- Ecosystem model
Ecosystem models, or ecological models, are mathematical representations of
ecosystem s. Typically they simplify complex foodwebs down to their major components ortrophic level s, and quantify these as either numbers oforganism s,biomass or theinventory /concentration of some pertinentchemical element (for instance,carbon or anutrient species such asnitrogen orphosphorus ).Overview
Ecosystem models are a development of
theoretical ecology that aim to characterise the major dynamics of ecosystems, both to synthesise the understanding of such systems and to allowprediction s of their behaviour (in general terms, or in response to particular changes).Because of the
complexity of ecosystems (in terms of numbers of species/ecological interactions), ecosystem models typically simplify the systems they are studying to a limited number of pragmatic components. These may be particular species of interest, or may be broad functional types such asautotroph s,heterotroph s orsaprotroph s. Inbiogeochemistry , ecosystem models usually include representations of non-living "resources" such as nutrients, which are consumed by (and may be depleted by) living components of the model.This simplification is driven by a number of factors:
* Ignorance: while understood in broad outline, the details of a particular foodweb may not be known; this applies both to identifying relevant species, and to thefunctional response s linking them (which are often extremely difficult to quantify)
* Computation: practical constraints on simulating large numbers of ecological elements; this is particularly true when ecosystem models are embedded within other models (such as physical models ofterrain orocean bodies, or idealised models such ascellular automata or coupled map lattices)
* Understanding: depending upon the nature of the study, complexity can confound the analysis of an ecosystem model; the more interacting components a model has, the less straightforward it is to extract and separate causes and consequences; this is compounded whenuncertainty about components obscures the accuracy of a simulationtructure
The process of simplification described above typically reduces an ecosystem to a small number of
state variable s. Depending upon the system under study, these may represent ecological components in terms of numbers of discrete individuals or quantify the component more continuously as a measure of the total biomass of all organisms of that type, often using a common model currency (e.g. mass of carbon per unit area/volume).The components are then linked together by mathematical functions that describe the nature of the relationships between them. For instance, in models which include predator-prey relationships, the two components are usually linked by some function that relates total prey captured to the populations of both predators and prey. Deriving these relationships is often extremely difficult given habitat heterogeneity, the details of component
behavioral ecology (including issues such asperception ,foraging behaviour), and the difficulties involved in unobtrusively studying these relationships under field conditions.Typically relationships are derived statistically or heuristically. For example, some standard functional forms describing these relationships are linear, quadratic, hyperbolic or sigmoid functions. The latter two are known in ecology as type II and type III responses, named by
C. S. Holling in early, groundbreaking work on predation inmammal s [Holling, C. S. (1959). The components of predation as revealed by a study of small mammal predation of the European Pine Sawfly. "Canadian Entomologist" 91, 293-320] . Both describe relationships in which a linkage between components saturates at some maximum rate (e.g. above a certain concentration of prey organisms, predators cannot catch any more per unit time). Some ecological interactions are derived explicitly from the biochemical processes that underlie them; for instance, nutrient processing by an organism may saturate because of either a limited number ofbinding site s on the organism's exterior surface or the rate ofdiffusion of nutrient across theboundary layer surrounding the organism (see alsoMichaelis-Menten kinetics ).After establishing the components to be modelled and the relationships between them, another important factor in ecosystem model structure is the representation of
space used. Historically, models have often ignored the confounding issue of space, utilising zero-dimensional approaches, such asordinary differential equation s. With increases in computational power, models which incorporate space are increasingly used (e.g.partial differential equation s, cellular automata). This inclusion of space permits dynamics not present in non-spatial frameworks, and illuminates processes that lead topattern formation in ecological systems.Examples
One of the earliest [Earlier work on
smallpox byDaniel Bernoulli and humanoverpopulation byThomas Malthus predates that of Lotka and Volterra, but is not strictly ecological in nature] , and most well-known, ecological models is the predator-prey model ofAlfred J. Lotka (1925) [Lotka, A. J. (1925). "The Elements of Physical Biology", Williams & Williams Co., Baltimore, USA] andVito Volterra (1926) [Volterra, V. (1926). Fluctuations in the abundance of a species considered mathematically. "Nature" 118, 558-560] . This model takes the form of a pair ofordinary differential equation s, one representing a preyspecies , the other its predator.: :
Volterra originally devised the model to explain fluctuations in
fish andshark populations observed in theAdriatic Sea after theFirst World War (when fishing was curtailed). However, the equations have subsequently been applied more generally [Begon, M., Harper, J. L. and Townsend, C. R. (1988). "", Blackwell Scientific Publications Inc., Oxford, UK] . Although simple, they illustrate some of the salient features of ecological models: modelled biologicalpopulation s experience growth, interact with other populations (as either predators, prey or competitors) and suffer mortality.References
ee also
Compartmental models in epidemiology
*Gordon Arthur Riley
*Land Surface Model (LSM version 1.0)
*Liebig's law of the minimum
*Mathematical biology
*Population dynamics
*Population ecology
*Rapoport's rule
*Scientific modelling
*System dynamics External links
* [http://www.metoffice.com/research/hadleycentre/models/carbon_cycle/models_terrest.html TRIFFID] , an ecosystem model of terrestrial
vegetation (used by the UKMet Office )
* [http://www.metoffice.com/research/hadleycentre/models/carbon_cycle/models_ocean.html HadOCC] , an ecosystem model of theoceanic plankton (used by the UKMet Office )
* [http://fishbox.iugo-cafe.org/view.php?id=693 LAMBDA] is a MatLab toolkit for estimating multivariate autoregressive models for a multi-species community from time-series data.
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