- Watershed district
Watershed districts are special
government entities in theU.S. state ofMinnesota that monitor and regulate the use ofwater in watersheds surrounding variouslake s andriver s in the state. The districts cover the natural regions of the watersheds, rather than politically-defined regions. They are run by a board of managers, who are appointed by commissions in the counties the districts cover.The districts were first authorized by legislation in
1955 . There are now 46 districts in the state. District boards coordinate activities with the state, as well as the counties, cities, andsoil and water conservation district s they cover. In comparison with public bodies in other countries, Watershed Districts are most similar to theInternal Drainage Boards ofEngland andWales ,Waterschappen of theNetherlands and Consorzi di bonifica e irrigazione ofItaly .List of Watershed Districts in
Minnesota * [http://www.bassettcreekwmo.org/ Bassett Creek Watershed Management Commission]
* Bear Valley Watershed District
* Belle Creek Watershed District
* Bois de Sioux Watershed District
* Browns Creek [http://www.bcwd.org/ Watershed District]
* Buffalo Creek Watershed District
* Buffalo-Red River Watershed District
* [http://www.ramseyconservation.org/crwd/capitol.html Capitol Region Watershed District]
* Carnelian-Marine Watershed District
* Clearwater River [http://www.crwd.org/ Watershed District]
* [http://www.clflwd.org/ Comfort Lake Forest Lake Watershed District]
* Cooks Valley Watershed District
* Coon Creek Watershed District
* Cormorant Lakes Watershed District
* Crooked Creek Watershed District
* Heron Lake Watershed District
* High Island Creek Watershed District
* Joe River Watershed District
* Kanaranzi-Little Rock Watershed District
* Lac Qui Parle-Yellow Bank Watershed District
* LowerMinnesota River [http://www.watersheddistrict.org/index.html Watershed District]
* Middle-Snake-Tamarac Rivers Watershed District
*Minnehaha Creek [http://www.minnehahacreek.org/ Watershed District]
* [http://www.ninemilecreek.org Nine Mile Creek Watershed District]
* North Fork Crow River Watershed District
* Okabena-Ocheda Watershed District
* Pelican River Watershed District
* Prior Lake-Spring Lake [http://www.plslwd.org/ Watershed District]
* Ramsey- Washington Metro [http://www.rwmwd.org/ Watershed District]
* Red Lake [http://www.redlakewatershed.org/ Watershed District]
* Rice Creek [http://www.ricecreekwd.com/ Watershed District]
* Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek [http://www.rileypurgatorybluffcreek.org/ Watershed District]
* Roseau River Watershed District
* Sand Hill River Watershed District
* Sauk River Watershed District [http://www.srwdmn.org/]
* Shell Rock River Watershed District
* South Two River [http://www.southtworiverwd.com/ Watershed District]
* South Washington Watershed District
* Stockton-Rollingstone Watershed District
* Thirty Lakes [http://www.30lakes.org/ Watershed District]
* Turtle Creek Watershed District
* Two Rivers Watershed District
* UpperMinnesota River Watershed District
* Valley Branch [http://www.vbwd.org/ Watershed District]
* Warroad Watershed District
* Wild Rice Watershed District
* Yellow Medicine River Watershed DistrictExternal links
* [http://www.mnwatershed.org/ Minnesota Association of Watershed Districts]
* [http://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/stats/103D Enabling Legislation] -- Minnesota Statue 103D
* [http://www.bwsr.state.mn.us/ Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources]
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