

Sharkticons are fictional robots from the Transformers universe.

Transformers: Generation One (1986)

The ravenous Sharkticons, the most famous and deadly of the Quintessons' slaves, are rotund robots capable of transforming into ferocious amphibious creature modes. They would carry out the Quintessons' sentences, consuming victims dropped into their pit, and were also used for performing commando style raids and missions, though their limited intelligence meant that tasks entrusted to them were generally simple.

Movie and Animated series

Sharkticons first appeared in "" in 1986. They served as the executioners to wandering robots who crash land on Quintessa. However, one of their lunches was interrupted by Hot Rod, Kup and the Dinobots. Intimidated by Grimlock, he ordered the Sharkticons to execute the Quintessons, which they gladly did. The Sharkticons would frequently appear throughtout season three of the series as the Quintessons' henchmen. Their final appearance was in part one of the two part episode, "The Return of Optimus Prime," where they were shown to be infected by the Hate Plague. Sky Lynx had to rescue one of the Qunitessons from a pack of infected Sharkticons and remove him from the planet.

The Sharkticons were voiced by Jim Cummings and Frank Welker.


A Sharkticon toy was released under the name Gnaw that same year, nominally categorized as a Decepticon. Although the same as the numerous legions of Sharkticons seen in the movie, the Transformers toyline was not ready for characterizations of a toy as one of many (unlike a Cobra Viper figure in G.I. Joe representing an untold many). The character Gnaw appeared in Dreamwave's Transformers comic in 2004, as a companion of Wheelie. His origins, most likely those of a defected or reprogrammed Quintesson advance agent, were left up to speculation.

Transformers: Energon

Transformers character
name =Sharkticon

caption =Sharkticon toy
affiliation =Decepticon
subgroup =Deluxe vehicles
rank =6
function =Undersea Combat
partner =
motto ="If I don't grind you to shreds, I'll blast you to bits."
alternatemodes = Submarine
series =

engvoice =
japanvoice =
The name Sharkticon was given to an individual Decepticon in the toyline in 2004. He turned into a shark-shaped submarine with a color scheme similar to the Predacon, Sky-Byte. His bio indicated he was recruited by Scorponok for space recon, but quickly proved more useful in underwater combat, where his sadistic methods of destroying his enemies instill fear in even his fellow Decepticons, including Megatron.

Dreamwave Productions

Sharkticon appeared in the Dreamwave Productions' Transformers: Energon comics. He was one of the Terrorcons under Mirage's command who had been sent to retrieve Kicker. While Mirage and Slugslinger were sent to distract Kicker's protectors - the Omnicons - Sharkticon was to kidnap the human. However, Kicker was able to charge up the defeated Omnicons with raw Energon and the Terrorcons were forced to flee.

He also appeared in the Dreamwave Summer Special. In the future, Megatron had retaken command of the Decepticons, and sent Snow Cat, Slugslinger and Sharkticon each on missions to steal copies of the plans for Omega Supreme from the Autobot's Ocean City. Each of the three attempted to break in - but each were defeated. Sharkticon was nearly scrapped by the city's underwater defenses and was then defeated by Kicker and the Energon Saber Mini-Cons. The three each made up stories as to their failure and Megatron appointed Slugslinger as his lieutenant as his lie was the most impressive.

He also appeared in Transformers: Energon Promotional Comic #3 where he was taken out by Omega Supreme.


In 2005 Energon Sharkticon was repackaged in Transformers: Universe packaging, but the toy was unaltered from his Energon toy.

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