appearance in Dreamwave comics was in the third "War Within" series on ancient Cybertron where he was one of Starscream's Predacons.

Caliburst never appeared in the storyline of Dreamwave comics before the company closed, but he did get a one page biography with Slugslinger in their "More Than Meets The Eye" series.


*Generation 1 Slugslinger with Caliburst

Transformers: Energon

Transformers character
name =Slugslinger

caption =
affiliation =Decepticon
subgroup =Deluxe Vehicles
rank =4
function =
partner =
motto ="I rule the skies."
alternatemodes =Cybertronian duel-cockpit Jet Fighter
series =
engvoice =
japanvoice =
In the Transformers: Energon series, Slugslinger is also a Decepticon who transforms into a dual-cockpit jet, although his robot mode bears little resemblance to the that of the original.

Slugslinger is a cruel and vile Decepticon who specializes in high speed combat in the skies. He takes pleasure at starting trouble with his teammates. Because of his speed and firepower some consider him second only to Megatron in air-to-air combat.

Dreamwave Productions

This character did not appear in the cartoon series, but did appear in Dreamwave Comics Transformers: Energon series. He first appeared in Transformers: Energon #26, where he attacked the Omnicons alongside Mirage and Sharkticon in order to kidnap Kicker. However, they were eventually beaten by the powered up Omnicons.

He also appeared in the Dreawmave Summer Special. In the future, Megatron had retaken command of the Decepticons, and sent Snow Cat, Slugslinger and Sharkticon each on missions to steal copies of the plans for Omega Supreme from the Autobot's Ocean City. Each of the three attempted to break in - but each were defeated. Slugslinger attempted to get in via a waste disposal duct, but was flushed out by a tide of refuse.The three each made up stories as to their failure and Megatron appointed Slugslinger as his lieutenant as his lie was the most impressive.

He also appeared in Transformers: Energon Promotional Comic #3 where he was taken out by Omega Supreme.


Energon Slugslinger (2004):This toy was a Deluxe classi figure and a Hasbro exclusive for the Energon line.:Although neither Slugslinger appeared in the series, a remold of Energon Slugslinger, done as a homage to Generation 1 Autobot Devcon, was planned. The toy was to be a Botcon exclusive collectable, but was never developed past concept drawings.:Energon Slugslinger was remolded into Airazor.

hattered Glass

Transformers character
name =Slugslinger

caption =
affiliation =Decepticon
subgroup =
rank =
function =
partner =
motto =
alternatemodes =Jet
series =
engvoice =
japanvoice =
This Slugslinger is an alternate version good of the Generation 1 character from the BotCon exclusive "Shattered Glass" comic, in which the Decepticons are on the side of good and the Autobots on the side of evil. Presumably like all Decepticons of his world, he is heroic and opposed to the evil Autobots. This version of Slugslinger seems to be colored as a homage to the Generation 1 Crosshairs.

Fun Publications

Slugslinger appeared as a member of Megatron's forces in the "Shattered Glass" story.

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