

A bimah (among Ashkenazim, derived from Greek polytonic|βῆμα), almemar (from Arabic "al-minbar") or tebah (among Sephardim) is the elevated area or platform in a Jewish synagogue which is intended to serve the place where the person reading aloud from the Torah stands during the Torah reading service. The "bimah" is sometimes misdescribed asaltar or tower. The "bimah" was located in the center of the synagogue most likely just as the temporary wooden "bimah" (this is the origin of the term) was central to the "women's courtyard" of the Temple in Jerusalem during the Hakhel ceremony. [Talmud Tractate Sotah 7:8] While the original meaning of the word referred to the platform, the table from which the Torah scroll is read can also be referred to as the bimah, even when it is not on a platform. This later became a sign of the Orthodox synagogue in the mid-nineteenth century. The Reform (Neolog) temples moved the "bimah" to the front of the temple facing the congregation. One of the well-known decrees of the Chatam Sofer was that the "bimah" must remain in the center of an Orthodox synagogue.

The "bimah" is typically elevated by two or three steps, as was the "bimah" in the Temple. At the celebration of the Shavuot holiday when synagogues are decorated with flowers, many synagogues have special arches that they place over the "bimah" and adorn with floral displays. The importance of the "bimah" is to show that the reader is the most important at that moment in time, and to make it easier to hear their reader of the Torah. A raised bimah will typically have a railing. This was a religious requirement for safety in bimah more than 10 handbreaths high. (Somewhere between 33 and 50 inches) A lower bimah (even one step) will typically have a railing as a practical measure to prevent someone from inadvertently stepping off.



ee also

*Ark (synagogue)

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  • BIMAH — (Heb. בִּימָה; elevated place ), platform in the synagogue on which stands the desk from which the Torah is read. Occasionally, the rabbi delivers his sermon from the bimah, and on Rosh Ha Shanah the shofar is blown there. In Sephardi synagogues …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Bimah —   [hebräisch »Bühne«, »Podium«] die, / s, Almemor …   Universal-Lexikon

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  • bimah — /bee meuh, bim euh, bee mah /, n. a platform in a synagogue holding the reading table used when chanting or reading portions of the Torah and the Prophets. Also, bema, bima. Also called almemar. [( < Yiddish bime) < Heb bimah < Gk bêma BEMA] * *… …   Universalium

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  • bimah — noun The elevated platform in a Jewish synagogue from which the Torah is read. Syn: almemar, tebah …   Wiktionary

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