

QF-Test (the successor of qftestJUI, available since 2000) from Quality First Software is a professional cross-platform software tool for automating tests of Java applications with a graphical user interface (GUI). It enables regression and load testing and runs on Windows and all major Unix systems. Its commercial application is primarily performed by testers and developers in the field of Quality Assurance. Since May 2008 a beta version of a QF-Test webtest add-on is available which allows for test automation browser-based GUIs in addition to Java.

QF-Test and qftestJUI support complex dynamic structures like trees and tables, offer reliable component recognition and intuitive user interfaces. The capture/replay function enables quick testing success for beginners, while modularization allows for creating even very large test suites in a concise arrangement. For the advanced user, who requires even more control over his application, the tool offers access to internal program structures through Jython, the Java implementation of the popular Python language.Both versions also offer a batch mode, thus the tool can be integrated effortlessly into existing test management or build/test frameworks like Ant or Maven.

While qftestJUI supported the testing of Java Swing only, QF-Test additionally supports testing of Eclipse/SWT based applications as well as a combination of both. In addition to the features already integrated in qftestJUI, QF-Test offers integrated pragmatic small-scale test management support (including new kinds of reports) and a fully automated dependency management that takes care of pre- and postconditions and helps isolating test-cases. Data-driven testing without the need for scripting, a greatly improved test debugger (enabling arbitrary stepping and editing variables at runtime) and support for drag-and-drop were also included. The current QF-Test version 2.2 (as at December 2007) requires Java version 1.4 or higher for itself and Java version 1.3 or higher for the system under test. For readers interested in this software, a free and fully functional evaluation copy is available at the [http://www.qfs.de/en/qftest/download.html download site of the QFS homepage] . It contains some documentation like a tutorial, a manual and a context-sensitive help function.

ee also

*List of GUI testing tools
*Test automation

External links / References

* [http://www.qfs.de/en/index.html Quality First Software homepage]
* [http://www.web2test.de/ web2test] - Derivate of QF-Test for automated testing of web-based applications, web pages and portals

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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