Luzon Bleeding-heart

Luzon Bleeding-heart

name = Luzon Bleeding-Heart Pigeon

image_width = 200px
status = NT | status_system = IUCN3.1
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Aves
ordo = Columbiformes
familia = Columbidae
genus = "Gallicolumba"
species = "G. luzonica"
binomial = "Gallicolumba luzonica"
binomial_authority = (Scopoli, 1786)

The Luzon Bleeding-heart ("Gallicolumba luzonica") is one of a number of species of ground dove in the genus "Gallicolumba" that are called "bleeding-hearts". They get this name from a splash of vivid red colour at the centre of their white breasts. The Luzon Bleeding-heart is the species in which this feature is most pronounced, and on first sight it is hard to believe that the bird has not recently been wounded. This is also partially due to a reddish hue extending down the belly, providing the illusion of blood having run down the bird's front.

On its upper surfaces, the Luzon Bleeding-heart is slate grey in colour, but because it is iridescent, it can appear to be purple, royal blue, or bottle-green, and the apparent colour varies with lighting conditions. The belly and under wing areas are buff or chestnut. As in most pigeons, there is little sexual dimorphism; males tend to be larger and have a more pronounced red patch, and some authorities claim that the female has a purplish iris, though others dispute this. Body shape is typical of the genus, with a round body, a short tail and long legs.

The species is endemic to the central and southern parts of the large island of Luzon, and the neighbouring small Polillo Islands, in the Philippines. It lives in primary or secondary forest, and can be found at altitudes varying from sea level up to 1400 metres. They eat seeds, berries and grubs. They are shy and secretive, and very quiet, and rarely leave the ground except when nesting. Unlike the other bleeding-hearts, they usually lay two eggs in each clutch.

Although not formally regarded as endangered, the Luzon Bleeding-heart is under some threat, since it is commonly trapped. Local people use it for meat, but its striking appearance means that there is also a market for it in the pet trade. A captive breeding project has been started in Australia.

The Luzon Bleeding-heart was featured on a Philippine 2-peso postage stamp in 1994.


* Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is near threatened

External links

* [ Detailed account by a fancier who has kept the species in captivity]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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