Fat Pig

Fat Pig

Infobox Play
name = Fat Pig

image_size =
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writer = Neil Labute
chorus =
characters = Helen
mute =
setting =
premiere =
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orig_lang = English
series =
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genre = Comedy
web = http://www.fatpigtheplay.co.uk
playbill =
ibdb_id =
iobdb_id =

"Fat Pig" is a play by Neil Labute, in which slim male office-worker Tom falls for an extremely overweight librarian Helen, but then has to deal with a plot hatched by his co-workers to sabotage the relationship. This play was one of the plays running at the Labute Festival, in a production starring both Jeremy Piven and Tyler Pierce as Tom, and Kate Debelack who played the role of Helen.

2008 London Production

Its United Kingdom premiere runs from 27 May 2008 at the Trafalgar Studios, London, with a cast including Ella Smith as Helen, Robert Webb as Tom, Kris Marshall as Carter and Joanna Page as Jeannie.

In August it was announced that both Marshall and Webb would be stepping down from their roles and be replaced by Kevin Bishop and Nicholas Burns, respectively. [cite web|last= Herbert|first= Rebecca|title= Bishop and Burns to take on Fat Pig roles|publisher= The Stage|date= 2008-08-11|url= http://www.thestage.co.uk/news/newsstory.php/21529/bishop-and-burns-to-take-on-fat-pig-roles|accessdate= 2008-08-29] Also announced later in the same month was that Page would be stepping down from her role and would be replaced by Kelly Brook in October 2008. [cite web|last= Fletcher|first= Alex|title= Kelly Brook to appear in 'Fat Pig'|publisher= Digital Spy|date= 2008-08-29|url= http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/showbiz/a127638/kelly-brook-to-appear-in-fat-pig.html|accessdate= 2008-08-29]

As of 11th September 2008, the play will be showing at the Comedy Theatre.


External links

* [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/01/09/AR2006010902033.html "Washington Post" Review of play]
* [http://www.curtainup.com/fatpig.html "CurtainUp" Review]
*cite news |first=Laura |last=Barnett |title=LaBute piles on the controversy |url=http://arts.guardian.co.uk/theatre/news/story/0,,2275541,00.html |work=The Guardian |date=23 April 2008 |accessdate=2008-04-23
*cite news |first=Neil |last=LaBute |title=Dead Lepers? Sounds like my kind of show. |url=http://arts.guardian.co.uk/theatre/drama/story/0,,2279598,00.html |work=The Guardian |date=13 May 2008 |accessdate=2008-05-13
* [http://www.theambassadors.com/tickets/london/trafalgarstudios/4601/fat-pig.html Fat Pig] at the "Trafalgar Studios"
* [http://usefulwiki.com/londontheatre/category/fat-pig London Theatre Breaks] Reviews and discussion of the London production.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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