Erysimum nevadense

Erysimum nevadense

name = E. nevadense

image_caption = "Erysimum nevadense"
regnum = Plantae
unranked_divisio = Angiosperms
unranked_classis = Eudicots
unranked_ordo = Rosids
ordo = Brassicales
familia = Brassicaceae
genus = "Erysimum"
binomial = "Erysimum nevadense"
binomial_authority = (Reut., 1855)|

"Erysimum nevadense" is a perennial short-lived herb endemic to the Sierra Nevada of Spain, although there are some citations in the nearby Sierra de Gádor (Almería). This wallflower is located between 1,700–2,700 m above sea level inhabiting subalpine scrublands and alpine meadows. This species belongs to the "nevadense" complex species, together with five more Iberian species ("Erysimum mediohispanicum", "Erysimum gomezcampoi", "Erysimum ruscinonense", "Erysimum rondae", "Erysimum mexmuelleri").

Life cycle and morphology

This species is polycarpic, reproducing more than once during its life. During reproduction, it produces many yellow flowers arranged in several flowering stalks. Plant are shorts, below 50 cm height in general.

Pollination biology

Flowers are visited by many species of insects belonging to the order Hymenoptera, Diptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and Heteroptera. Most abundant flower visitors are "Proformica longiseta" (Formicidae), an ant species endemic to the Sierra Nevada and surrounding mountain ranges, "Dasytes subaeneus" (Melyridae), "Malachius laticollis" (Malachidae) and some species of beeflies belonging to the genus "Bombylius" and "Parageron" (Bombyliidae).

External links

* [ evoflor] a web page on Erysimum floral evolution
* [ Flora Ibérica]
* [ Flora of Almería]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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