

A "cathedra" (Latin, "chair", from Greek, "kathedra", "seat") is the chair or throne of a bishop. It is a symbol of the bishop's teaching authority in the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church, and has in some sense remained such in the Anglican Communion and in Lutheran churches. "Cathedra" is the Latin word for a chair with armrests; its Roman connotations of authority reserved for the Emperor were adopted by bishops after the 4th century. In this sense, it is sometimes referred to as a "bishop's throne." A church into which a bishop's official "cathedra" is installed is called a cathedral or co-cathedral — the seat of a particular church called a diocese.

Cathedra Petri

The definitive example of a "cathedra" is that encased within the "Triumph of the cathedra Petri" designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini in 1657 and completed and installed in 1666. As early as the 8th century, an ancient wooden chair overlaid with ivory plaques depicting the Labors of Hercules and some of the signs of the Zodiac was venerated as the episcopal chair of St. Peter himself. In fact, it is a Byzantine throne enframing fragments of acacia wood encased in the oak carcass and reinforced with iron bands. Several rings facilitated its transportation during processions. Pope Alexander VII commissioned Bernini to build a sumptuous monument which would present this relic in a truly triumphant manner. Bernini's gilded bronze throne, richly ornamented with bas-reliefs encloses the relic. On January 17, 1666 it was solemnly set above the altar of Saint Peter's Basilica in Vatican City. Four over-lifesized sculptures of Doctors of the Church form an honor guard: St. Ambrose, St. Athanasius (left); and St. John Chrysostom, and St. Augustine (right).

Celebrated on 22 February in accordance with the calendar of saints, the Feast of Cathedra Petri honors the founding of the church in Rome and gives thanks for the work of Saint Peter.

Chair of St. Augustine

The Chair of St. Augustine represents one of the most ancient extant cathedrae in use. Named for the first Archbishop of Canterbury, St. Augustine of Canterbury, it is made of Purbeck Marble or Bethesda marble and dates to sometime between the 6th and 12th centuries. Those who argue for an older date suggest that it may have been used to crown the kings of Kent. Canterbury Cathedral, in which the cathedra is housed, maintains that the chair was once part of the furnishings of the shrine of St. Thomas Becket, since dismantled [] . Since antiquity, it has always a place in the triple enthronement of an Archbishop of Canterbury. He is seated on the throne in the quire as Diocesan Bishop, in the chapter house as titular abbot, and in St. Augustine's chair as Primate of All England. This is the only occasion in which the cathedra is used. A second one is used for other occasions in which the archbishop is present.

Ex cathedra

The term "ex cathedra", meaning "from the throne", is used to designate official pronouncements of the pope when he teaches the whole world. As a throne or armchair symbolizes the power to teach, the "cathedra" in this case refers to the teaching authority over the whole church rather than to an actual chair. According to Roman Catholic dogma, the pope's statements "ex cathedra" are infallible. In Anglican episcopal governance, episcopal teaching is conditioned by synodical governance, and so bishops cannot be said to speak "ex cathedra" in this way - although they may jocularly be said to do so.


The traditional position of the cathedra was in the apse, behind the high altar, which had been the position of the magistrate in the apse of the Roman basilica which provided the model type—and sometimes the actual structures—for early Christian basilicas. In the Middle Ages, as altars came to be placed against the wall of the apse, the practice of placing the cathedra to one side (mostly left) became standard.

Western Churches

In the Roman Catholic Church since the Second Vatican Council, the altar is often free-standing and faces the people, so that, according to its advocates, priest and people pray in a mutual dialogue around "the table of the Lord"; in cathedrals built or renovated after the reforms of Vatican II, the cathedra is often placed behind the altar, as in ancient Roman basilicas.

In Anglican practice, the cathedra tends to be placed to one side in the quire, although in more contemporary practice, it is commonly placed on the gospel side of the chancel (ie., to the left of the altar, as one looks at it from the front).

Eastern Churches

Eastern Orthodox cathedrals will have a throne for the bishop in the apse behind the Holy Table (altar), with seats for the priests arranged to either side of him. This location is referred to as the "High Place" and represents the presence of Christ presiding over the services, even when the bishop is not present. For this reason, the High Place often has an icon of Christ placed above the bishop's throne. The bishop will only ascend the High Place during the Divine Liturgy, at the Trisagion (at other times, if he sits in the sanctuary, a seat will be prepared for him off to the side). For this reason, the Consecration of a bishop takes place at the Trisagion, so that he may ascend the High Place for the first time as a bishop during the Liturgy at which he is Consecrated.

There will be another throne for the bishop in the nave of the church:

*In the Greek practice, this will normally be located along the southern wall of the church, on the kliros. In this style, it is one of the monastic choir stalls ("kathismata"), only more elaborately carved, usually at the top of three steps, and with a canopy above it. During the Divine Liturgy, the deacon will ascend this throne to read the Gospel, facing west.

*In the Russian practice, the "kafedra" is a large square platform set in the very center of the nave, with a removeable chair or faldstool placed on it. This arrangement is a remnant of the ancient bemah (Greek: "amvon"), borrowed from the Jewish synagogue, which stood in the center of the church in ancient times. Sometimes, during the Liturgy, the deacon will stand on this platform, facing east, to read the Gospel.

An "orlets", or "eagle rug" will usually be placed at both the High Place and the throne in the nave. The orletz also symbolized the bishop's authority, and he stands on it during services, even if he is not celebrating. An orletz is usually kept permanently on the Russian "kafefra", even when the chair is removed.

Although an Hegumen (Abbot) does not have a cathedral, he may have a similar chair, likewise symbolic of his authority, reserved for him on the kliros of his monastery. The Hegumen's "kathisma" would be simpler than the one for the bishop, sometimes raised atop two steps, located to the side of the bishop's throne.

ee also

*Episcopal see
*List of cathedrals
*List of the bishops of the Church of England in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales
*List of the dioceses of the Church of England
*List of the dioceses of the Church of Ireland
*List of the Episcopal dioceses of the United States
*List of the Roman Catholic bishops of the United States
*List of the Roman Catholic cathedrals of the United States
*List of the Roman Catholic dioceses of the United States


* [ Catholic Encyclopedia Article on Cathedra]
* [ Catholic Encyclopedia Article on Cathedra Petri]

External links

* [ Cathedra Petri in St Peter's Basilica]
* [ bishop seated at the High Place]
* [ bishop seated on kathedra]
* [ Greek Bishop on throne in the kliros] (Church of the Holy Sepulchre)
* [ Orthodox Patriarch standing at "kafedra"] in center of Christ the Saviour Cathedral, Moscow
* [ Patriarch sitting at "kafedra"]
* [ Patriarch sitting at High Place]

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  • Cathedra — • Three uses of the word are detailed Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Cathedra     Cathedra     † …   Catholic encyclopedia

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  • Cathedra — Cath e*dra, n. [L., fr. Gr. ? seat. See {Chair}.] The official chair or throne of a bishop, or of any person in high authority. [1913 Webster] {Ex cathedra} [L., from the chair], in the exercise of one s office; with authority. [1913 Webster] The …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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