Piotr Sobociński

Piotr Sobociński

Piotr Sobociński (1958-02-03, Łódź2001-03-26, Vancouver) was one of the most respected cinematographers ever to come from Poland, picking up where his father, Witold Sobociński, left off. As a youngster, he felt lead to follow in his fathers footsteps. He studied at the Polish National film school and earned his degrees in 1987.

Sobociński won his first award (The Silver Frog Award) in 1994 for his rendering images in "Red". The next year he won the Golden Frog award for "The Seventh Room".

His career was hitting a peak in the mid-1990s when he was asked by Ron Howard to work on the film "Ransom" starring Mel Gibson and Rene Russo. He went on to work on more big movies and his career looked like it was going to go on for a long time. However, while filming "Trapped" (aka "24 Hours") in 2001, he suffered a massive heart attack and died.

He was survived by his wife, two sons, a daughter and his father Witold, who is retired from the film business.

On himself


*"Trapped" (aka "24 Hours") (2001)
*"Angel Eyes" (2001)
*"Hearts In Atlantis" (2001)
*"Twilight" (1998)
*"Ransom" (1996)
*"Marvin's Room" (1996)
*"La Settima Stanza" (1995)
*"Red" (1994)
*"Lawa" (1989)
*"Pension Sonnenschein" (1989)
*"The Decalogue" (1988)
*"Zjoek" (1987)
*"Magnet" (1987)

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