ACiD Productions

ACiD Productions

Infobox computer underground
group_name = ACiD Productions
caption =
years_active = 1990–present
origin =
country = United States
category = ANSI art/tracking/demo
founders = RaD Man
Shadow Demon
The Beholder
products = ACiD View
ACiD Radio
affiliate = Remorse ASCII
website =

ACiD Productions (ACiD) is an underground digital art group. Founded in 1990, the group originally specialized in ANSI artwork for BBSes. More recently, they have extended their reach into other graphical media and computer software development.


ACiD Productions was founded in 1990 as ANSI Creators in Demand by five members: RaD Man, Shadow Demon, Grimm, The Beholder, and Phantom. Their work originally concentrated in ANSI and ASCII art, but the group later branched out into other artistic media such as music tracking, demo coding, and multimedia software development (e.g. image viewers).

In the mid-1990s, ACiD created subsidiary groups responsible for these broader areas. For example, Remorse is the official ACiD sub-label responsible for ASCII art and other text-based graphics. Similarly, pHluid is responsible for module tracking and music production.

Today, ACiD focuses largely on the preservation of digital art history, talk radio news, and sale of their DVD-based artscene archives.


ACiD has produced a variety of well-received works and services. An incomplete list follows:


* " [ Out of Sight, Out of Mind] "

Image viewers

*ACiD View

Image editors


Metadata protocols and binary0

* XBin

Music disks


Disk magazines

*"The Product"
*"Lancelot II"

Radio programming

*The ARTS (news/talk radio)
*pHluid Radio (music)
*ACiD Radio (music)

ee also

*ANSI art
*ASCII art
*List of text editors (ASCII art section)

External links

* [ ACiD Productions] (Official site)
* [ All-time memberlist] (1990-2003)
* [ Dark Domain] The ACiD Artpacks Archive on DVD (ISBN 0-9746537-0-5)
* [ The ARTS] ACiD's Artscene Radio Talk Show

;ACiD tools downloads
* [ ACiDDraw for DOS] download page at
* [ ACiD View for Windows] An image viewer for Microsoft Windows which supports several formats, including ANSI art and ANSI animation; includes source code; compatible with Windows 9X

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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